
The CEO'S Rental girlfriend: can't help falling for you

“Can I trust that your feelings won't impact this?” he asked, staring at her with a menacing intensity. “I'm here for the job. You require someone to play a role, and I simply need payment. This is strictly a business deal. Let's both wear our brightest smiles," she replied, maintaining a serene expression not flinching a bit at the intensity of his stare. *** “What if a client develops feelings for you?” he inquired. Venessa's heart skipped a beat at his words but she was still able to maintain her composure. “My job forbids it, as long as I'm bound by the contract,” she murmured, just audible enough for him to hear. *** Vanessa, an ordinary college student, lands a job at an escort rental agency after losing her previous one in an unfortunate incident. There, she encounters Jayden, a successful CEO seeking a rental girlfriend who won't fall for him, as he's still enamoured with his celebrity partner. However, despite his intentions, Jayden ends up falling in love first because he can't help but fall for her charms. As their professional arrangement becomes increasingly complicated, both must grapple with their growing feelings and the boundaries of their business relationship. Will Jayden accept his newfound emotions, and will Venessa remain strictly professional or succumb to love? *** This book has a little element of fantasy as the male lead comes from a secret clan of immortals. Seat back a enjoy how mysteries are unravelled and our Ml and Fl fall in love.

jodiekesh27 · Urban
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Dramatic Roommate

Vanessa was woken up the next morning by an abrupt loud simultaneous knocking on the door and a ringing sound of the doorbell. Who the hell is the person who wants to wake up the entire neighbourhood? As if ringing the alarm wasn't enough, the person was also knocking like the person wanted to push the door down. It is just 6:30 am, and who is acting so uncultured? Vanessa had no intention to leave her bed, so she used her pillow to cover her head to block out the sound.

The person seemed to realize that Vanessa had no intention of opening the door and then called out from outside. " Vee, it is me please can you open the door," Vanessa heard the inaudible voice from outside and pulled down her pillow to hear what the person was saying more audibly. After discovering it was her annoying roommate who made her night horrible yesterday by failing to pay the water bill and stocking up on supplies.

Just remembering how she had to sleep with an empty stomach left an awful taste in her mouth. Because of that, she decided to leave Cynthia outside, if Cynthia liked she should wake the entire neighborhood Vanessa didn't care. That is what she gets for making her feel so frustrated yesterday.

" Vee I know you are upset, but I apologize for not paying the water bill and going to the market as promised, but I just got everything we needed this early morning and paid the bill. Something important came up yesterday when I was in school. So I wasn't able to do what I promised." Cynthia's voice softly echoed from behind the door.

Vanessa started wondering if she should forgive Cynthia or leave her outside for at least 15 minutes. It should be cold since the sun isn't out yet. " Please have mercy, I am exhausted from everything I went through yesterday. I know you have every right to be mad, but please can you open the door? Claris our neighbour upstairs, is already giving me the eye." Cynthia's soft voice continued pleading.

" If you want me to cry, I will..," Cynthia was cut halfway in her statement because of the abrupt sound of the door being pulled open. Vanessa stood at the doorway, where she could see Clarís from her window. ' Guess Cynthia did wake up the entire neighbourhood.' she thought.

" Thanks, Vee, oh my God what's that smell? You smell like shit!", Cynthia exclaimed when she saw Vanessa using her hands to cover her nose. The pungent smell of rotten food was coming from her. 

Vanessa was irked by Cynthia's statement and glared at her before she growled, " How many times did I tell you to stop calling me vee, my name is Vanessa. You know what, it is also part of your fault I smell like this." Vanessa said before walking out at Cynthia at the door. This roommate of hers was annoying.

Cynthia, who saw how Vanessa left her behind at the door without giving her a hand to carry any of the bags, was initially confused. ' I didn't say anything repulsive did I. Vee is always too short-tempered it is a miracle we have stayed this long together.' She thought, failing to realize what she said or did wrong.

" Vee! Please don't be offended by anything I said, please can you give me a hand? My lovely roommate. They are so heavy, and I am so exhausted." Cynthia called out, faking an exhausted expression. She still ignored Vanessa's warning about calling her Vee. Cynthia was always carefree and too lazy to call her close acquaintances by their full names except when she was angry.

Vanessa was still mad at Cynthia and decided to continue ignoring her. Cynthia saw Vanessa who went to sit on her bed and plugged her ears with her earphones, clearly indicating she would rather not help her. To see that she was on her own, she carried the bags to the kitchen counter multiple times, exaggerating her actions to get Vanessa's attention, who continued to ignore her.

Vanessa even closes her eyes, pretending to be deeply immersed in her music. After Cynthia was done packing everything, she closed the door and waited for Vanessa to open her eyes before she started pretending she was winded from doing a strenuous exercise, panting seriously with one of her hands on her heaving chest and the other by her waist. Vanessa could immediately see through her roommate's act and couldn't help but chuckle. Cynthia was such a drama queen, that's why she enjoys having her around sometimes, not every time because Cynthia can also be so annoying.

The moment she pulled down her earphones, Cynthia immediately knelt down and dramatically asked for her forgiveness. " Mi lady, please can you find a place in your large heart to have mercy on your loyal ally?" Cynthia had a cute puppy dog's eyes. Venessa finally cracked up then Cynthia joined her, they both laughed heartily. " Alright my loyal Ally, I would forgive eventually but not now." Vanessa Chimed.

" Why not now," Cynthia mumbled as she pouted her pink lips. Vanessa was amazed by Cynthia's drastic change in reaction. Cynthia had a talent for performing acts, not business management and analysis she was studying in college. " Because I have been through a lot last night. I even lost my job." Vanessa's exhausted voice sighed before she stood up to head to the bathroom to take her long overdue shower.

" Seriously, you lost your job. What happened, what are you going to do about it." Cynthia stuttered as she was shocked at the unpleasant development. She knew how much Vanessa relied on her job.

" I would tell you the completed details after I am done showering, I smell like garbage, you said it yourself. It is a long story." Vanessa's muffled voice could be heard from behind the bathroom door.

Vanessa pulled off her nightie and dumped it in the laundry basket because it smelled like trash. Her long golden blond hair cascaded on her back. Her hair was long, a little below her waist, as her mother never allowed her to cut it because of how beautiful it was. When she was little, her parents used to praise her for her looks and intellect, always getting little presents even when it wasn't her birthday. They were the best parents she could wish for. She still misses them every day.

Vanessa was woken from her reverie thoughts and memories by the pungent smell of her hair, which her mother loved so much. Then went under the shower, turned on the numb and let the warm water cascade on her first before she started using shampoo, conditioners and other cost-effective hair care products. She had to thoroughly wash her hair. When she's done with her hair she uses her shower gel (liquid soap) to wash her body with a glove sponge. She made sure to scrub thoroughly as she could still feel the scalding and stinking sensation when the soup was poured on her. She was happy that she didn't get any burnt injuries.

After taking a long shower to make sure she was sparkling clean, she left the bathroom only to be reminded she hadn't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon by the growling sounds of her stomach. Still tying a towel, she searched through the bags Cynthia brought for some cereals and milk. She needed to eat something fast. After finding the cereal, she immediately made herself a big bowl. When she took the first spoon, she could feel her stomach twisting since she was very hungry, but after taking more spoons the twisting pain stopped, and she could then enjoy her cereal.

Cynthia waited patiently for Vanessa to finish eating before she asked" About you losing your job, what happened?" She was dying of curiosity to get the full details. The smile Vanessa had on her face after eating immediately disappeared just at the thought of remembering her unpleasant encounter yesterday, but she had no choice but to recall what happened to her roommate. People do say a problem shared is a problem half solved.

After Cynthia heard the entire gist of the incident, she cringed at the awful lady Vanessa encountered. Vanessa had a lot of unpleasant encounters while working at that restaurant which Vanessa told her of before, but this was the peak of it all. How can someone be so unreasonable and her employers just fired Vanessa like that they didn't even allow her to use the employee's shower to clean up before leaving. Her poor Vee had gone through a lot. If she knew something like this would happen, she would have tried her best to pay the bills she was meant to yesterday.

" That's awful. I don't know any job openings for students, if not, I would have referred you. I would still ask around for anything useful." Cynthia offered, to try to comfort Vanessa. " Sure, I'll explore later on after work. Though I doubt I might see any, considering my new reputation." Vanessa mumbled then added," Well I have to get ready for school. I have a 9 am class this morning."