
The Little Miss

While in line my secretary shifts one foot. Then another. With a deep sigh I addressed her.

"You may use the lady's room, I'm not inept enough to not comprehend a luggage terminal."

The woman smiled brightly, nodded her head, and walked away. I briefly smile back dismissively.

Once she melded into the crowd, I push forward to snatch my black cases. Once they're in my hands, I rush through the crowd to meet my assistant. He gave me a thumbs up at my effort, to which I shake my head.

It's too loud for significant verbal communication in a airport.

Suddenly my secretary runs up in sheer panic, not noticing how loud it'd become. After a failed attempt to yell, she shook my arm in horror. With no response on my end, she tugged my arm, and I followed in stupor.

What the hell is going on?

I'm led to the side in a quieter location. Quiet enough to hear a young woman sob profusely through gasps. I was tempted to call for help, and confused why I was brought here.

"Mr. Cheng, I believe she doesn't understand Chinese. She's unwell and I would rather she not be questioned in a strange country like this. If I may be so bold, she reminds me of my little Ming. As a mother, I'd hate to see her suffer."

With a deep breath, I nod my head. I consider her as a relative, being the previous head's secretary. She even watched me when I was a boy.

Finally giving the foreign girl my attention, I notice her staring at papers scattered on the floor. As I gather them I notice the elegant pencil sketches and watercolors. Each one was charming in its own way. I follow the path to her.

"Do you have a place to stay?"

She cutely scrunches her eyebrows together, then nods her head.

My mind now absorbed by her, I barely notice passing off the bag and picking up the little miss. She stared at me through crystal clear green eyes, surrounded by black ashy eyelashes. Freckles boldly coat her small nose.

I'm barely allowed that glance as she shoves her face in my chest. Her heart races until her body becomes limp.

Something about her caught my eye and snagged my heart.

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