
Family debate

"Why should I? Why not just the second sister or first sister?

Adara Aurelia Kurnia, glared. Fine veins arise on her white face. In an angry look on his face looked red.

"Your first sister already has a boyfriend and will get married soon. While your second sister is still in college. Mother beg you, just give in this once," pleaded Hanindya.

"No," said Adara. She shook her head slowly. Her eyes turned red, the corner of her eyes began to get wet, "i was only seventeen years old. Just a high school wasn't ready yet. Besides, i did not want to marry someone who did not know," said the young girl with long hair.

Hanindya looked at her third child hopefully, "If not you, we can hope for who else?"

"Help us for this time, please," added Hartanto the father.

Adara's eyes heat up. Her gaze began to blur because glass crystals began to be unstoppable. A drop of clear water fell through her cheeks, "I doesn't want to, mom."

Adara moved from the outdated sofa in color she occupied. Stepping quickly to his bedroom.

"Adara ...."

Hanindya could only stare at the back of her third child who was getting further away. Adara's shoulder trembled.


The sound of the door slammed loudly. Adara's body was invisible at the door of the room.

"How now, Honey?"

"I don't know, Darling. I am is also confused what should we do?"

"Can we just borrow money from the bank, Darling?"

"What do we want to guarantee? We have searched for this house certificate at the bank. The only motorbike that we have also has not been paid for a long time. If only our rice fields and ponds have not failed to harvest, we can certainly pay the debts! "

Hartanto breathed heavily and slowly. Rely on the sofa bearing. His eyes imply cunning.


"What is that, Honey?" Hartanto and Hanindya looked at each other.

"It is voice is from Almira's room, Darling."

Both of them rushed to get up from the sofa. Walk quickly through the hallway to his first child's room. Hartanto immediately knocked several times. No answer. The door immediately opened, "Almira what's up?"

Their first child was sitting on the edge of the bed. Broken glass, pillows and bolsters scattered on the floor and even bed sheets dangling to the floor are neatly arranged as usual.

"What's wrong with you my daughter?" Hanindya immediately approached. Constraining the hair that covered Almira's beautiful face. The tears wet her cheeks.

"What is this?" Hartanto raised his tone of seeing the whole bedroom of his daughter who was like a broken ship.

"Hei, what's wrong, Sis?" Adara Aurelia who heard the sound of a broken object came out of her room.

"Alex, Mom ..."

"What's wrong with Alex?" Hanindya frowned at Almira's face.

"He wants to leave me," Almira groaned in a choked voice. Clear water packed the river down her beautiful cheeks.

Alex is Almira's boyfriend, they have date since three years ago. The son of a rich village head. Hanindya also Hartanto has received many benefits so far. Alex is very royal, likes to buy food as well as luxury items to them.

"Don't! You have to defend him, besides being handsome your future will be guaranteed later. Sprinkled him, use all means." Hanindya advised her daughter. She hugged and stroked Almira's hair gently.

In Hanindya's arms, Almira glanced at Adara. The plan is successful! She did not need to bother looking for reasons for refusing if she had to be married by his parents.

"You see your sister, she already has a boyriend. Her boyfriend is a rich village head, also royal to our family. Why don't you budge and obey to marry your father's friend?"

Adara was silent. She couldnt reasoned with her parents. Since they were childrend, her parents always picked side. Adara was always the one to blame, even though she didnt do anything wrong.

"But …."

"But what? If you dont help this family, the bank will take this house and we will be evicted. Just agree and assume you help yourself."

Adara shook her head repeatedly, her lips trembled, "No."

"Don't cry Adara, who knows, by marrying your father's friend's child, your life is getting better." Almira joined in advising her sister.

The oldest child of this family grinned with satisfaction. The strategy was successful. With the drama broken glass, her father and mother were more sympathetic and defending him. She did not need to bother, looking reasons for rejecting an arranged marriage.

'Eat that, mental disabled decay!' Almira thought again.

She has heard about the man who will be arranged by his father. The news that she spread was a mental disabled single.

There were footsteps closer to Almira's room, "What is going on?"

Siska's black eyes stared at one by one all of her family, "How come, it looks really serious, anyway?"

Hartanto's second child was just coming home from college. She was three years old above Adara Aurelia. Her hair along the shoulder was brownish. Wearing black jeans and blouse from silk that looks expensive. She liked to dress up fancy. Her appearance was always come to priority

"While all of you are here. I want to talk about this serious thing once more again." Hartanto stopped talking. He scanned the faces of his three daughters.

Adara lowered her head not daring to look at Hartanto's sharp gaze that pointed at him.

Almira smiled with satisfaction at the situation of her youngest sister. She smiled and blinked at Siska.

"Our rice fields and ponds fail to harvest. We are in big trouble. Father's friend, Aldriansyah Ibrahim wants to help and pay off our debts if you agree to marry his son. I beg one of you to marry Antony Ibrahim."

"What? Getting married? Crazy ... for the sake of debt I have to let go of youth and marry someone I don't know? Sorry-sorry to say, i refuse it. Besides, i still wanna go to college." Siska quickly dissagree.

Siska's nature is inversely proportional to her brother Almira. He will speak firmly and frankly without seeing the feelings of others. While Almira, who is more mature she is good at sparkling her tongue and cunning. Both beautifull outside but like a snake inside.

"Especially me? I can not! I have a boyfriend. The handsome and rich one. I dont bother to find someone better than him?" Almira Immediately refused the father's request.

All eyes looked at Adara Aurelia. The girl was still looking down deeply. Just listen to everyone's words.

"Why? Why should I? What's my fault? Why are you always taking Almira and Siska's side?! Its not fair ? It is not fair ...."

"Am I not your child?"

***To Be Continued***