
chapter 6

When she went down breakfast was ready.After she ate and was about to head out her mother stopped her and told her

" Min you have to come home before 6. We have guests tonight."

" Fine, but who "

" The longs "

" mom no way "

" Jin helped you when you were sick in the hospital....."

" but...."

" no buts. I already told them it's like a thank you for what he did. And you know that Mr. long and your dad started their companys together and they're friends since childhood. That's why we're the top 2 with them. okay bunny? "

" Fine " said Min reluctantly.

It's not that she doesn't wanna meet them or him it's just that she felt something weird she never knew what it was whenever they're in close contact. And every time she remembers that he told he he's interested in her, her heart keep beating like crazy. she just snaps out of it and tells herself that she can't feel like this. that's not my personality she thought. Even though she had a lot of exes, yet she was still a virgin. And she still didn't give her first kiss to anyone. She saved all these to the person she loves or will love in the future. Someone she can stay her whole life with in happiness.

She went out of the house stepped in the back seat of the car. Her father told her that she won't drive again. she agreed because any way she starts shivering whenever she's in the driver's seat.

" Where are we going miss? "

" to my gym please "

The driver went straight to her gym.Her father made that gym for her on her 18th birthday. Most important people come to this gym because it has everything you could ever need to lose weight or grow muscles. Yoga, Zumba classes, Martial arts classes, self defense, meditation, gymnastics, irobics, and other thing you can use freely. There's also a healthy snacks bar and water. She herself went there everyday for her classes. And each month she makes dances and allows people out of the gym to come and watch. Her dancing skills and flexiblilty can't be compared. She often chose some of the handsome guys to dance with her as the main dancers. and the others are normal people.

When she went there everyone was happy to see her. They filled the gym with colorful balloons and they all stood in front of her smiling and their eyes full of happiness.

" awe! thank you all, you're the best.. Omg! that's definitely my lucky day." 5 minutes later after she greeted everyone and thanked them she heard girls talking and saying: omg who's that handsome guy? he's really hot! I wanna marry him.wow, is he gonna be in our gym? yes maybe. OMG!

Then suddenly Min found some one wrapping his arms around her waist. she looked and then... ' oh no it can't be him... no no no.... that's not my lucky day.Shit!' Then he whispered in her ear and said

" hey sweetie. did you miss me? "

" Get. Your.Hands. off. me " she said with a threatening tone.

" am sad that you didn't miss me " he teased her and wrapped his arms around her waist harder.

" can we talk somewhere else? " she said hopeless.

" sure! "

" sorry guys he's my friend, he like to joke around alot. thank you so much. Now guys go do what your supposed to do " then she smiled at them sweetly while dragging him away to her private room.

" what the heck are you doing here !? and what did you just do!? do you want to ruin my reputation!? Humph!" she shouted angrily.

" whoa.... I just missed you... I didn't get a a taste of you last time because you where hurt. but now look at you "...' I wanna eat you alive. so sweet ' he thought

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