
chapter 18

Time passed and Black Eagle told her everything about the mission. She sat looking at Black Eagle with concentration. But she seemed pissed off.

" I want the nearest time that Galem is gonna be at a pub. And tell me everything about him since he was a kid till he started this shit he's doing. Dismissed. " Then she walked towards the door then said " Black Eagle, to my office now. " He followed her to her office then closed the door.

" Phew I can finally take off this freaking mask! " said Min and put her leg and the table. Then she lowered them and said " But that f***ing Galem annoys me so much. Like he's so damn cruel. Marry girls, toy with them , then kill them. And their parents accept cause he has money! huh! ". "Calm down Min Min. " rushed Stephan to her childishly. " You're so childish. Why the heck did I name you Black Eagle! You should be called umm... Twetie! " Siad Min with a cute tone.

" Hey don't judge me! " Min hugged him with both of her hands.

" So this is how am gonna kill Galem: Am gonna pretend to be one of the girls who are working there. You know, Gonna drag him to bed...but only the two of us. Give him adrink or two and in one of them will be drugs so he can't move but feels and sees me. And gonna first do what I do each time. But he can't see my new face so am gonna wear a sexy, cute short dress and a mask that covers my face. You guys are gonna be hiding in different places in case of danger. And that's how we're gonna do it! " Finished Min with a smile on her face.

" Wow my boss is so cool. She's also my bestie so a double hit! YAY!!! " She looked at him and giggled. Her giggle was like music in the ears.

Hi guys! So please add this to your favs. And also if you have any thoughts share them with me. And also I wanted to ask if you guys think the chapters are short or not.

If they are I'll make them longer! And Enjoy what's gonna happen in the next chapter. hehe.

Kookie29creators' thoughts
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