
The ceo's crazy assistant

When does spring come? There's a saying; that when you find love, your face blossoms and your heart fills with warmth. Olivia patiently waits and waits every year for him to come. But what if love finds him in the skin of an ugly bad wolf? Will she manage to get to know him and accept him or she push him from her far away forever? William lives for his work, for him winter never ends. But when she appears in front of him, will he be able to stop chasing the cute little bunny or will he keep it to himself forever?

Elenia_Vgh · Urban
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11 Chs

Poker face

He pulled Olivia closer to satisfy his own greed until she was almost touching him. Her hot breath tickled his heart. He sank into darkness. When she looked up, she saw something strange, something she never see in those eyes previously. The desire to conquer in his eyes was evident and like a brutal raw, a living human instinct. She shook her head to throw out all these thoughts, how can he look at her as a woman.

William's back was straight as he sat on the couch. Olivia slender fingers curled into fist under his hand. His gaze captured all little expressions on Olivia's face, surprise, admiration, confusion and despair. How could this woman's face reflect so many emotions in such a short time?


It could be heard the knocking of high heels, which was getting closer and closer.

William could hardly breathe, as he felt confused at his own behaviour. As the noise get louder, he could feel that Olivia was panicking and that she was trying to create distance between them by pushing him away with force, but William didn't let her. He won't let go this golden opportunity.

She struggled in vain, while the door opened before they could get completely away from each other. A woman stood in the doorway with a piercing expression on her face.

"William Cross!" The sharp and at the same time the sweet voice belonged to the short blonde woman. She furiously stomped with her foot on the floor to give intimation her saying.

"Yes, it's my name. Miss Denever good to see you!" William smiled brightly at the little woman, and he leisurely pulled away from his secretary and implied her to take a seat in opposite of them.

While she sat down, Olivia quickly collected herself and with the usual business smile introduced herself.

"Miss Anna Denever, I am pleasure to meet you. My name is Olivia Cake. I'm Mr. Cross's secretary." Her voice was polite and kind, but after a while, her greeting was not returned. However, this was not the first time so she was not embarrassed at all, she quickly grasped the situation and decided that this was an excellent opportunity to escape from this hell.

"Excuse me, allow me to leave for a moment. I need to make an important call." 'Have a good time the two of you, hehe.'

Olivia took her purse and sprinted to the way of to the washroom, didn't leave a change to William to react in time.

She relieved a little when she closed the door completely after her. At the toilet she washed nervously her face with cold water in the washbasin and tried to calm herself. She could see her messy reflections on the mirror. Her cheeks flushed red like fresh cherries while her hair fell in her face. She tried to quickly control herself earlier and pretend that nothing had happened. In reality, her heart would jump out of her place if it could. Of course, it was easy for William because he is really a good actor, he is so mean.

It's not that she doesn't understand him, but that woman isn't going to hurt him, but it's not the case for Olivia.

She never wants to get on Miss Anna's bad side. On William's befalls she already looked into her life and background. These things were always mandatory when the CEO of the Cross Corporation met someone stranger for the first time, for security reasons. Afterall even if he has bodyguards, he couldn't bring theme with him at a private meeting directly.

There are many rumours about her in social circles as well. This woman is crazy about handsome men and can be terribly jealous when she already considers a man as her own property. If she doesn't want to wake up the next day at the suburbs without her clothes and phone than it will be better to not make a similar mistake again.

And besides, her family has a lot of money, her father is also a high-ranking official. No matter how you look at it, it will be better to stay out of her way.

But the milk has already flowed out. The only damage control what she could do that she left them alone promptly, while ignoring William's murderous aura.

When she got the job three years ago, the first and last advice she received was to never cross the line.

But at the end of the day, she still managed to break the most important rule. What is the conclusion in this case? After 3 years, it may be time to look for a new job. Maybe a workplace where she has less overtime and more time for the kids.

William was a little surprised, he didn't have any bad feeling about their bodies earlier encounter, he was not angry, no. There was a little pleasant feeling in deep in his heart, which even he didn't know about why it in the first place was.

But in contrast the woman in front of him was annoying. She dressed like a pretty doll, a pretty barbie doll. He has no prejudices about colours, pink is a nice colour that suits women, but all pink is more repulsive than attractive to a man. According to her cv she is intelligent enough to graduate at top university in law, but her bubi hair with her short height totally spoil her charms. And we didn't even speak about her manners. She didn't greet his secretary at all, what a rude person. It will be better to clarify everything once and for all.

"Miss Denever, I don't know if you are aware of this, but I have no intention of marring anyone."

"It's okay, just call me comfortably Anna." He was thinking that he needs to repeat himself, because it looked like she didn't get it at all.

"Miss Denever…"


"Miss Anna…"

"Yes, William!" He wasn't pleased by her interruption. Her voice was emotional and as if it was dripping sweet nectar. But William eyes twitched and glared at her like to throw dagger at her the next minute. How rude of her to call his name with her mouth just like this. It was unpleasant to hear his name from her. But he didn't want to say it out aloud. He wanted to get to the point, to get free as soon as possible. "William, I understand, you don't want to marry anyone."

William sat back calmly, crossed his legs and sipped his tea, he was happy that she understood what he said, in the end it would be much easier for everyone. But what she said next caught him by surprise, if he didn't react in time the tea would spill out of his mouth.

"So I am relived, you can marry me." She chatted merrily with her little mouth, while pink long nails tapped on the table. They were sharp as if they were some kind of weapon that could easily kill someone. William glared at the table obsessively, then laughed softly to himself.

'If I marry you, what is the guarantee that my back will be free of long bloody scratches in the long run? He specifically can feel the pain in his back and see the way the blood drains from the wound. He shook off the terrible feeling and then coolly remarked.

"I don't like to repeat myself; I don't have intention of marring anyone."

"Yeah, so you can marry me. Afterall I am not anyone, I am Anna Denever."

The two of them were sitting in a silence.

'… As if you are saying you are someone important. You must be kidding!'

William ignored her earlier announcement and pretended not to have heard it.

He certainly won't marry her even if there's a zombie attack and she's the last woman on earth. He doesn't know what his grandmother saw in her.

Earlier he let Olivia go because her duty was completed. He predicted that the date was ruined already, since there is no normal woman who can tolerate your dating partner having an affair with another woman in front of your nose. No one. But he miscalculated one thing; Miss Denever is not normal at all. So, she will not be an easy partner just as he thought.

The waiter took their order for lunch, and the silence filled the room again. William don't have any intention to continue a conversation with her, he is sipping his tea elegantly but not in hurry and waiting patiently. Speaking with her is meaningless after all.

"I am happy that finally we met my William. My father always praises you whenever he is speaking about you and your achievements. It's true that you are really handsome like the magazines saying. You are totally my type and my father spoke about you a lot at home."

"Hm." He nodded. William didn't pretend to be interested and tried to minimize the conversation between them. But she didn't give up.

"Do you have a hobby?" Although he hates being here, he doesn't forget his manners, which his grandparents taught him since he was young. At least he knows he had to answer some question. "Work."

"That's good, and what else?"

"Just work." To be honest he loves everything about acceleration, like horse riding, swimming or car racing. But he will never tell this to any woman. There are lot of information about him in magazines, but the most of them just useless thing. False information about his preferences, and hobbies he never loved. He's not the only one, his cousin James has a life like this too.

The press is always full of prominent businesspeople. In the modern world, everything about you is instantly available online, even if you don't want it to be. William himself is not an easy-going person, he likes to be in shadow. He rarely gives interviews, although he has tried to avoid personal questions. On the other hand, he often tells false information about himself. He cannot avoid that things about his life are revealed from time to time, but he tries to protect his private life with false information.


"One of my hobbies is painting, Papa always says; a Michelangelo is lost in me." 'Why are you so happy about it? I don't think it was a praise. Please, don't say anything more. My head will be in pain.' He massaged his temples.

"I like to travel a lot. This summer I travelled to Rome with a few friends. There are so much super romantic places there. It is one of my favourite restaurants in Rome, where they make the best pasta in the world. When I ate there with the girls, I ordered risotto with small cherry tomatoes and the dressing was divine. You must try it when we go together in the spring."

"No thanks." 'Please, somebody help me!'

"You see, my dad likes to play golf, the older guys like anything boring. Hey, don't you think it's hot inside? This place is so cheap they don't even turn on the air conditioning."

She looked at him with a bright smile as she took off her blazer, she wears a short mini dress hugging her body tightly. When she moved, her upper body trembled spectacularly, and then she almost bent over the table. William's green eyes were dangerously attracted to the women's beautiful breasts that tried to arouse his interest with success. He swallowed nervously.

"However, I like other physical activities too, I'm sure you will like it too." Bare legs touched William shin and go up to his thigh dangerously close to the man's pride. He pressed his lips hardly and clenched his jaw.

'What are you looking at me for? I'm not an animal that can't control myself. But when was the last time I slept with someone?' He throws a last glance at her boobs.

The two small nipples peaked out through the clothes invitingly to be touched.

His face darkened a shape and bow his head a little to hide his expression. 'Of course, I will like it. I would like to touch those beautiful boobs, and lick them, just one night me and them… Hraaa! Those beautiful bulging boobs…'

William, wake up! These boobs are not worth spending the rest of your life in chain. Okay, think about! Poker face William, poker face!'