
Arianna's Horror Story Part 1

*NOTE: This chapter is written in Arianna's POV, as she is telling the story to Liam.*

Well, everything started 11 years ago, when I fell in love with Julien...

I'd only just moved to France with Joan, so my french wasn't very good because of this Joan decided to send me to an international school, that's where I learnt most of my french and business work. However due to this and my less than humble upbring, I struggled making friends. The one friend I did have was small redhead girl with dark hazel eyes, by the name of Alicia Blackwater. Alicia and I didn't know many people in Paris, but her parents were wealthy investors from Australia, this may be why we got along so well.

One day Alicia's parents, Keith and Eleanor, invited me to party, they were kind people and knew I wanted to get into the business industry and even though I had Joan's support they believed it would be a good idea to establish my own connections and of course Joan agreed. So Alicia and I went to this party where we were introduced to many people, actually Alicia met her husband, Charles there. I don't remember how, but we ended up separated and that was when I was approached by tall handsome man. His dark curls perfectly matched his godly face, just looking at him caused me to flush.

"You look so lonely all by yourself." The man's perfect smile made my heart skip a beat, he was the kind of handsome girls like me dreamed about, the kind of guy I knew I didn't deserve. As someone who grew up at the bottom of the social ladder, it was only by shear luck that I was even allowed to be in this man's presence.

"Oh, I just misplaced my friend." I smiled shyly.

"well that's no good," He picked up two glasses of champagne from a waiter's tray and handed me one of the delicate flutes. "But that's okay, I'll be your friend." He gave me a flirtation wink and I felt my face heat. "I'm Julien by the way." He reached out his hand, giving me a gorgeously charming smile.

"I'm Arianna." When I placed my hand in his, he brought it up to his lips and gently kissed the back of my hand, my 16-year-old heart fluttered.

We spent that whole night talking, laughing and I thought we had a real spark, so when he asked for my number, I willingly gave it to him. Perhaps if I hadn't been so naive I could have avoided everything.

Over the next few weeks we spoke regularly, at first it was texting a couple times a week, then it was everyday, then phone calls at night, followed with hang out on weekends, he made living in Paris not feel so lonely.

Of course I never told Joan about Julien, a part of me was embarrassed and another part didn't want her to be disappointed in me, as if I was taking advantage of the opportunity she'd given me. Although I think she did start to suspect something.

"Arianna!" Joan's loud commanding voice echoed from her study, I was in the kitchen giving the chef her dinner preference, when I heard her yelling for me. I hurried back to her almost falling on the freshly mopped tiles.

"Yes, Ms. Richards?" I said trying to catch my breath.

"You're going out again tomorrow, correct?" Joan smirked looking at me curiously. I could feel my body shaking, I swallowed in guilt.

"Y...yes, Alicia and I are going to get lunch." I wasn't entirely lying, Alicia and I were going to lunch, we were just also going with Julien and Charles.

"Good." She smiled happily, "On your way back can you swing by Martello's and pick up my order."

"Of course." I smiled back to her, inwardly sighing in relief.

So as per usual I went out with Alicia, Charles and Julien, we had a lovely lunch, did some shopping and then Alicia and Charles left.

"I best get going as well, I need to pick up something for Ms. Richards before I leave the city." I glanced down at my watch looking at the time.

"Oh well let me give you a ride, where are you headed?" Julien politely smiled as he gestured towards his car.

"That would be fantastic, Martello's will close soon." I smiled

"Martello's? You going to Martelo's to pick something up for your boss?" His dark eyes widen in shock. Thinking back now this moment should have been a red flag for me, but I was young and naive.

"Yeah, what's the big deal, Martello is just a sweet man and his designs are gorgeous." I was confused by his disbelief, did Julien not like Martello's jewellery?

"Wait, you've met the man, himself?" His shock surprised me. I suppose at the time I didn't understand there were different levels of power and wealth.

"Of course I have." His cute confused expression made me giggle.

When we finally arrived at Martello's, I got out of the car and headed into the beautiful modern jewellery store, Julien in tow. A small large, bald man with round glasses behind the counter looked at us in a kind of disgust.

"Excuse me, but this is a bit more of an elite jewellery store," he stated in a rather retort tone. "You won't find anything in your... price range, here. Perhaps you should try to cheap shop on the other side of town."

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm here to pick up an order for my boss, Ms. Joan Richard." I'd been use to people speaking to me like this, I'd only been working for Joan for a few months, not many people new who I was, nor did I give off a noble aura.

"Perrf, someone as regal as Lady Richard, wouldn't be seen dead with the likes of you." he sneered. "Now get lost, before I call security." I felt my body shake, this was the first time she'd sent me to pick up something, and here I was failing to pick up a simple piece of jewellery.

I turned around to walk out, I could see the man's satisfied grunt as I headed for the door.

"I thought you said you'd met Martello before?" Julien asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, but that was..." That's when I got an idea. I took a deep breath, pushed back my shoulders, held my head high, turned back to see the man's perplexed expression. "I demand to see Mr. Martello!"

"Miss, I don't know who you think you are, but Mr. Martello is a very busy man and he doesn't have time to speak to children who think they can just walk in here sprouting names they read in the newspaper and pretend to be someone their not." He's brave facade was starting to tremble, I could tell he was wondering just what if she's telling the truth.

"And I don't know who you think who are sir, but my employer is a very important client of your boss's and I really don't think she will be too happy to hear you turned me down, simply because I'm a 'child' especially since Mr. Martello entertained both of us here just last week while Ms. Richard picked out her design."

"Young lady!" He was starting to get impatient, "I have had enough of your fake arrogance, I am calling security."

"Simon, what is going on out here?" I heard a loud deep enraged voice, followed by heavy footsteps. Then from the shade of the back hall, a tall skinny man, wearing long black slacks and a plain white button up shirt, stepped out his messy hazelnut hair sparkled in the sunlight.

"Mr. Martello." Simon and I said in unison. Martello's gaze turned to look at me, his angry instantly subsided as he smiled.

"Miss Arianna, it's good to see you again." He spoke kindly, ignoring the man who was suddenly shocked by Martello's reaction to me. "How is your mother? I have her bracelet all ready."

"I'm only here as her assistant today Mr. Martello. It's actually what I came to collect, but this gentleman refused me service, claiming that Ms. Richard, wouldn't associate herself with someone like me." My eyes turned to look at the man standing behind the counter, terror now filled his eyes.

"Simon you imbussle!" Martello's blue eyes filled with rage at his employee. "Do you know who this is? This is Arianna Richard, Joan's Richard's daughter and that is how you treat her!" I stood proudly, staring at the man with full confidence.

"I am so sorry young miss, I didn't know who you were." Simon's face ridden with guilt. "Please forgive this foolish old man." He swallowed.

"I suppose I understand, I did not introduce myself as her daughter." I'd actually been trying to keep that even from Julien, who was standing there in shock beside me. I had known she'd been introducing me as her adopted daughter, even to the point of changing my name.

But that's a story for another time.

Finally I got the bracelet and Julien and I left the store, he didn't stop staring at me. He smiled so sweetly at me, did he like this new assertive me?

Perhaps, or perhaps I just never considered what finding out about my identity would mean for him.

~ ~ ~

We'd be seeing each other for about a month when he asked me out to dinner, he reserved a private table a fancy restaurant his family owns, we had a lovely romantic dinner. Then we went for a walk along the Stein river. We walked mostly in silence, but when I shivered from the old from the old October air, he placed his jacket over my shoulders. For me it was like a scene from a movie, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I was young, naive and in love; that one thing the movies don't say is that those aren't a good combination.

"Ari," He nervously picked up my hands, his dark eyes looking down into mine, his handsome face looked so nervous.

"What's wrong Julien?" I was starting to get nervous, was he going to leave me? I'd felt myself slowly falling in love with him and I was so scared of what he was going to say next.

"Ari, I've really enjoyed spending time with you this past month." He anxiously rubbed his neck, "I've found myself thinking about you, looking forward to seeing you again and whenever you're sad, I just want to make you smile and I suppose I want to keep making you smile. I guess what I'm trying to say is... Arianna I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I will," I could feel myself tearing up from joy, I couldn't stop shaking, he was so sweet about it all.

"I'm so glad," He smiled down, one arm slipped around my waist as he pulled me closer, my hands pressed gently on his chest, as his other hand touched my cheek and he stared into my eyes for what felt like hours,. Slowly his face got closer to mine, my heart was racing excessively, when his sweet lips found mine, I felt like I was on cloud nine. I genuinely thought he liked me, he came from money and power so why would be take advantage of someone who didn't have anything more than him.

I was young and didn't understand how power and wealth worked, while I didn't know exactly who Julien was I knew he had a good backing, but what I didn't know was I had a better one. I didn't understand just who Joan was, in the European business industry. I'd admired Joan since I was young, but I never understood how ruthless and cold she was, nor did I not know how hard it was to get close to her. Perhaps if I had known I would have built a strong wall.

But he was gentle and kind, for months he was perfect, but then we started at university and everything changed.

Hey readers :)

Hope you like this chapter, it was a bit tricker for me to write and may seem a bit scattered but it will make sense I promise.

Thanks so much for reading

kyrraelisabethcreators' thoughts
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