
A day off?!


-A few hours later-


Karu opens his eyes. Karu sits up as he looks around, 'Jeez, what happened yesterday?' Karu notices the room is brighter, 'Thankfully we made it back to the temple.' Karu stretches as he yawns. Then he notices someone peeking from the door. "You don't have to peek inside just to check up on me." Karu chuckles as he puts on a shirt.

"W-Well it's just... You make me nervous." The elf slowly walks into the room. "Nervous? Perhaps you have a lot on your plate today." Karu smiles as he sits up. "But I wish I was there..." The elf looks down. Karu tilts his head slightly. "...I-If I was there, nobody needed to die!"

"So that's why you're so nervous?" Karu gives an apologetic smile. "There's more to that..." The elf looks at Karu, "...I have trouble talking with people." Karu puts his hand on his chin, "So what's your name?"

"Um, it's Retha." The elf looks away from making eye contact with Karu. "Then there, you successfully talked with me!" Karu grins. "Really?! Wait are you helping me with the problem?" Retha looks back to Karu. "Yeah, if you don't talk with people, you won't be able to connect to that person." Karu's grin becomes a smile, "So what happened to the others? Are they okay?"

"Well, the others were questionable..." Retha fidgets with her hands, "...The first one seemed to be angry at me, probably because he drunk too much last night..." Retha looks outside the window, "...And the second one was just speechless when he saw me, people like that scare me."

Karu: 'Ah so that's what happened last night... Fushu went out to drink, Ryuu probably followed him, and I just passed out here. I never had my first sip of ale, so I wouldn't be able to go with them...'

"Well, that's good perhaps..." Karu stands up and grabs his backpack, "...Hopefully, we don't have to do a quest so..." Karu takes a step closer to Retha, "...Why won't you join us for our day off?" Retha's face becomes bright red, "U-Uh, I d-don't think I-I c-c-can!"

"It's fine if you don't want to join if you're nervous about the team, I can ask another time..." Karu signals Retha to leave. Retha nods and quickly runs out of the room. 'Was he trying to ask me out?! Why would he do that to somebody that he met?!' Retha paces back and forth in front of the door, 'Wait he said next time, what if that situation happens again?! There won't be a next time!"

Retha opens the door of the room, "I accept!" Retha opens her eyes and sees Karu about to put on his wool shirt. Retha looks down, 'Wait how is he built almost like a fighter?! I thought wizards didn't need that much strength!' Retha feels her face burning as blood splurts out from her nose.

"Ah, Retha!" Karu throws his shirt at the bed and runs over to Retha as she falls to the ground. Karu puts a cloth over her nose. "Keep it there okay?" Karu helps Retha sit up. "Now what happened here?" Karu hears someone behind him. Karu turns around and sees Fushu and Ryuu.

"Whoa, I knew that you were the romantic type..." Fushu glares at Karu, "...But I didn't know you would go this far!" Karu yelps, "It's not like that!" Ryuu leans forward, "Oh really? Because it looks like you were too friendly to the cleric!" Karu felt his ears burning, "But it's not like that!"

"I say that we should beat him up." Fushu feels his veins bulging as he cracks his knuckles. "Yeah, I agree." Ryuu cracks his knuckles. "Please you guys must understand!" Karu blabbers as he runs inside his room. "Oh, I'll understand, once my fists understand!" Fushu runs up to Karu.


-A little "talk" later-


"I'm sorry that Retha had a nosebleed." The cleric bows at them. "I'm sorry, it was my fault!" Karu bows at the cleric. "Oh well thank you for admitting, young boy." The cleric gasps. "As for you two..." The cleric glares at Fushu and Ryuu, "...If you two do that again in this temple, we will not care for you." Fushu and Ryuu gulp as they look down.

"Ah, fresh air!" Karu spins around as they leave the temple. "Ah, I hope we meet again guys!" Ryuu looks at Fushu and Karu. "What do you mean?" Fushu raises a brow. "I'm moving to a different village, this village has too many goblin quests for me." Ryuu awkwardly chuckles. "Understandable, have a good trip." Fushu gives Ryuu a thumbs up. Ryuu runs off waving at them. "Woah, finally you showed your emotional self." Karu walks towards Fushu. "Would you like me to punch you again?" Fushu clenches his fist and shows it to Karu. "Uh, please don't."

"Karu wait!" A woman runs up to Karu. Karu turns around and sees Retha. "Retha? I thought they kept you in the temple." Karu raises a brow. "Well, my bleeding stopped so they let me go with you!" Retha smiled at Karu. "Ah, no wonder..." Karu looks away as he feels his ears burning. "So did you forgot that the great Fushu is with you?" Fushu glares at Karu.

"What? She agreed to come with us on our day off..." Karu whispers to Fushu. "Our day off?! Karu, we don't get days off!" Fushu whispers to Karu. "...I know, but she seemed so determined when she agreed it would be heartbreaking to see her sad." Karu glanced at Retha looking around the city. "... Fine, but you owe me whatever she buys."

Karu gives Fushu a thumbs up. "So where would you like to go?" Karu looks at Retha. "Well, there are a lot of places that I wanted to go..." Retha fidgets with her hands. "Then let's go to all of them!" Karu smiles. "Really? But some places cost gold." Retha gasps. "It's alright, I got enough gold." Karu pulls out a pouch filled with gold coins.

Fushu: 'Since when was he rich?!'

"Yay! Let's go!" Retha runs to a building as Karu follows her. 'Was he just hiding it from me? I could've used more gold to get us a better cart.' Fushu groans as he follows them.


-One sightseeing session later-


"Today was fun." Retha walks up the stairs to the temple doors. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind letting you go sightseeing again. "Karu chuckles. "Thanks, Karu." Retha turns around to look at Karu. "And don't worry, we'll come to get you once we need a healer." Karu smiles. Retha returns the smile as she opens the doors and enters the temple.

Karu walks into an inn and to a room. "You're back fairly quickly." Fushu looks at Karu. The room has two beds in the opposite end of the room and a closet."Well what do you expect, she's just a friend." Karu closes the door and walks to a bed. "Yeah, I hear ya." Fushu puts his scale mail in the closet. Karu takes off the Elven chain and puts it on the bed railing. "You know, we could use a cleric in our party." Karu lies down on the bed.

"Perhaps." Fushu lies down on the other bed. "You may never know what'll happen out there." Karu turns to face the wall. Fushu sighs. A bit of silence plays out until Karu turns to face the ceiling, "So why are we sharing a room?"

"Because I don't trust you when you're alone." Fushu glares at Karu. "Why are you saying it like if it's a bad thing?!" Karu closes his eyes, "Well be warned, I tend to mumble in my sleep." Fushu groans, "Well be warned, I tend to punch things in my sleep." Karu sighs, "Why are you always angry with me since today?"

"Just go to sleep." Fushu turns to face the wall and drifts off to sleep.