

Thunder convulsed within the heavens, gigantic clouds loomed overhead. Within this destructive cataclysm laid a grand civilization. City walls that stretched beyond the eye, towards an endless horizon. Within, countless streets were bustling with jovial activities and merchants peddling their goods. A city full of life, glory, and unparalleled advancement.

Yellow bricks laid the foundation of the road, tiled roofs sheltered the people from rain. Not a speck of uncleanliness to be found.

Located directly in the center, a towering mountain pierced through the clouds like an indomitable spear. This piercing aura would drive fear into the hearts of enemies on the battlefield, yet unquestioned confidence to allies. If one took a closer glance, one could see that the surrounding thunder and lightning all seemed to converge towards the mountain peak, lost within the clouds.

"Zeus, your time has come. You have ruled this world for far too long".

"Audacious! I created this world, sculpted it with my own blood. You seek to claim that which is rightfully mine?"

"Hmph, you dare say that you sculpted this world of your own blood? My father was your brother, yet you slew him in order to feed this world's hunger. If it were not for my father, you would have nothing!"

"Preposterous, Poseidon was not just a fool, but a weakling as well. He would be glad if he knew that he was useful for once. Listen here, Themos, you are just like your father. I am the King of Gods, the Lord of man, the Creator, and you, you are a wretched street urchin who only knows how to talk to filthy sea beasts!"

Lightning gathered from the surroundings into Zeus's palms, water flooded in onto Themos's. The two men battled for days, weeks and months. Their cultivation was just too profound, not a single person in the city down under noticed the battle, yet if any spell were to land; it would be decimated.

Wave after wave of magic clashed, bellows of the void crackled as dimension cracks littered the airspace. As the two's mana reserves emptied, their spells only got more ferocious. Zeus unleashed hundreds of lightning dragons, all of them soaring towards Themos, in an instant they were right in from of him. With uncanny agility, Themos avoided them, two steps backwards, three steps to the right. Themos's movements were akin to the movements of a chess grandmaster. Expertly avoiding all signs of trouble preemptively after considering all possible situations. With a flick of his wrist, Themos counterattacked. All of a sudden, thousands of water pellets shot forward, each being only the size of a raindrop. However, it was these same pellets that could deal the same amount of damage as a volcanic eruption.

Finally, after years of combat, the battle was finally over. Themos laid on the ground, his body charred and emitting a pungent aura of death. Zeus stood above him, his blue eyes shimmering with a healthy glow. Clearly Zeus had consumed a mystical pill allowing him to recover during the fight instantly. Zeus had eaten this pill just before the two reached their final reserves. Both too tired to run, suddenly erupting with this energy would without a doubt secure victory.

"You had forced my hand Themos, I am surprised. You fought me 5 months, 17 days and 9 hours longer than your father. I was not willing to sacrifice my people to finish this fight but you gave me no choice. Look down Themos, all my people dead. It will take a long time for me to gather these billions of followers once more. Now then, time to die".

"...I..curse you Zeus. As long as I am given the chance...I shall hunt you down once more.."

"Hmph, your father said the same thing. Now begone, just like with your father, I shall use your blood to cleanse my world. Who knows, maybe my world will even advance into a mid-tier system. Goodbye Themos, you will not be missed."

With a slam of lightning and a roar of anguish, Themos ceesed to be. His body melting and assimilating with Zeus's mountain. Bit by bit, Themos lost every dredge of strength within his limbs. No longer could be wield those mystical powers of water. No longer could he feel, nor see. Darkness and pain consumed Themos, yet even then his thoughts still seemed to process.

"Am I not dead? Where am I? Did Zeus not assimilate me into his world?"

Time passed slowly in this state, Themos could do nothing but speak to himself. As time passed, Themos could no longer even do that. He had long forgotten the concept of time. Bit by bit, his soul was cleansed and washed. Every memory he ever had, sealed within the innermost makings of his soul runes. Only when Themos was washed free of his past life, did a flashing light shine upon him, filling the void, with life.