1 Chapter 1: Recollection

The vast entity that is the universe itself was in perfect balance. As far as I can recall: good and evil, dark and light, the dual nature of everything that was conceived, had a coexistence with one another. Through this time of balance, 5 beings of great power governed the vast territories of the universe itself. All was well.... until a surge of immense power spread throughout the universe, causing ripples unfathomable to human understanding. Chaos ensued which resulted in an imbalance never seen before in the cosmos. Due to this, many speculated that the 5 rulers vanished without a trace leading the universe in complete disarray.

"Ow!" said the mysterious being. "Where am I?" she exclaimed confusingly. "Was it me talking right now?" She asked herself "Wait... who am I?" At this point her thoughts were in complete disorder as she tried to figure out who she was and where she was. She examined the terrain she was in, only to find out that the ground she stood on was a pile of corpses. "What in the world happened!?" She spoke out loud in a surprised and horrified manner. In a moment of reflex she jumped to another surface on the other side.

After moments of analyzing the situation she was in, she sensed something great in her. She could not explain what it was but felt it strongly. She continued to examine the region she was in when she suddenly heard a Boom. The pile of corpses she previously stood upon was no more. The ground shook like never before. What she saw astonished her. The dessert that was filled with corpses vanished as a huge crack formed from underneath. A creature bellowed and rose from the cracked ground and made its presence known.

"My word" she thought to herself. The creature that stood in front of her was colossal in size. The size and stature of this creature surpassed every infrastructure ever made by man. The creature resembled that of a large centipede in length and width. Across its back were spikes of sharp appearance. Each spike was at least 5 meters in length. Its skin was denser than even the most dense materials man could ever conceive. It was truly a magnificent creature.

The creature swayed back and forth, up and down, in a fit of rage as if something had awoken it from its slumber. It lunged itself towards her, and in an act of reflex, she evaded its attack. The creature turned back and attacked her once more. What occurred was truly marvelous. The creature increased its frequency of attacks desperate to quell its rage, she dodged them all. With every move she made dodging the creature's attacks, she could feel as though her memories were coming back to her.

"A throne? Why am I on a throne?" she thought. The creature kept attacking in desperation. "A library? Why am I seeing a library now? Wasn't I on a throne before?" She kept thinking as the memories kept pouring onto her. As if things couldn't get any worse, the creature launched a wave of fire from its mouth. Its breathe decimated the entire area in an incredible spectacle. The dessert that was once barren, was even more unrecognizable. Ash filled the area and the air smelt as though something was being burnt.

"A system? What is a system?" she thought to herself as the memories were becoming clear. On instinct she spoke the first words that echoed in her mind "System open." The creature breathed out its destructive fire once more, finally landing a hit on the perplexed woman. She neither felt pain nor sympathy for she was in a state of confusion. Another of her memories poured into her mind. "A council, there are four people, excluding me, it seems that they are listening to what I have to say" she thought. "Ugh this sucks" She said to herself. She was on the floor staring at the game log that was in her face. "So this is the system?" she spoke. After analyzing the system for some time, she stood up seeming unfazed by the creature's attack with her clothes tattered and in a mess. It seemed that she had regained a good amount of her memories. "Armor? Why do I have armor in my memories? Why do I not have my armor with me right now?" She thought to herself. as her memories kept coming.

She dusted of the dirt she had received from the creature, when suddenly she was bombarded by a surge of information. It was so powerful she struggled to stand for a while. "I wonder how they're doing" she thought to herself "Ahhh finally, I'm back." It seemed that the surge of information had caused her to regain a majority of her memories, although not all of it. She stretched out her body trying to free herself from the stiffness she felt before. "I see... so throughout my slumber, the universe was in chaos... what happened? Who or what was the cause of this? Are the other 4 lying dormant or have they awoken just like me. Ugh!... the universe must've thought we abandoned it. Ah! This is so infuriating!" She was saying all this, when suddenly, the creature lunged at her again. In her thoughts she remembered some of the abilities she possessed. "System! Open ability window" The system opened, showing her, her set of abilities. "Mind manipulation: read" she activated her ability. She stared at the creature and it stopped. She tried to reason with the creature with her ability, only for it to fail. "Darn it" she said "I'm still too weak. Wait was is my level?"

The creature attacked once again with its flurry of attacks. "Hmm.... what I am level 10!?!? *Sigh* if the others were here they would laugh at me, the smartest person in the entire universe... Ugh! for me to be in such a state" she said out loud. "Hmm... it seems the more I engage this creature, the more my memories return to me." still thinking to herself "So does that also apply to my level? Surely if I continue engaging the creature my memories will return back to me and my level will also increase." she decided that would be her move of action "OK creature do your worst!" she gestured towards it. The creature filled with pure rage attacked once more. "Wow!" she exclaimed, evading all of its attacks "I forgot how much fun this was." she said loudly "Guess reading books must be balanced with a little bit of fun."

After her recollection, all the creature's attacks were like child's play for her. She could sense all its moves, it was as if she could read its mind. Then she thought to her self, "I can read minds finally my mind manipulation: read is becoming stronger!" she screamed out loud in voice of relief and joy. "Well... Its still a very long way compared to my past capabilities but its a step forward." she thought to herself. "Now... If only I had my armor I would feel protected" she thought to herself "Ugh this is the worst" she said in anger "This monster is nothing I just feel strange without my armor, *Sigh* fine whatever!"

The monster prepared to attack once more with its devastating flames. In a split second, she wiped out the memories of the creature. "Mind manipulation: erase" she activated her ability. "Hmm... okay now I am getting a feel of my powers once more. The mind manipulation: erase ability has returned to me" The creature which was filled with rage fell asleep. She reached out to touch the head of the creature. "Poor thing you must've been through a lot" she thought to herself "Hmm. another ability has returned to me. Mind manipulation: Create!" she activated her new ability. It allowed her to grant new memories to the person/people being controlled by her.

She proceeded to grant new memories to the creature. In another shocking and strange turn of events another of her abilities returned to her. "Mind manipulation: Command" she activated her ability. This ability allowed her to give commands to any creature she was able to mind control "When you wake up leave this place at once go somewhere else far from here" She looked at the creature one last time and bid it farewell. The creature awoke with no recollection of what had happened and the devastating effects it had caused to its surroundings. It followed the orders that it was given and left the region.

The mysterious woman continued to move in in the dessert in hopes of finding a clue to the situation she was in. "OK, now where do I go?" she thought to herself. "I have four of my abilities, mind manipulation: read, command, erase and create." she assessed "I'm stuck in a dessert, the most convenient ability to use now would be to use mind manipulation: read" "System activate ability: read," she said. The ability, read allowed her to read the minds of creatures if she had access to their mind. Normally she wouldn't be able to scan an entire dessert by reading the area. What she did in particular was to read the mind of any lifeforms that lived in the vicinity in hopes of finding a means of finding sings of lifeforms.

She thought to herself "what if I brought the centipede with me?" After thinking of the possibilities, she came to a conclusion that the presence of the centipede would bring hostility between the lifeforms and her. She used her read ability to process the minds of all lifeforms dwelling in the region. Her senses were so acute that she sensed the life forces present in the desert and the whole planet as a whole. "So it seems that I'm stuck in Terra region 1 of the universe." she inferred. "Oh! my level is 20! its seems that was the reason I was able to read the minds of all lifeforms in the area." After she had finished reading for lifeforms, she moved towards the area with life closest to her.

What more danger awaits her in this bland, yet unexpected region of the dessert(Terra region 1)? The universe is always filled with mysteries yet to be explored.
