

Kelly looked through her purse for her keys as she exited the bar. "I know there in here somewhere." She sighed as she continued walking towards her car not keeping an eye out around the dark summer city night. Inside she just had the most uncomfortable date since college.

She even went all out on her hair, makeup, and even went out of her way to buy a very slim black dress that hugged her figure tightly. She even decided tonight she'd not wear any panties for the the hopes of a man taking her home to give her a wild night and possibly lose her virginity. But that however was only ruined by a man to show up to the date wearing a New York jersey with a hat that said FBI or as labeled under it "Female Body Inspector". Whom never had anything to talk about other than this seasons playoffs of some sports team she didn't catch the name of. She was too busy fiddling with her food and thinking of a good excuse to get out of the date. Til she finally said that she was starting to feel ill from the food she ordered. The nerves of some men she thought.

She was never really into dating but she thought to give it a shot. She approached her black Lincoln Navigator and hit the unlock button on her key ring that she managed to pull from her purse. Along with a small amount of emergency supplies consisting of makeup, tampons, and her deodorant. She stomped her foot and started to pick up the supplies. She bent at her knees remembering that she decided to wear a short skirt and no panties. As she got back up she opened the door.

She got in and pulled out her smartphone. She opened up the message app. Scrolled through the menu and tapped on the name Jake. She smiled and started to type a message as she said it aloud quietly.

"Date went south. Are you free to talk in person? Send." She bit her lip as she waited for a reply. Jake soon responded with a simple. 'Yes'. Her smile grew and excitingly texted back again speaking each word. "Meet me somewhere or at your apartment. Winkie face." She waited as she bit her lip. If this part goes well then she might just be able to fulfill her losing her virginity checkbox on her list of things to accomplish this year. Her smile widened as she read a text in response to her question read out. 'My place.'

Excited, she set her phone down on the center console and started to push her key in when she looked into her rearview mirror and was met with a face staring back at her of a mask. The mask held the image of a twisted face filled with gore and a smile that stretched a crossed from ear to ear. She froze in fear and was going to let a horrifying scream when the leathery gloved hands latched around her and muffled her yelp with a rag. As she struggled briefly the chloroform took over as she fell into the darkness of unconsciousness.