

the next day

I go to get my phone out of my purse. The paper that he gave me fell out of my purse. I saw what was on it and I was a phone number. I call it and no one picks up what a scam I think. I get ready to go to work then o get a call *ring ring ring. I pick up my boss is saying " I know you are sick so I am going to let you off all week" before I can say anything he hangs up. I think well okay I am just going to the mall. I get home at 8 PM then I get in the bath a 9 PM. I am laying down as the warm water is making me sleepy. then I see a naked man in front of me. I freak out then he gets in my bath and is right behind my me. I am sitting on his lap as I feel two fingers inside of me. I squirm and moan he says "I can make you scream too". after we get out he says "do you remember me" I yell "what and why do you keep doing this". he says "I was your LA teacher in high school". I grap my gun and yell "it's you" he says " yes, but I was a bad person back then". he lick my gun as he crawls on to of me and says "lets to my place" I say "okay".

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