
Weird Situation

Pain, endless pain was everything a figure could feel while curled up on the floor, his whole body trembled as if every pore of his skin was poisoned with needles, and each pore poured a quantity of a black substance that contaminated the entire body. the ground around him creating a gooey puddle and so dark that it did not reflect anything around him, time wanders and the figure continues to moan continuously on the floor, after 5 hours of torture the black blood stopped running and the moans took place. Almost inaudible noise, in another 5 hours the body stopped shaking and remained on the ground completely immobile, after another 12 hours the body finally began to make movements as if it had just been resuscitated, and started to rise with extremely slow movements.

Arthur Mifewer feeling as if the world was falling on his body every part of his body was so heavy that even the slightest movement seemed to take hours, even his eyelids went up so slowly that he thought he was blind, after countless numbers of hours his eyelids lifted enough to provide a crack of view of the environment he only saw an inexplicable darkness, over time he slowly managed to see things around him and finally when he had already given up trying to calculate the time Arthur found himself in the center of a black space.

Strangely as he looked at the completely black ground around him, a feeling of closeness filled his heart which made him continue to stare at him and then a blur began to appear in his vision slowly turning into letters, when it seemed that his soul he was going to get lost in that feeling as words finally formed and the bond with the space around him changed from obsessive to the feeling of a part of his body.

Name: Arthur Mifewer

Real Name: * & $ @% $

Divine Power: 0

Kingdom: Chaotic Void

Talent: PlaneFeedBack

Divine Supernatural Power: Death Carriage

Looking at the information shown Arthur felt lost, although he has read several novels in his life and the idea of ​​a system is natural to him, when it really materializes it is completely frightening, several thoughts of being living in a simulation started to emerge in his mind uncontrollably deeper in his soul he knew that this was not a simulation the supposed system was just a projection of his will through his memories, he knew by intuition that every divine being had access to these in his soul information, only the way it was presented was different, some simply intuitively felt that information without the need for a system, but due to their memories of the earth or due to their fear this information materialized in a system, after a long reflection Mifewer finally calmed down, and analyzed the information shown.

Mobilizing your mind's focus to the real name a window with an explanation appeared.

Real name - Every divine being has a Name that represents a proof of existence, a mark in eternity. The individual has not reached the limit for his release.

[~Apparently the real name is like those in the stories, something that represents me as a DNA, something to keep secret].

Divine Power: A single representation of an individual's power. The individual has no way of recovering divinity.

Kingdom: The dominion of a deity, its home, its origin.

Chaotic Void: The individual did not consolidate his kingdom

Talent: The talents belonging to an individual.

PlaneFeedBack: Individuals with this talent are able to obtain information intuitively from their Plan of origin.

Supernatural Divine Power: The natural power born with divinity.

Death Carriage: Able to transport souls and bring death.

[-So I'm a god now, hahaha, a god in a desert place how useful], after looking at his status Arthur looked at the small desert space in front of him with dimensions of 1 km long by 1.5 km wide and a height of 1 km and felt that his status as God was completely laughable.

Arthur only remembered being at his home, like any other normal day, and then he came to darkness with unbearable pain and when he woke up he was already there.

Focusing his attention on trying to use the only skill that might help him in this PlaneFeedBack situation, Arthur felt like she was part of his essence and was always with him, her use was as natural as breathing, and in his mind he knew what it was about.

PlaneFeedBack could be seen as a way to access a universal database, which through some magical way that Arthur did not understand, provided information on the most diverse things, such as the explanation of his skills. Individuals without this ability, although they may create some kind of status window, will be limited to their knowledge, there would not be a situation like Arthur's where he never used Death Carriage, but knows his uses.

With a wave of thought Arthur decides to activate PlaneFeedBack and then, according to the influence of his soul, a kind of website appears in front of him, the website is completely empty and in the corner of the page is marked with a Divine Supernatural Power: 0, he intuitively understood that to use this site he would need to spend Divine power

Without having anything to do, and without understanding the situation that Arthur is in, he tries to use his other Death Carriage skill, and then a gray smoke appeared in front of him and gradually began to form the silhouette of a 2-meter-long carriage with length 1.5 wide and 2 meters high, when condensing its shape continued to be smoke in constant motion.

[~ Haha, It looks like at least I'm going to have something to play within that void.] Breaking out a depressed laugh to try to apply the tension Arthur tried to make the carriage move, but no matter how he tried it was still standing.

[~ If I am a deity, it seems that I am the worst, I will remain in this eternal emptiness forever], when he was almost giving up and surrendering to the growing depression he remembered his other ability, his attention remained on the carriage and said:

[~ PlaneFeedBack]

Then in his vision a new window began to form.

Death Carriage:

The chariot used by death to kill and collect souls.

Status: Incomplete (The shadow horse has not been summoned)