
Transmigration of Ariethea

This world is a world I woke up into, 11 years ago, as a baby.

11 years ago, I had a past life in the normal world we all know. But I died at the age of 23 and woke up here bringing with me this past life's memories.

As a baby, with a 23 years old mind, I grew up smart.

I can't claim I was a genius though as the language, both written and voice, are different. Mathematics and Science here is way beyond the normal world. Here we have magic and divine powers, something normal world science never touched.

So those things I have to learn from scratch.

But because I was a 23-year-old baby, my study habit was excellent. Through persistence and maturity, I was able to conquer and learn everything I need to learn, including the history of Elanthia. I am an alien here; I should know the world I am living in currently, right?

Of course, I was proud of my achievement and thought to conquer this world!

I was a haughty little miss because I, Ariethea, am so smart, beautiful, and talented, as I was also gifted with magic.

I plan to live this life extraordinarily – unlike the ordinary, boring me who was an average office worker with an average face from an average family in the last life.

I was having a grand time experiencing this life, learning magic, living the world of Elanthia, until last night, when I dreamt about the future.

Of what this world truly was.

Of who am I exactly.

What role I played in the story of Elanthia's Saints, Mages, and Heroes.

Then I realized I wish I was not this extraordinary.

Because somehow, a jewel called Ariethea is but a trash in someone's eyes.

And I am but a waste in this world, bound to meet my tragic end at 18.

What a waste of beauty, talent, and life.

Out of the 4 great continents in this world, I, as Ariethea, am a little frog from the continent of Athian in the Empire of Eu.

And now, sitting here, listening to my teacher telling me about the history of Elanthia, I feel suffocated.

How I wish I can run away to visit all the kingdoms in all of the empire in the continent.

I am no longer contented on just learning. After my dream, I know I have to change my plans if I want to change my fate.

Because you see, Elanthia is the world from a Novel entitled Mages, Saints, and Heroes.

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