
Chapter 1

Thana's POV:

I have just arrived at the airport and I am taking a cab to go home to a tenement where I live with my parents. I felt something new as I went up and looked out at our house door. I am Thana Nuevain, 19 years old and the second daughter of my family, I worked abroad to pay off all our debts.

As soon as I heard the voice of my older sister behind that door, I know I'm home.

"Ma, someone's knocking at the door." I heard my sister's voice.

As soon as they opened the door, my sister hugged me and shouted, "Ma, Thana is home!"

They preferred a lot to eat for me and I can say that they really missed me. I love coming back here, and honestly seeing their smile fills me up.

I gave them all the items I bought in the US. Like bags, clothes, shoes and of course food, especially those chocolates my mother loved. I also gave my mother half a million dollars to pay off all our debts. My mom right now was so shocked and confused at the same time, but I just smiled at her.

"Thana, this is too much, how did you get this money?" my mom asked.

"I got it by the legal work I did and I work hard to get it, so don't worry, it's clean money," I answered.

"We only have a hundred thousand more or less debts, what should we do for the rest of it?" she asked again as if she has nothing to do with the money I gave her.

"Keep it, for sure, you will need it soon, it's for the tuition of my siblings and for emergency purposes." I hold up my wrist and smiled.

"You're such a blessing to us, Thana."

Those words give me a reason why I should go on.

As soon as my father saw me, he cried as if I had left for a long time, even if I had just left for three months. When I spoke to my father alone, I handed him an envelope and a key and said, "I made it, We have our own house, Dad."

"Really?" he surprisingly asked.

I nodded and smiled and he clasped me in his arms.

Then I saw a true smile of my first love which made me cry. This is why I'm coming back alive.

After several days, some of our neighbors were talking about me.

"If we do not know she had a sugar daddy at abroad who paid all of their debt" Said of the neighbors

"For sure she is strippers for US, that is why she got that huge amount in a short period of time" humor from the neighbors

Those are the humor we always heard outside, then one day my youngest sister asked me…

"Sis, Why you are not affected by the those humors outside?" My younger sister asks

I smiled at her and said…

"Because it is humors. Why should I? They do not know what I have been though when I was in the US. They have not seen what kind of torment I've been though." I answered.

I have never had any friends because I am not a sociable person that is why the only friends I had is my sisters, We shared our story, have funned to humors and criticized others together. But honestly even though we do that together sometimes I still feel outcast and most of the time I feel alone and there is some secret that I cannot tell them.

I am scrolling on my phone when I see an online admission at the Mela De Vade University where I really want to study so i excitedly open the link and pass all of my requirements that needed for an interview.

"Thana have you enrolled already?" Mom ask me,

"Yes mom, I do, why?" I responds

"Sis, which school you are going?" Ask of my older sister,

"At Mela De Vade University, it is really my dream to go to that school" I excitedly said

"Okay if you are really want that then go for it" supportive said my mom

Later on after five months. We paid all of our debt and live in our new house. It is a subdivision,, so we do not have neighbors who would make a humor about anyone of us. My Dad had his first car, While Mom got her dream business, which is a cake business thanks to my older sister and my younger sister got many photoshoots schedules and also my youngest brother got his dream come true which is the PC he was longing for to be a live streamer.

After seeing my family to be in a good condition, I feel relief and happy.

So, I started a healthy lifestyle where go to gym every day, set all the things happened in U.S. in the past and move on to life like a newborn person with a new life.

It was sunny day and I decided to get a new challenge in my life that can also be my hobby so I call my older sister who was taking an MMA or mix martial arts class.

"Sis, do you think I can also get an MMA class there?"

"I'm going to ask them and get back to you soon because I am in the middle of my training Thana." Said of my older sister,

She hanged up the phone,

"I'm just asking? What is wrong with her?"

"Sis there is nothing wrong with her, You are the one who is in the wrong timing" Said of my younger sister.

Who is to laugh at me while scrolling to her phone. When she got back at the house, she is annoyed and look at me.

"Do you mean what you said at the phone, or you are just annoyed me?" My older sister asks

"I mean, it. I really want to get a class of there. Why?"

"They said yes you may. Just don't disappoint me Thana" she doubtfully said to me,

She said with hesitation on her face before going to her bedroom. I smiled sarcastically because that makes annoyed the inside me. What should I expect from them, they still see me as a disappointment after all of those things I have done and did for them. This is the reason I hate them. Hate them for underestimated me and everything that I can do.

It is a rainy day but I still do my routine of jogging but not as usual I am not just going back and forth, I am jogging from the subdivision to my MMA first day of class. When I notice a Mercedes-Maybach Exelero that following me a long the road and then someone grab me and I fainted.

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