
Years of Peace

The next few years were quiet and calm for Reynolds and his family, he had decided to remain in seclusion until he had fussed the three laws to guarantee the security of his family. Although Ojwin and the Highgod that had taken the O'Brien Empire were death, leaving only a few Demigods, he decided to destroy them as well and ask Catherine to extend her and his religion on both empires.

After twenty years since he became a God, Koral's progress was better than he had expected, and they estimated that she would become a God within 20 years making her excited as she felt that her position of 'Elder Sister' was secured for the time being. Reynolds on the other hand would have to wait another 80 years to complete the fusion of the laws.

The only curious event that happened during these years was that Wharton, after having become a God by fusing divine sparks, came to challenge Reynolds in the form of a 'sparring'. Reynolds had no much impression of Wharton but apparently Wharton still resented that during their first meeting Reynolds had looked down on him.

"Reynolds be careful, this is the attack I created based on the 'Flame Body'!" Wharton said with pride as he turned into flames and charged towards Reynolds who was looking lazily at him, Reynolds waved his hand and a giant shield, powered by the fusion of the 'Fire Elemental Essence' and 'Heat', materialized causing the space in front of the shield tremble as it became unstable.

Wharton crashed against the shield and found himself repelled and suffering from excruciating pain as his hands held to his head not understanding what had happened to him. Reynolds waved his hand again and the soul erosion effect disappeared releasing Wharton from his misery, he looked at him for a while before asking. "Kid what other laws did you understand by fusing with the divine sparks?" Reynolds voice was neutral and only denoted a trait of curiosity.

Wharton felt dejected as he understood the different in power and sighed realizing that Reynolds had gone easy on him. "The laws that I understand are 'Fire Elemental Essence', 'Flame Body' and 'Mirage'." Wharton said with resignation and Reynolds looked at him in surprise. "You were lucky, the two divine sparks you fused did not overlap the laws... but you should understand that the 'Fire Elemental Essence' and the 'Flame Body' are two of the lowest ranked mysteries of the Fire Elemental Laws. 'Mirage' on the other hand seems to be a high level mystery and you should use it as your main reliance. Well you can go now." Before ending his speech Reynolds was already back in the island holding Koral from behind and biting her right ear, she had watched the mock battle trying to find insights but it ended so quickly that she was disappointed.

He whispered in her ear. "Don't be upset my dear, next time you can bully him if you want... just be sure not to kill him". Koral mood improved at the perspective of bulling Wharton after becoming a God and her smile turned dazzling but Reynolds was busy biting her ear again and caressing her full breasts failing to appreciate her 'bad' ideas.


Another twenty years passed without important events beside the death of his mother due to age and natural causes, Reynolds spent a few days with a slightly depressed mood, but he had understood long ago that this was meant to happen and there was nothing he could do about it. Though Yale's reports he knew that George was just a step away from becoming a saint magus while Yale was a rank 9 magi but still with good probability of becoming a saint as well.

He was planning in visit them as soon as he completed the fusion of the three laws thinking that he no longer needed to fear others within the Yulan Plane by that time, with the exceptions of Beirut and Leylin of course.

It was also during this time that Koral became a God after completing her understanding of the two laws, and she would need a month or two to complete the fusion of the laws raising her power to a new level and making Rosarie slightly depressed, of course... Reynolds wasted no time rushing to comfort her taking advantage of the situation while one of his avatars congratulated Koral with passion, making for another wonderful night.

Reynolds asked Koral to try to comprehend another law system with her saint body, but she seemed to lack the ability to do so... still she decided to continue to do so even if it took her a few thousand years making Reynolds smile and he patted her head making her purr.

Another 20 years passed and Reynolds received the news that George had become a saint and that his family had been relocated to the Baruch Empire making him happy and wrote back exhorting Yale to work hard to become a saint so the four brothers could transcend history. During this time Jenne managed to reach the rank 9 as a magus in both death and water magic making Reynolds happy of her progress as he felt that she would have an easier time pondering the laws once she became a saint magus.

Another 30 years passed and Windsor managed to become a saint magus, she had taken much more time that Reynolds had originally thought she would as she had come to enjoy pondering the laws and took her magus training in a more relaxed pace. She confirmed Reynolds speculations that becoming a saint magus helped in one's ability to ponder the laws ever if only slightly. During this time Reynolds also received news of Yale becoming a saint magus making him smile in relief, it would be not much longer for him to complete the fusion of the laws, and then he will pay a visit to his two elder brothers.

During this time, after completing the application of the laws he had already fused, his saint body started pondering 'Mirage' but the improvement was extremely slow, and he understood the difference in pondering a high level mystery. Still, he took especial care in trying to find points of fusion for the new law but without gaining any successful result for the time being.

Finally, after another 20 years Reynolds managed to complete the fusion of the three laws improving his power to a new level, he had never felt so confident and had to remind himself that there existed people much more powerful than him and ground himself when he realized that he was becoming drunk on self satisfaction. He remembered Lord Leylin creating a new continent and smiled while shaking his head and focused on upgrading his battle style with his new power. He was surprised that he had met no bottleneck till now and guessed that it was due to the laws being low and middle level, perhaps he would experience the frustration of not being able to fuse the fourth law and decided to be thankful for his current luck.

A few months later Reynolds, his four wives and Catherine were floating towards the Baruch Empire to visit George, Catherine had agreed to come as after the visit Reynolds would help her to recover the Yulan Empire and they would spend a few years there while she re-established her religion including his on the process.

George was smiling while sitting on a garden watching two small kids playing pretending to be soldiers, the boys were twins and were his grandchildren. He had become a grandfather 5 years ago even if he still looked like a thirty year-old man. He startled as he heard a voice behind him. "Oh my... Second Brother you had become a grandfather? You don't look like one, you should let your beard grow to your chest to look the part."

George blinked and then smiled inviting his brother and the five women to sit. "Second Brother you already know Windsor, this is Jenne, Rosarie and Koral, they are my wives. And this is Catherine, my friend. Ladies this is George a friend that grew up with me during our years at the Ernst Institute". Reynolds voice was proud as he introduced his wives making George smile happily thinking that his brother had matured... even if he had too many wives.

"Welcome to my home, I was thinking that you were not willing to visit me Fourth Brother". George's voice was gentle as if already influenced by becoming a grandfather making Reynolds chuckle. "Second Brother that is not the case, even if you consider the last 200 years as dangerous you can't imagine how dangerous it was for a new Demigod. I have been training and not leaving my secluded home to avoid unnecessary trouble. Still, I have fought three deities during this time killing two of them and helping Third Brother to kill the other one... and that idiot Wharton doesn't count I guess".

Reynolds was happy to met with his brother and asked about his family and his training. "The 'Elemental Laws of Water'... I guess you are in luck as Rosarie and Jenne also practice them, I plan to go to the Yulan Empire to help Catherine taking it back from the invaders and then repeat the same process with the O'Brien Empire. If you want to come with us you could discuss the laws with them but you will be away from home for 10 to 20 years and you might not be willing." He said as he turned to look at the two children playing on the garden and chuckled.

George smiled and looked at the kids as well. "There is no hurry... I will visit you when you return to the Forest of Darkness, at that time these kids would have grown old enough and I would concentrate fully on pondering the laws."

After talking for a few hours the group made their way towards the Dawson Conglomerate, in their way towards the Yulan Empire, to visit Yale who had just married a beautiful girl. He told Reynolds that he had passed down the Chairman position to another member of the clan and that he planed to move to the Baruch Empire and live close to George, he wanted to concentrate most of his time in pondering the laws as he refused to experience the impotence of being at someone's mercy again.

After talking a few hours the group made their way towards the Yulan Empire ready to take it back and expel or kill the invaders.

Thanks for reading!



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