
Temark (Part I)

Reynolds was sitting in the garden holding a cup of wine as he was examining the information about Temark and the mission. He turned to look at this family and smiled as he saw 5 women talking happily to each other, and he could hear giggles from time to time, he suddenly wondered how would he react when Talia decided to marry... would that person join his family? Would she go away?

He shook his head laughing at himself and decided that he would not think of those dangerous topics and will simple respect her decision... of course a little threat to the other party might prove useful... who knows.

He returned his attention to the file and started to identify the parts that seemed of use.

"... residence on the Silver Prefecture, a Castle near the Silver Swamp".

"... alive for a million years and a 7-star Fiend for over 3,000 years".

"... trains the Elemental Laws of Lightening, unknown if he had a saint body or other divine avatars".

"... his main technique consist in speed while turning himself into lightning with a mixture of soul and material attacks. Suspected of fusing the 'Lightning Elemental Essence', 'Judgement' and 'Lightning Body'."

"... known for having both material and soul Highgod defensive artifacts and uses a Highgod level sword artifact to fight".

Reynolds was smiling thinking that they both have similar tendencies to fight, Reynolds had used a similar technique to the one described when killed Odin's subordinates a few centuries ago. He had no doubt of his victory, even if he only depended on the artifacts that both Beirut and Leylin had given him. "My spear has already become a Demigod artifact but it is slightly more powerful than a normal Highgod artifact... I wonder how was it made, it feels like... divine sparks? Is that even possible?" Reynolds was muttering to himself when he suddenly thanked the heavens that he had never used his spear to fight since they arrived at the Infernal Realm.

He willed his spear to change its appearance and it turned into an elegant black spear with purple engravings instead of the transparent crystal like appearance it used to have, now it will be difficult to realize that it might be a treasure, that even Asuras would be happy to kill for, unless someone took time to examine it thoroughly.

Reynolds sighed and wondered why did Beirut had 'invested' so much on him and ended shaking his head. 'What is the point of worrying about something I cannot understand or even change?' He thought and returned to his preparations, it might be a good opportunity to make a name for himself.

That would keep most of the cannon fodder away but it might attract powerful battle crazy individuals. 'At least life would not be boring'. He smiled and walked to spend some time with his family as he would be living tomorrow and the round trip would likely take close to 60 years, he sighed while thinking. 'But after this we would be traveling together, not more lonely times ever again'. His mischievous smile made the four women to look in attention for a possible attack while Talia shook her head wondering how was it that she did not have more siblings with how much her father enjoyed playing around.


A metallic life form with the shape of a winged snake departed from the Silver Grass City while many people watched curiously and wondering if the Burning Fiend would come back victorious, it was rare for a 6-star Fiend to challenge a 7-star Fiend, but it was even rarer that one actually managed to survive the encounter and many people suddenly had the feeling of witnessing history.

After flying for a while, Reynolds smiled while thinking how difficult it was to advance fusing the four laws, he liked the challenge and for the next 60 years his saint body will focus almost completely on this effort. He had left the books with his wives, so they could continue improving while he was on the mission, he also gave them most of the family fortune just in case something unexpected happened.

Twenty years later he felt that his improvement on the fusion of laws was going smoothly, but he felt rather frustrated out of boredom... apparently the news of him going to challenge a 7-star Fiend had become known and not a single bandit had dared to interrupt his journey. He was even starting to envy those people who had a talentless avatar that could be left behind to enjoy life. But he had realized long ago that he was unable to feel the slightest fluctuation of Elemental Essence besides the Fire one, and he suspected that gaining entrance to one of the other two Edicts would turn out to be impossible as well. He sighed and returned to his meditation.


The wind transported a few leaves making them dance next to a big three before advancing to a beautiful castle that seemed made of jade, this castle created an impressive contrast just for being built on the Silver Swamp. The swamp was not silver, it just took this name as most of the places did to reference that they were located within the Silver Prefecture, the brown dirty color made the jade walls to seem even more exquisite.

Inside the castle a man was sitting behind a desk, he had short red hair and sharp features that made him look dangerous... like a sword out of its scabbard. He was reading a report regarding the 6-star Fiend that would come to challenge him soon and there was also a recording orb that showed his participation on the Fiend Trials a few centuries ago.

He smirked relaxed. 'Another kid trying to make a name out my fame... it is not the first time and it will not be the last time'. He thought as he felt happy for the challenge, he had being in a bad mood since his brother was poisoned and was told that in exchange for the antidote he needed to become a bodyguard for a young mistress of the Silver clan, the family that ruled the Silver Prefecture.

Apparently she had being obsessed with him since she saw a recording on one of his fights and decided that she needed such a servant. Still, he refused to submit... he had agreed with his brother that if he left his protection and was captured while he played the Lord with a small tribe he would be abandoned, his pride would not allow any other way.

A few unwelcome memories interrupted his musings, he remembered growing up with Goonny and the worship in his brother's eyes when he saw him training. How proud they had felt when they become 1-star Fiends together and how disappointed Goonny had felt when he realized that his talent was limited, and that he might not even be able to become a Highgod by his own effort. Talent was an elusive thing that he did not understand besides knowing that he was blessed by it while his brother wasn't. The last memory that made its way through moment of weakness was the screaming boy who had begged him for death, his brother never once asked him to submit... he only had wanted release, and that he gave him.

After shaking his head to push away the painful memories, he felt his anger increasing and his expectations from the battle to come as he needed a target to release his frustration. After the battle he would leave the Silver Prefecture and travel to another continent... this place forced him to revive so many memories that he was not willing to confront.

Suddenly he frowned as he felt that a God was flying towards his castle and remained floating looking down on his castle, after a moment a voice resounded on the swamp. "Temark I have come to challenge you!"

Temark felt humiliated that a mere God dared to challenge him, a 7-star Fiend and with a mere gesture of his hand several 4-star Fiends floated out of the castle to face the uninvited visitor. "Kid, go away now. Lord Temark is waiting for a 6-star Fiend and had no mood to play with children". The guard was mocking him using a tone that one would use to speak to toddlers making Reynolds smile.

The next moment all the 4-star Fiends along with every deity within the castle started screaming while holding their heads, Temark suddenly understood that the 6-star Fiend that have come to challenge him was a God, he had being expecting a Highgod and did not even care enough to focus on Reynolds's appearance when he arrived. He flew towards Reynolds at high speed while screaming. "Stop!" And the screams did stopped, but only because every one besides him had turned into ashes leaving several divine sparks and interspatial rings on the floor of his castle.

Temark was stupefied for a moment, he was wondering if he could achieve the same result with his most powerful attack and decided that this God was stronger than him, this thought was painful and his pride was hurt. He took his beloved sword that seemed to have lightning inside the crystal like blade.

"You will pay for that!" He growled as he turned into lightning charging against the hateful enemy, Reynolds smiled in return and turned himself into purple flames charging towards Temark producing an impressive explosion after they both collided.

There were a few Gods on the distant using recording orbs or their understanding of the Water Elemental Laws to record their every move, they had known that a battle between a 6-star Fiend and a 7-star Fiend would happen here, and they had been waiting.

They had felt disappointed when they saw a God arriving to challenge and only a few of them started recording out of curiosity, most of them were now gritting their teeth realizing that they had lost an important part of the battle and regretted their mistake.

The dust settled after the explosion and both Reynolds and Temark were facing each other while floating over the swamp. Reynolds was smiling scattered while Temark was frowning, he could feel that his defensive artifacts would not survive a prolonged battle. He could feel that the purple flames were special. 'Perhaps an innate ability? And at least 3 fused laws? His mastery over the laws do not lose to mine at all, but those purple flames are dangerous'.

After arranging his thoughts, Temark decided to stake everything from the very start as his opponent was sure to have a few hidden cards. The strange thing was that running away had never crossed his mind, his speed should be superior, but his pride had being engraved to his very soul for thousands of years and running away from a battle from someone with equal rank was unthinkable... even more running away from a mere God.

Thank you for reading!



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_Vlad_creators' thoughts
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