

Reynolds was laying on the grass as Rosarie slept at his side, he enjoyed the feeling of her perfect body pressing against his own and a smile formed on his lips while calm and content seemed to fill his heart. He started thinking of the people he cared about, his mother, George, Yale and Linley, he realized that besides these few and Windsor, Jenne and Koral he did not care for anyone else.

He frowned as he wondered if something was wrong with him, soon after he smiled thinking that he might not care for many people but he care deeply for those few he considered family. During his time in the Necropolis of the Gods he had come to realize how much he cared for Windsor and Jenne and he did not know when he started thinking of them as family instead of maids. He concentrated for a moment and the 'soul seeds' he had placed on both of them were released without them finding out and his smile relaxed. 'If they are family I will treat them like family'. He thought that George would be proud and released a chuckled that woke Rosarie up.

He smiled at her and lifter her chin with his finger. "Are you alright?" His voice was kind yet firm, Rosarie seemed surprised at her own situation as if wondering what had happened to her. She had submitted herself completely to another person and found relief while doing so, she was no longer the priestess of the Frozen Goddess Shrine, she was a woman and she found that she liked the feeling.

She smiled with endearing and answered with a melodious and surprisingly meek voice. "I'm fine Master". Reynolds blinked for a moment wondering if he had put her on a trance by mistake but soon found out that this beautiful woman really had some strange tendencies as Cesar had said and laughed softly.

"Well I would tell you to not call me master but... I told your two sisters that I would keep them as slaves and would not marry them until they became saints, so lets wait until they reached the saint realm so the three of you keep the same status." His voice was not apologetic or questioning, he was merely informing her and she accepted it as that. "Well get dressed I will take you to met your sisters".

A few minutes later he found Windsor and Jenne that were in a living room talking happily with each other and he approached them while holding Rosarie's waist with his arm. "Windsor, Jenne this is Rosarie and from now on she is your sister and she will be living with us". Windsor and Jenne showed relieved smiles and looked fondly at Rosarie creating a strange atmosphere for a moment making Reynolds chuckle. 'Perhaps I have played too much with them these few days since I returned from the Necropolis of the Gods that they feel having a new sister is a good idea'.

He then looked at Rosarie and said. "Rosarie this red haired beauty is Windsor and the silver haired one is Jenne. Jenne will help you to practice qi with water attributes and you will decide which weapon you want to learn. If it is a sword then Windsor will teach you and if you want to practice the spear then Jenne will teach you the basics. I will introduce you to Koral once she wakes up". He then left the women to get to know each other while Jenne and Windsor were thinking that they would be able to get more rest at night. Unknown to them Reynolds has other thoughts. 'Well since I now have three women it would not be good if one of them felt left out... perhaps my fire divine clone will join us tonight'.


The next morning he left the three beautiful but exhausted naked women on bed and he went to train. His fire divine clone did not require sleep and he had gone to the training room after the girls lost consciousness. He was currently a mass of flames nurturing the three artifacts while pondering the fusion of the 'Fire Elemental Essence' and the 'Flame Body'. In this two years he had made good progress and his power was already above a normal Demi God due to the fused laws.

He had not managed to found a point of convergence between 'Heat' and the 'Fire Elemental Essence' but have found that when pouring his divine power into his spear artifact the air around him trembled forming mirages that affected the soul, they seemed caused by gas and he understood that the flames were the gaseous part of the fire element. He identified this as an effect of one of the high level laws of the fire element that he didn't know and he called it 'Mirage', he was far from gaining basic entry to this law but he felt happy as at least he had found a direction and now he only lacked knowledge of one law.

His saint body have already memorized the Life Magic Spells from the book Catherine gave him and found that the saint level healing spells were much more complicated but the effect was impressive. He dissected the spells and tried to gain a similar effect without praying to the sovereign improving his understanding on he edicts of life. Catherine had explained to him that while the edicts of life had aspects there seemed to be no general division as in the elemental laws, she had identified the aspect of illusion and the aspect of healing but she was only proficient on illusion.

To his disappointment he also found that the training room did not seem to have an important effect for his pondering of the edicts of life, apparently being surrounding by plants had a better effect, so his saint body remained on the gardens and living with the three women.

Koral was coiled around his arm as she usually did when she wanted to sleep or when she was frustrated for not being able to improve in her training, Reynolds had been thinking for a while and finally had an idea to help her. "Koral, lets try something different. Remember when I started creating wings of fire? It was difficult and different from my normal training but my understanding on the "Fire Elemental Essence' increased at a faster rate. So taking different approaches might help, so lets change it..."

Reynolds was pensive for a moment while Koral waited trying to be patient but her body trembled in expectation causing him to smile. "Well I think that the reason that you are having trouble improving is that your understanding of the human body is limited so we will add a new form, one that you are perfectly familiar with... a velocidragon. Yes... your next fire construct would be a bigger version of you and you will work to make it into a perfect replica of you. Not only on the outside, but every organ every scale should be the same, do you understand?"

Koral seemed excited and asked. "Master, would this really help me?" Her expectations were visible on her shining eyes. "Well I think so, but don't worry to much... do your best and we will find another way if this turns out to be ineffective, all right?"

A few minutes later Koral was creating a giant velocidragon out fire elements and concentrated on her own training. Reynolds for a change started drinking a bit of wine while reading the news report that the Dawson Conglomerate delivered each week.

"... Linley Baruch and a group of saints from the Baruch Empire launched war against the Divine Island where the Radiant Church stablished a new Capital after the destruction of the Finlay Empire."

"... The Baruch Empire attained victory and started to devour all the territories previously controlled by the Radiant Church."

"... The Cult of Shadows declared war on the Baruch Empire after being denied rights of preaching religion within the Empire".

'Seems that third brother had been busy, but at last he obtained his revenge and it would not be long for the religion of the Radiant Church to disappear from the Yulan Continent. It would not be a bad thing if the Cult of Shadows followed on the same path.' Reynolds did not have any love for the Radiant Church and even felt enmity towards the Cult of Shadows for trying to capture Jenne for their sacrifices.

He was considering asking his third brother to destroy them as well, but remembered the warning of Lord Beirut and felt that it was better not to be involved with them. 'Two years have passed since Catherine and the others entered the Necropolis of the Gods and I have not left this place in all this time. Perhaps I should make a small trip and visit my three stupid brothers... since I have so few people I care for... it would not hurt to stay in touch'.

His saint body remained seated on the grass and closed his eyes to start pondering the edicts of life while his fire divine body left the training room and started traveling in direction of the Yulan Empire to visit George and he would search on his way for news of Yale who was never in the same place for long.

As he passed over a big city he decided to stop at the local headquarters of the Dawson Conglomerate, but he felt surprised to find out that this branch was dealing only with the slave trade. 'I didn't know that the Dawson Conglomerate had entered the slave business, not that I care but I'm still a little curious in what Yale is trying to do... perhaps I should visit their Main Headquarters before paying a visit to second brother.' Reynolds had a small frown as he had an ominous feeling and started flying at high speed.

After a couple of hours he was floating over the Main Headquarters of the Dawson Conglomerate and was surprised to see the amount of slaves gathered there and even more surprised as all of those slaves were being slaughtered one after another. He now was sure that something was wrong, he definitely did not care about the slaves being killed but somehow he knew that his eldest brother will not do something like that... there seemed to be no gain by doing so.

He transformed into fire feathers and started searching the area paying attention to Yale's moves, he seemed to be completely normal except for his cold indifference to anything but managing the business. After a while he found a secret passage that led to an underground level and started making his way slowly as if the feathers were carried by the wind.

Thanks for reading!



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_Vlad_creators' thoughts
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