
Life in Fenlai Kingdom (Part III)

The day of the auction had arrived and Reynolds planed to join the fun along with his three brothers. He was very happy, he had already reached the rank 1 warrior level on qi and his life and death magic had reached rank 2, but the best part was that since the accident he had no aura leakage so he was not worried than some high ranked magus or warrior could identify that he had been practicing either life or death magic.

He was sitting on the carriage with his brothers and asked excitedly. "Fourth brother how much do you think your sculpture will sell for?" Linley seemed not very interested as he said. "It doesn't matter, to be honest getting rid of it is good for me and as long as I get enough money to buy 'slaughterer' back it will be good enough for me".

"Well then I think you will be very satisfied by the end of the auction." Say Yale, and George laughed. "I think the very entry price would be enough to buy 10 slaughterers". Reynolds also added. "Fourth brother congratulation on becoming rich, I hope you do not forget your three poor brothers and help us to drink some good wine to celebrate after the auction".

Bebe who was on Linley's shoulder seemed to be demanding something and started to jump in happiness as Linley apparently promised. Reynolds smiled and thought 'I need to get a partner like Bebe, life could be so much fun'.

Reynolds thought that Linley seemed normal on the surface and focussing on his objective of getting 'slaughterer' back he had forgotten about Alice, but it seemed to him that the wound was deep inside... 'perhaps having a girlfriend is not such a good idea, you can enjoy life with beautiful girls without getting yourself hurt like fourth brother'.

They arrived at the gallery and entered the VIP hall where they will be witnessing the auction, many important people arrived and greeted Linley, like the archbishops of the Radiant Church and the king of Fenlai. Reynolds make sure to be out of the way, he didn't like politics... life was fun enough without complicating things and he was afraid to gather attention to himself as he was part of the O'Brien Empire and was staying at Fenlai City after graduating from the Ernst Institute. At best they would try to rope him in, at worst they will be suspicious of him staying on their territory.

The auction ended with an intensive competition between Delia and a middle aged man that gave Reynolds a feeling of death when he looked at him, he made a point to not cross paths with this man and if not possible it was best no to anger him.

"Linley, it seems that you are still quite popular with the ladies. Delia doesn't seem to have given up on you, are you tempted?" Reynolds asked his brother, he was not mocking him he was truly curious. "Don't be kidding around fourth brother". Linley didn't want to have thoughts on that but he did not get angry because he felt his brother's sincerity in the question. It was as if he was trying to figure out something for himself and was asking for his thoughts, but Linley could not duel in those matters now.

Linley and Yale went to retrieve 'slaughterer' while George made his way back to the Ernst institute. Reynolds did feel like going home as the auction had been exciting so he started walking his way home slowly.

On his way home he found a bar that looked calm and clean, but not elegant and he decided that he needed a glass of wine to calm himself before returning to his training. The bar was almost empty as it was still early so he enjoyed the silence at started thinking on what he would be doing in the following years, he had no hurry to return to the O'Brien Empire before he had reached rank 9 level of either as a magus or a warrior to avoid been forced to join the army.

As he was enjoying his wine, the door opened and the most beautiful girl he ever laid eyes on entered the bar. She had long dark red hair that reached her waist, big green mesmerizing eyes, hourglass figure and an impressive bust. The strangest thing was that she looked 18 years old and he felt no warrior or magus aura on her.

The girl looked to be passing through rough times as her clothes were a little coarse and she seemed to be looking for a job as a waitress instead of coming to drink. Reynolds had his glass raised half way and forgot to drink, he was clear that this was not love only desire. But he had never desire something or someone so much before, he calmed himself as he was a rank 7 magus and controlling himself was easy enough.

"Lady, would you care to join me for a glass of wine? I could use some company and I will reward you with a meal if you do". Reynolds said was smiling lightly, he was hunting and there was no need to be in a hurry.

The young woman hesitated for a moment, but looking at the tall handsome young man, with sober but expensive clothes, drinking expensive wine with an elegant aura decided to take the risk. She could use a good meal and at least the one asking was not a fat drunkard.

The woman smiled at made her way slowly to him, she walking was hypnotizing. "Why thank you, I could use a cold drink right now." Reynolds was happy, he thought that he had already half the battle in his pocket. "My name is Reynolds I was just at the auction for the sculpture 'Awakening from a Dream' and decided to enjoy a good glass of wine to calm myself after the excitement. It is not everyday that one can enjoy a spectacle like that... May I know your name? What would a beautiful young woman like you would be doing alone at a bar?". He said as he slowly pour a glass of cold wine for her and placed it in front of her.

The girl was excited by the expensive and fragrant aroma from the glass, it was a while since she had taste a good wine, and by the idea of the sculpture that she had no chance to see before it was auctioned.

"My name is Windsor, I arrived at Finlay City a couple of days before and I'm trying to find a job. This place seems clean and calm I thought that it might not be a bad choise".

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