
Elemental Laws and Edicts

It was already the middle of the day when both Windsor and Jenne woke up and looked at Reynolds with resentment but they seemed to forget their grievances as soon as they saw the new weapons he had made for them and turned into little girls begging for new toys.

Reynolds was smiling fondly as he saw the three women playing with their new weapons while he was enjoying the fragrance from his coup of wine ready to return to his meditation pondering the edicts of life and death, he decided that he would paid a visit to the Yulan Empire in the next few days to ask Catherine for advise.


The next morning his fire avatar was floating leisurely over the Dark Forest near to the metallic castle where Beirut lived, he smiled thinking that the old ruler of the Yulan Plane knew how to enjoy luxury. He was shaken out of his thought when Beirut voice was projected into his mind. 'Come inside Reynolds'.

Soon a door materialized on one of the wall of the metallic castle and disappeared as soon as he entered the castle, Reynolds was marveled at this and he understood that the castle was a sentient being or at least and intelligent construct. 'Luxurious indeed'. He thought while a light smile formed on his lips, there were so many things that he did not know and he had a sense of adventure every time he encountered something new.

Beirut was seating behind a luxurious desk in what seemed to be a comfortable chair, he found himself taken aback as he had planned to make the kid wait for a while to make his superiority known but the kid was taking his time to look at every inch of the place with a marveled look in his eyes that was so funny that he was having a hard time keeping his face straight and his lips were starting to twitch.

He couldn't control himself anymore and chuckled as he found that the kid had some resemblance with his own grandson except clearly on Bebe's laziness. "Take a seat kid". There was some amusement in his voice as he realized that this kid was indeed not much older than Bebe. "I will explain a few rules to you so we avoid conflict in the future."

Reynolds had finally managed to focus his attention in Beirut and looked at him trying to look serious, Beirut nodded and started explaining. "I generally don't care about what happen with the mortal realm but there are a few things to consider. First the Forest of Darkness and the Northern Duchies, where the Frost Goddess Shrine rules, are off-limits to slaughter or preach religion". Reynolds was surprised to find out that the Frost Goddess Shrine was under Beirut protection and grew curious but decided that he did not need to know.

"Second, you can create your territory to establish your own religion but avoid creating too much damage to the Radiant Church and the Church of Darkness as there is an agreement of sorts at the sovereign level that forbids Gods to destroy this two religions. Do you understand?"

Reynolds blinked and looked curiously at Beirut's eyes. "I think so, but not really... I get that I shall not touch these places and I have no problem with that. But why would I want to create a religion? I think I'm missing something important there but I really can't figure out what". Beirut blinked at him and then laughed as he suddenly was aware that this kid had stayed low key most of the time and there were not many people who knew him even when he was a saint, there should be almost no one who knew he was a deity now.

"Right, belief in one's name creates a kind of energy that deities can garner and it is useful to ponder the laws thus increasing your power. I guess that there are almost no one who have belief in you as you are not famous so you did not feel the power of faith when you became a Demi God". Beirut was amused and chuckled.

"Demi God? Is that my current realm? Then what would my realm be when I understand the two laws completely?" Reynolds eager voice seemed a little childish and Beirut soon was wondering if this kid had been hiding under a rock as he did not know anything and sighed.

"The realms are as follows. When you comprehend one law entirely or merge a significant part of two laws, you will become a Demi God. If you obtain control over two laws of the same elemental nature you will become a Full God and if you reach comprehension of all the laws from an elemental nature you will become a High God. Catherine, Cesar and Dylin are normal Demi Gods, O'Brien is a tier lower as he fused with a divine spark and had no hope of improvement on his own as he can only aspire to fuse with a Full God divine spark. Tarosse is a Full God but his stronger that Hodan, the Plannar Guardian, who like O'Brien fused with a divine spark. Finally I'm a High God". Beirut smile grew more pronounced as he explained while watching Reynold's eyes sparkling as understanding downed on him.

"So you should avoid fusing with divine sparks unless you have no more hope of improvement, I think that little girl Koral has a good chance to become a deity by her own efforts... for your other two companions it will be difficult to reach the deity realm." Beirut continued while studying Reynolds's expression and he was slightly more curious about this kid than he had come to realize before.

"I think I understand, thank you Lord Beirut! Can I ask a few more questions?" He said eagerly seing that Beirut was on a good mood and it seemed as good a chance as he was gonna get. "Go ahead". Beirut was still smiling thinking that it would be a good think if Bebe were a little more like this kid.

"I think I have touched three laws of fire elemental nature, the fire essence, the flame body and heat. Do you know how many are there? Why are the edicts of life and death so much more difficult to train and gain enlightenment than the elemental laws?" Beirut blinked surprised at the amount of question and chuckled again.

"I do not practice neither the laws of fire nor the edicts of life and death. But normally all elemental laws, except for wind, are divided on six laws. The 'fire elemental essence' and the 'flame body' are considered at the lowest level of power and difficulty, 'heat' and 'explosion' are at the middle level of power and difficulty of understanding. The last two you will have to find out yourself." Beirut smiled mischievously and felt elated when Reynolds seemed crestfallen for not getting to know the names of the last two laws. "And regarding the edicts, it is difficult to reach the Demi God realm while training within the lower planes such as the Yulan Plane, you should go to the higher planes to train if you want to go beyond the Demi God level on them, but you should wait until you are a little stronger... at least you should be a Full God to even considering going there. Well that would be enough for now you go and remember not to break my rules".

Reynolds had gain too much information and was content as he stood and bowed slightly. "Thank you for your advice Lord Beirut, I will be leaving now". He felt a little crestfallen as he did not get to ask about the higher planes but he had gained enough for now as visiting those place was far in the future.

A few moments later Reynolds was already floating over his lake while still thinking on the things he had learned, and felt extremely happy. 'The law that was used to nurture my spear was not one of the laws that Lord Beirut mentioned... so I have already some information on five out of six laws and perhaps I would gain more information from Catherine regarding the edicts'. His thoughts were interrupted as he saw Windsor and Jenne taking a bath after their training while Koral was sleeping under the shade of a three.

He suddenly appeared next to Jenne who was leaving the bath and threw her over his shoulder causing her to yelp and asked confusedly. "A-again? M-master that's not fair!" He chuckled as he stopped Windsor from getting dressed and said to her while lifting her chin with his free hand. "You are not escaping either love". Soon Windsor was exchanging resigned looks with Jenne as they both were carried over his shoulders as he made his way to their bedroom.


After a couple of hours both Jenne and Windsor were resting naked over Reynolds's chest while drawing circles with their fingers on his arms, both seemed relieved that today their abusive Master had gone easy on them. "What are you thinking Master?" Asked Windsor with her melodious voice.

Reynolds smiled while resting his arms on their waists enjoying the peaceful moment. "I'm thinking that once you both reach the saint realm we will go to explore the Continent, there would come the time, a few hundred years from now, when we will leave the Yulan Plane to explore the higher planes and it would be a shame if we did not get to know the plane where we were born before leaving, don't you think?"

Windsor and Jenne seemed excited by the idea but both frowned and they asked almost as if they had practiced together. "Master, why do we need to wait until we become saints? Can we go now?" Reynolds chuckled and spanked them gently before hugging them again causing two melodious complains and aggrieved looks from the two women making his smile grow a little.

"Because you are my little slaves until you became saints, only then I will consider taking you both as wives. So you better work hard, do you understand?" They were used to his mischievous voice but his words caught them by surprise and both nodded with happy tears in their eyes as their delighted smiles showed determination.

There will be another chapter in a few hours.

Thanks for reading!



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_Vlad_creators' thoughts
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