
{Chapter 1}





'Fucking Hell' I think to myself as I attempt to finish putting on the required bunny suit but the zipper was stuck. "Come on girl we have people waiting on us" My Best Friend Mina from high school said to me as she walked into the dressing room where I was struggling to zip up the suit. She rolls her eyes and says "You've been working here for how long and you still struggle to this very day to zip this damn suit up?"

I say "Just bring your ass over here and help me zip this up plus it's not my fault this time! The zipper is stuck this time"She laughs and says "Sure y/n" She comes over to me and helps me with the zipper and I turn around and put on the nearby cuffs and bunny ears. "Ok, let's go," I say to her as we walk out of the dressing room and into the second main lobby for the people over the ages of 18.

We both sit down and wait for us to be assigned to a "customer". Our boss comes up to us and says "y/n you have someone waiting for you in room #7." I say "All right. Mina I'll see you once I'm done." "Not if I'm in a room you won't" "No shit Sherlock I know-" "y/n stop it with the chit chat and get to the room!" My boss says as I quickly scurry down the hall.

I make my way to room number 7 and slowly open the door hoping I don't disturb the customer. I lean against the door frame looking at the green-haired boy sitting in a gray chair in the center of the room. "Now, now what is it that you would like for me to do for you today? And what is it that I can call you?"I asked him, seeming to frighten the boy. "W-well I was just hoping to- to spend some time with you," He says to me, obviously nervous.

"Spend time with me? Well, I'm not sure if that's really what you want to do," I say seductively walking toward the boy, watching his face heat up and tint itself in a dark red shade. "I- I um," he says, refusing to make eye contact with me. Huh, his first time being in a place like this. I think to myself as I stop right in front of the male getting on my knees resting my behind in between my ankles.

"Well if that's what you really wanna do then be my guest I'm all ears for what you have to say," I say looking up at him moving my h/c hair out of my face to see him better. He looks down at me, immediately looking away not wanting to look at me any longer, and says "Um so h-how was your day?" I chuckle a little and say "It's going pretty good so far and knowing that you're a newbie to all of this makes it even better."

He looks back down at me and says "What? How did you know?" "The way you respond to everything and the stuttering tells me you have no experience. You must still be a virgin" I say, smirking a little. I hear him let out a little hpmh like a child. "Should I take that as a yes?" "N-no" "Lying isn't any better," I say looking down at my black and white coffin shaped nails that look like they need to be done over.

"Ok ok fine I am a virgin but that doesn't give you the right to be a tease now does it?" He says looking down at me grabbing me by my jaw forcing me to look at him. "N-no" "You are to call me Sir. Nothing else. Understand?" "Y-yes" "Yes what?" "Yes Sir" Sir laughs and says "See now that couldn't possibly be that hard to stop being a tease now was it?" "No, it wasn't hard sir," I say, attempting to avoid eye contact with him feeling my face heat up.

"What's the matter? Not so high and mighty now are you?" I blush and try to get my face out of his grip but it's no use. His grip on my jaw is too harsh I think to myself as I look up at him. He pokes at my face and says "I'm talking to you. You should speak when you're spoken to. You know it's very rude to ignore people, right bunny?" "Y-yes Sir" He begins to laugh and stops with a stern look on his face.

"Stop it with the fucking stuttering"

He watches as I look up at him trying not to cry. "You are so fucking pretty when you tear up like this" A tear falls from my eye and he wipes the tear-off of my cheek. He scoffs and says "Am I being too harsh with you bunny?" I shake my head no and lean into his touch. He lifts my chin and pulls me into a kiss and I find myself kissing back. y/n don't catch feelings for him. He's just going to leave you like the last one.

I think to myself as I break the kiss looking back down to the cold marble floor seeing my reflection in it. He leans closer and says to me in my ear. "See you next time y/n" I look up in confusion to see that "Sir" has already walked out of the door. What. The. Fuck.

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