
Chapter 2: fighting her way to the top!

After the girl's training she was dropped off at her room and served food. The food was never good. Bread and milk. That's all, nothing more. The girl did not care she didn't need to even eat. In a way they were being generous or they simply pity her. Who knows?

The girl's routine never changes. Same old same old. Testing, training, eating. Same every day. She's never even seen the outside world before hell she doesn't even know it exists! This is her world nothing but endless pain and suffering.

Time skip!! three more years!!

One day the girl was called up to the bosses' room. The girl was frightened she did not know what was going on. Her routine never changed for more than 6 years! So why now?

When the man that were to escort her to the boss got to her room they immediately put chains on the girl. One around her neck and one on each of her limbs. The girl was not frightened, ever since she killed the red haired man she has been treated like a wild animal. Yes she had killed the red bastard. She had ripped his throat out during her training.

Flashback: her training

The man was looking down on the girl with a disgusting grin on his face. She hated that grin it meant something bad. Really bad. The man picked the girl up by the hair and whispered in her ear.

Red hair: "No ones here today to watch us. So I can do whatever I want~" He said while pulling down his pants.

"What should I do!? What can I do!?" The girl thought while she was despairing. When she felt rage. "This is THERE fault! If I was never brought here! I could have lived a normal life!!"

The girl started to shift. Her body growing bigger and her bones breaking. A monsterous roar/howl resounded through the entire lab. The girl was now a enormous wolf with fur as black as night and glowing red eyes.

The man was scared shitless! He fell onto his ass and even wetted himself! That did not stop the girl she did not feel any sympathy or pity twords the man. She quickly reached the man on the other side of the room with one leap. When she reached the man he was crying and begging for his life. Still that did not stop the girl. She quickly ended his life with a bite to the throat. Breaking his neck. The huge wolf grinned.

End of flashback!

Ever since then people had began to look at her with fear and even gave her the nickname of Fenrir the goddess of wolves. She did not care what they called her. She was proud that she had killed that bastard. Very prideful.

When she had reached the door of the bosses' room the men that had her chains had given them a tug to get her in the room because on animal instincts she had felt fear and immediately stopped in her tracks. The room was a very 'rich' looking room. It screamed rich, it had what looked like pillars and a red carpet and a beautiful desk. With many windows.

In the room were two men. One she thought to be the boss was a wealthy pig. That's pretty much it on his description. The other man was a man with gray slik back hair and many scares on his face. He looked to be a war general with his uniform and posture. The man had taken one look at the girl and smiled. That sent the girl danger warnings.

The boss: "This is our little experiment, sir Josh. She is the most powerful super human you will ever come across, she can even shift!" He said enthusiastically.

Sir Josh: "Yes, I can see, one look and anyone can see that she is very powerful." The man chuckled to himself.

the boss: "Now that you have seen her, how much are you willing to pay?" he said in a low tone with a big grin on his face.

sir Josh: "You don't mind if I take those chains off and take a closer look right?" the man said with an emotionless face.

The boss: "I don't see why not? Just be careful she is known as Fenrir the goddess of wolves you know? She single handedly killed the world's best martial artist."

sir Josh simply nodded and got out of his chair and went to the girl. He stared at the girl, who was on high alert, with a emotion she did not know in his eyes. The. it hit her. Was he looking at her with pity? Does he think that she was a pitiful beast in the hands of humanity!? No! She was not pitiful!

Sir Josh had taken off all the chains on the girl's limbs when he was about to take the girl's neck chain off she had bitten him with all the force that her jaws could muster! Wich broke his hand. Sir Josh screamed in pain! And the girl took this chance to kick both the men at her side in between there legs. All the men had dropped to the ground by the time the girl was in the hallway running at full speed.

There were many people in the hallway but none cared enough to try to stop the girl or now that she has a nickname, Fenrir. They were to scared to even try. They feared that if they tried to stop her they would end up dead. By now there were many guards(?) after her.

But they were no match for Fenrir's speed. She was just to fast.

Some guards took a shortcut and got in front of her so she shifted and tackled them and bit there throats. She was running in her wolf form witch doubled her speed. She saw doors that she did not recognized. So she ran straight for them.

When she hit the door she saw colors other than white and black. They were beautiful colors she had never seen before. Snapping herself out of her trance she began running once again. She could hear the guards behind her yell and scream trying to make her stop, but she did not.

When she thought she was far enough away she stopped and fell asleep. She was exhausted and frightened. There was so many new emotions she was feeling that she could not control so she could not stay in her wolf form and turned back into her human form.

When she was asleep she was oblivious to the someone standing above her.


Sorry for the small chapter! I was really tired and I wanted to at least get two chapters done today!

Love from Lily! Until next chapter!