
Break up with family

Everyone in that room including grandpa Su didn't spoke anything because they felt Jin Feng was right but her words were little harsh that may cause Su Rong hurt.

Qing Huang felt Su Rong's mother is really cruel to even use those words to hurt Su Rong. Is this what she would have say as a mother? Qing Huang didn't dare to meddle into their family's business because this considered Su Rong's and her children's future.

Su Rong held her tears and forced herself to speak, "Mom, I come here to inform you because you are my mother not to sake your help, sympathies nor sadness. I don't regret of what happened to me nor of meeting him. Don't feel you are right because you warned me before. You must be a good teacher but you aren't a good mother. I love my children and I am sure I can give them the best I have to make them happy. I won't be like you who look only future because...in the last future no matter what you used to be you will have the same ending. We all will die."

"I never managed to do the things I want. You may think it is for my good but have you ever thought what kind of fear I have to face you or to talk to you? No, because you only think future is the most important when you didn't even give me the best in the present." Su Rong was about to continue but Jin Feng yelled.

"Su Rong! You have enough! You think a pregnant woman without husband will survive in this world with the humiliation, children without father! I don't want to hear your nonsense, abort it or else I don't mind using force!" Although Jin Feng felt saying those words were really bad because when she heard Su Rong's words she also understood how she was and is because what all Su Rong said was right. She never give her children their own decisions in their life but that is way they are on this level that is what she thinks.

"I am 19. Not a child under your control. I said I will never abort it! I will never come back. Don't worry, no one will mock nor laugh at you of having grandchild with no father." Su Rong's also start to argue fiercely because she knows her mother well and how capable she is but this time she won't let her do what she wants.

Jin Feng is a person who care about reputations so that is way she didn't allowed Su Rong to learn piano nor painting by saying; those are for lowly people you can only learn them as a hobby.

"Su Rong, this is the last time I am warning you! Don't force me to make a move on you! Either listen to me, either never in this life show up in front of me! I will never accept to have an illegitimate children. " Jin Feng thought Su Rong won't dare to because in her mind Su Rong is only bluffing not real daring to go aboard to live her own life.

Because Jin Feng doesn't have much contact with her children and the time she has contact with them, she only use to force them to go by her arrangements so she doesn't know their personality and capabilities well like their father.

Jin Feng doesn't have a plan or never imagined to have an illegitimate child in her family. She warned her daughter but she didn't listen her now she is pregnant, this isn't her fault she warned her but now only if it is aborted she can let her stay in this family.

"Jin Feng, you had enough now." Su Xiao glared at his wife because what she said was too much, don't say Su Rong is only 19 even old people will hurt by what she said.

"Rong'er, your mother is right. Tell us your decision." Grandpa Su also agreed with Jin Feng because he has also no plan to accept a child who is born with no marriage nor father.

"Grandpa...." Su Yu, Su Rui, Su Yang and Su Yuan looked at their grandfather terrifyingly. They kept quiet because they can't win their mother so they didn't dare to say anything but now even their grandfather sided with Jin Feng. How could their grandfather who loves children suddenly force Su Rong to abort it because he cares about their reputation?

'Do they really care more about their reputation than their own blood flesh grandchild.' Although everyone in this house are discipled by the family's rule but all of them didn't like how their life has to be always arranged especially when their mother never gave them the childhood they wanted, never had the mother-love they wished too.....

"Dad, what do you mean?" Su Xiao looked at his father. He was now keeping shut his wife now his father also started to get out of control.

"What are you looking at?! Or marry him and give a birth or abort it! Otherwise I don't also have a plan to accept an illegitimate child!" Grandpa Su spoke. Although he treats Su Rong quite different from others because grandmother Su used to like her but it doesn't mean their family reputation can be ruined because of an unborn child in her belly.

Su Rong smiled. Although she expected many possibilities but she didn't expect her family will be like this even ask her to get out or abort the child.

Qing Huang was shocked by what grandfather Su said. Although she didn't expected them to be happy at least she guessed they will accept it since it is their dauther's seed. But never expected the result will be like this.

Song Tinglui is nowhere. He is aboard so she can't marry him and with stubborn mind of Su Rong and love of children, she will never abort the child so the only way is....

"Mr. Su, Mrs. Su. People who want to kill my child are my enemy. From now on I won't be your family member, won't never show up in your house nor life, won't ask nor take anything for you and your family." Su Rong smiled but her eyes were red by the unexpected decision her family made hurt her really.

Their love for her is nothing compare how much she loves them. She doesn't care about their feelings for her because in this moment although she is abandoned by the father of the children in her belly but it doesn't make her hate them instead she loved them more because she has a plan to give her own children the best life like they want unlike the life she lived. The children in her belly are and will also be her, forever!

Today not only she broke up with the man she loved but also broke up with the Su family.

"No! Little sister, don't be impulsive." Her siblings yelled. Her siblings who loved and doted her didn't want to see her sad. Although they don't have a say nor power in this family but in this kind of moments they can only beg her to remain calm because their mother is the impossible one to calm down.

Su Rong felt really grateful to have such siblings although they don't have a power but she knows they wished and loved her to have the best so she will never blame them.

"Su Rong, your grandfather and mother are just angry, don't be impulsive." Su Xiao also looked at his daughter hope she will change her mind.

Although Su Xiao is much better than Jin Feng but he has also never gave his children a time. A time where he, as a father go with them out to play, to take them to school...

The Su siblings believe their parents are busy but being always busy made them give up the hope they wished their parents to change.

They had everything except parents-love and care. Everything since they born was done by maids including sleeping and washing them. Their parents don't know what they like even they do, they will never agree to it especially their mother. She is too strict and prideful so she doesn't do anything what she didn't think is right.

"Because you aren't seeing my child's face and body doesn't mean, he isn't a person! You wanted to kill him for sake of your reputation. You are really funny. Hope you also never disturb my life!" Su Rong turned around and left without looking back leaving her siblings calling her while her father argue with her grandfather and mother.

Su Rong's is indeed angry because what she said was what she meant. They want to kill her child and wanted her to calm down to listen her mother and grandfather!

The servants who were listening can't help but feel sad for Su Rong especially uncle Dong. He is the housekeeper of their home so he knows Su Rong better than even her own mother. 'Hhh....this child is really pitiful.' Uncle Dong sighed.

Qing Huang who was in the corner listening wasn't there for a vain, she was recording everything what Su Rong said because in the future when that bastard regret and come back she wants to make him feel guilty and see how much she did to their children unlike him who only think about himself.

Although Qing Huang doesn't believe Song Tinglui will leave Su Rong just for sake of his work but she is really angry of what he did. No matter his reasons are she won't forgive him because he hurts the best friend of her!

Qing Huang followed Su Rong, to find her crying in the outside of the Su mansion.

Qing Huang knows that no matter what Su Rong did or pretended she is actually really weak deep down when it comes to the people she loves.

Our female lead is all alone now? After break up with boyfriend, then break up with family come up! So pitiful. *~*

Have a nice day!

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