
Chapter 1: the morning I finally woke up

I feel numb so I open my eyes to see what or who makes me numb. I see Madeline laughing at me. I'm in the water it's so dark and cold. I keep sinking farther and farther. But the more I sink the more I hear her laughing and whispering about me and my secrets. I look around for any sign of her. But I'm alone in this vast sea. Yet I still hear her I try screaming but I can't her my screaming. I close my eyes as I feel an invisible hand choking me. I jolt up from yet another nightmare.

I check what time and day it is. It's already Monday again when did last get up or eat. Has it already been a week. I might as well go to school or eat. I get up grab some ripped jeans and a half shirt with lace bra and underwear I shower.

The water I hits my weak body so coldly. But it slowly get warmer I have to shower to stay awake. My starving body is to weak right now to stay awake on it's own. I get out of the shower after about thirty minutes. I Finally look in the mirror my stomach has gotten a lot smaller I kinda got an hourglass body I just need to work out a bunch this week.

My phone rings from my room and I check and see that it's my father I've missed So many text and messages from a lot of people. But I don't care I answer and my dad asks were I am. I tell him I'm getting ready for school and I've been sick all day and that I'll talk to him later. I hang up and get changed my clothes are a little to big seems like i went down a few size I used to be a medium. But now I'm probably a extra small.

I look in the mirror the clothes hide most of my bruises. The bruises were a gift from fellow classmates. It was a while ago but not that long ago I can still freak their sharp nails hitting my once peachy skin. Now my skin is bruised and dully paled. There's also my circle under my eyes that are as dark as my mind.

I grab my art supplies,shorts,wallet and my keys. Then I shove all them into my bag. I grab my phone and headphones then I run out the door after putting a belt on. I live by myself because my dad works in France and my mom died 3 years ago. A grab a boba and go to the market and grab two chocolate bars along with a redbull and chips for later.

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