
The Broken Bonds

Author: I_K2ut
Ongoing · 14.1K Views
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What is The Broken Bonds

Read ‘The Broken Bonds’ Online for Free, written by the author I_K2ut, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, ADVENTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: NO LONGER UPLOADING!!!Eeyolian is a young child who saw her house burned, her world destroyed, and her family killed. Sh...


NO LONGER UPLOADING!!! Eeyolian is a young child who saw her house burned, her world destroyed, and her family killed. She was left to travel the expanse of a deathly land alone, and though she was not alone, she felt lonely. In a cruel twist of fate, she found herself hiding within the very land that destroyed everything she once called home. As she explores her new reality, she meets Noah, and over the years, they become friends, and she also grows curious about everything he represents. However, along the way, they share the same existential crisis. they are tiny, tiny people in a massive, uncaring, indifferent world. The Broken Bonds is not about futility but a mystery. how is someone like Eeyolian carry on forward, not only invest in others but to keep shouldering more and more burdens on top of her own?

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