1 Chapter 1

Damn. Honestly, you would think that you get used to being beat when your an Omega. It's also not an everyday thing though. Being an Omega means you have to live in fear of being beat down to the ground making the smallest of mistake, live in fear of dying at any moment and no one would care. I think that I've gotten used to that idea though so when a beating does come, I hope for death. That means that at last I would be able to be with my parents and I wouldn't have to live in fear of my own family.

No. They aren't my family. Just my pack. Nothing more nothing less. I don't care for them as they don't care for me. They killed my parents without a second thought of how I would feel. A child. Age 4. Just when memories become a constant. Right in front of me.

The pack alpha was only 12 years old. His dad died just a year ago but one thing his dad taught him, the only thing in my opinion, was to beat the living daylights out of Omegas. It doesn't matter what age just beat them whenever you want. "That's their only purpose for life" he would say to everyone.

My first clear memory of my parents, was the blood of my parents pooled on the ground and splattered on my dress. The lifeless look in their eyes still haunt me. Afterwards, I had no time to mourn. I was sent to the bathroom to wash up and then to mop up my parents blood and then wash their tattered clothes that were useless anyway. Holes, rips, tears, it was barely a scrap cloth. Too be honest, I tore a piece off of their shirts and tied them to my wrists. The only thing I had of them.

We were emotionless objects to the other members of the pack. We were to be used and then die. That was our life. We had no one, trusted no one, and believed in nothing. Our death was around the corner so nothing mattered.

A stinging in my arm brought me out of my thoughts. I realized that I was pressing too hard on one of my bruises and cuts. The washcloth I had was stained in blood and I still had my face and other arm to do.

I hear the door open and see that one of the toddlers came in. We stopped remembering each others ages because what good did they ever do except point out the fact that we live in a cruel world. It was a little girl probably 5. Her blond hair was matted and had some blood in it. Her eyes were almost completely swollen shut to the point that u could barely see her eyes.

"Do you want me to help you?" I asked the small child.

"I got it. Just worry about yourself before you get in any more trouble." Her small voice was scratchy and almost higher than a whisper.

I have to do something about this. They shouldn't have to go through this. They're children. If only I wasn't so damn scared.

We all share a room. There aren't many Omegas but we still have very little room. Beds are aligned opposite of each other going down the row leaving barely enough walk room. I was sitting on my bed with a bucket of red murky water in it. As soon as she was gone, I looked under my mattress to see to my relief I still had a few dollars there. We don't earn money. We just find it.

I was saving this up to buy me something nice but maybe I should get a treat for that little girl. There's a vending machine down the hall to the left. There shouldn't be anyone around for a few minutes.

I grabbed the money and stuffed it in my mouth. You gotta do what you got to do. We have no pockets and I'm not just showing that off. I would get beat and it would be taken away and I've been saving for a few years.

I walk down the hall making sure to keep all senses alert. I can't smell anyone so far. Suddenly, the smell of sweat and cigars hit me like a brick wall. I almost gagged at how repulsive it was. I slowed down my pace hoping he leaves me be. Luckily, he walks by without a second glance.

The vending machine came into view as he disappeared around the corner. I take one last look and sniff around the area before taking out the money. I just need a small candy bar for her. Maybe that can make one good memory out of what little childhood she has. Give her something I was never privileged enough to get as a child.

I stick in the dollar and punch in the numbers. I just need one small little candy bar, please. A small beep comes from the machine and I start to panic. The spiral bar that holds the candy bar starts to shift and spiral in circles. Here comes the loud part. It falls into the pick up area. I grab it in a hurry and take off down the hall.

I get in luckily without many people paying too much attention. I hide everything under my mattress again just as the little girl came out.

Her eyes were still very swollen and puffy and the cuts were still fresh. The dirt was gone though. Now she looked like she tried to paint polka dots all over her and then splattered some.

"What are you doing?" the little girl asked me. She had no expression and it reminded me too much of myself.

"I got you a little surprise but you will have to wait till dark to get it." I said. I really hoped that some sort of sliver of innocence remained in her.

"Oh. Ok." she replied still having no expression. My hopes kind of died after that. Why did I even waste time on that? What is wrong with me? Why did I just sacrifice myself for some little hope? Some kid?

Later On

It's only been an hour since what happened with the little girl and we have already had 3 more beatings. My wounds haven't healed much but they are doing much better. They don't sting constantly and some of the swollen areas have went down.

I was walking into the kitchen when I saw the little girl being taken away by Drake and Zack. My immediate reaction was to run away and cower. Honestly, that's what I did. I hid behind the wall and watched them drag her away. Part of me wanted to follow but I also feared to. I kept debating it over in my head but finally my curiosity won.

I followed them down the hallways making sure to remember all of the turns I took and which way just incase I needed to make a dash for it. She seemed sort of limp. She was moving on her own free will she just seemed like she didn't care what may lay ahead.

I felt hopeless just looking at her. What am I saying? It is. Why am I following her? What has come over me? Still my body acted on its own and I followed her.

Zack leaned down and whispered something in her ear and she started to silently cry. She wasn't sobbing just a few silent tears. Anger boiled up inside of me. What did he tell her? We came to the alpha's door that leads to his office.

"Come on. Lets get this done with so I can move on to other important meetings." Drake said exasperated. Zack was grinning ear to ear and I knew that couldn't mean anything good. They walked in and that's when I heard her balling her eyes out.

They left the door open a smudge as they went in. I was wary of it but I peeked through anyway. I had to see what was happening.

A group of men sat in chairs in a circle of sort. The little girl stood in the middle wailing. I wanted to help her but I couldn't. I couldn't or won't said the small voice in my head. I ignored it and continued to watch.

Zack had a whip and some knives on a table. For some reason it didn't happen to hit me as fast as I would of preferred. The men were just as happy as Zack and Drake didn't care. He took some sort of enjoyment because you can see the glimmer in his eyes.

Zack took the knife and started to run it up and down her cheek and arms. He would press a little harder making small thin red lines but not drawing blood. I watched in horror as he repeatedly went over the same cut over and over pressing harder and harder to the point there was now a pool of blood there. I was frozen. Shocked. I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming.

He then grabbed the whip and whipped her arm where the cut was. She would scream in utter pain and the men would just laugh. I gasped every time a scream escaped her mouth.

It seemed like forever before she passed out on the ground. He didn't do anything except whip her back. Welts appeared. It took a second for the blood to surface.

I stumbled backwards gaining movement. I was shaking and on the verge of passing out. I've seen many deaths but this. This had to be the worst of them all.

I feel onto the ground with a loud thump and I heard a laugh behind me. I looked up and saw a man. Just looking at him I wanted to roll over and die.

Zack came out of the room and yanked my arm. I started to scream. He dragged me into the room and laughed manically.

"I love your screams! They make me feel so excited." Zack yelled. He was truly a monster. I had no words. All I could do was stare at the little girls body. Blood was everywhere. On him, on the floor, a little bit got on the men in the circle.

"Kick her." Zack commanded.

"Wait. W-w-what!" He couldn't possibly- no. What is wrong with him?

"Do it or your next." He stated. What am I supposed to do. I used to want death but seeing her, I don't.

"Is she dead?" I asked completely ignoring him and looking at her. She lay unmoving on the ground.

"Hopefully. If not, you'll make sure she is." I whip my head around.

"What!" I yelled. He couldn't possibly make me kill her.

"Fine. Get on the ground. It's your turn." I was hesitant. I don't want this but I can't kick her. Maybe I should. She is dead or almost anyway. It would save me. And she's knocked out.

I stared at her face. Her blond hair cascaded down in front of her face and faded into red. She barely looked human. I could have stoped this. I could have protected her. Yet, I didn't. I was so scared. I still am. I'm worthless. I'm a coward. I can't help anyone. I'm only being used and I can't even help them.

I have to get out of here.
