
Death The beginning of Retribution

Rob: You have died you can pick a world your going to three wishes, looks and the day you want to arrive and your going to be 21.

( The Soul POV)

"I want the go to the TV Show The Boys, I want Absolute Immortality, Meta ability Creation, and to be able to create a People with personality with 100% loyalty to me."

"Granted now pick the others," The Rob says `

"I want to look like Keanu Reeves and put me on the day Robin's funeral"

Alright Bye *snaps* the Rob does and everything turns black


Meta Ability Creation: creates absolutely any power he wishes, and bestows it upon whomever he sees fit.

Absolute Immortality: Be absolutely eternal and imperishable.

The Other one explains itself

(My POV)

Woke up in an alleyway well let's get started I create a person just built like Slade from last life and bestow upon him Peak Combat Experience and Spatial Manipulation and enhanced Physical capability.

"Anything you need leader?" He asks

"Yes Your name is Slade and I want you to go hunt and kill the hero name The Deep and just go cause chaos after you complete that, and my name is Retribution".

"Yes sir" He replies and cuts a slash in space and disappears.

(A/N) This is what retribution looks like all the time unless told he not.