

The sounds of explosion set off without break. Blazing fire charred the entire battlefield and sirens from the two fighting sides blended with the cries of the soldiers.

Though all the men feared death, their pride and love for their country was stronger and they quickly ran towards death as they roared a heartbreaking war cry.

Brothers and sisters lost their families, their loved ones as they were shot down by the enemy weapons. Some had already given up and were weeping their fallen comrades. They cradled the fallen soldiers, some who had already passed (they cradled their limbs) while others on the verge of returning to their Holy Father's side.

Some, cowards they say, ran away because their desire to live and fear suddenly flunctuated.

The air reeked of despair, missiles were launched one after another and everything seemed hopeless. They had given up, there was no way they could win this war, the backups weren't here yet.

This is their limit.

The fallen ones closed their eyes and prayed to their Father, before a minority returned to their Father's side.

It was until the familiar small figure  flew towards the enemy aircrafts did they finally stop their prayers and saw the glimmer of hope.

Just like Pandora's Box, after all the despair, sickness, fear and other negative emotions were released, there was hope.

"Look!" The fallen men shouted to his dying comrades, "We're saved! We're saved!"

The fallen ones cheered and quickly limped out the bloody fields, hand in hand and smiling as they saw the glimmer of hope, ' to live '.

The figure flew around, dodging firearms aimed at him, before another flying enemy started to chase after him. He did a 360° turn to dodge another oncoming barrage of bullets before clicking his tongue and flew towards the horde of flying machinery hybrid of technology and magic.

* * *


「The flames are dancing

To the tune of helpless cries.

Danse macabre.」

Danse macabre: dance of death.


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