
Chapter 1

The boy in the hat. Who exactly was he? Well, let's go back to 2019. Everyone's living a normal life. no one knows what's going to happen in the future. Well, maybe someone does know. Coming home from school, 12 year old Ayato is living a normal life in a normal household with a normal family. Being the only sibling he was pretty really lonely. To spend his time he would usually watch some anime or come up with some sort of conspiracy theory. Being the nerd in his class, he would get bullied on a daily basis. He never really told anyone and if anyone asked he would say that he didn't care and that it didn't affect him. Anyways, Ayato was always in to some sort of adventure and loved a good mystery. He would often go to different parks and strange alleyways, but there was always one thing he loved doing. Predicting the future. The only weird thing about it is that he always predicted everything right....