
The Boy Born To Be Unborn

The Boy Born To Be Unborn In a world where the line between the living and the dead blurs, Thalos finds himself at the heart of an ancient prophecy. Born with the ability to traverse realms, he is hunted by dark forces that seek to harness his power for their own sinister purposes. As Thalos embarks on a harrowing journey across haunted landscapes and through shadowed forests, he is joined by a diverse group of allies—Zalithar, Elyndra, Vorin, Nerai, Kiria, Xandar, Myrrin, and Orinth—each with their own mysterious pasts and hidden agendas. With each step closer to uncovering the truth, Thalos faces unimaginable horrors, spine-chilling suspense, and shocking twists that challenge his courage and sanity. The battle for survival becomes a relentless struggle against time and the encroaching darkness, as the young hero must decipher cryptic clues and confront malevolent spirits to protect both the living world and the afterlife. "The Boy Born To Be Unborn" is an epic tale of adventure, horror, and suspense, where every chapter ends in a heart-pounding cliffhanger, and every twist leads to deeper, darker secrets. Will Thalos fulfill his destiny, or will the shadows claim him forever?

KingShow · Horror
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13 Chs

The Dark Prophecy

Thalos jolted awake, his heart pounding in the suffocating darkness of his small room. The whispering shadows, the icy touch on his skin—this was no ordinary nightmare. His instincts screamed that something was terribly wrong.

He sat up, the sweat on his forehead chilling in the cool night air. His eyes darted around the room, seeking the source of the disturbance. The silence was broken by the creak of the floorboards, and he felt a presence watching him, lurking just out of sight.

As he swung his legs over the side of the bed, a soft, haunting melody filled the air, seeping through the walls. He recognized the tune, a lullaby his mother used to sing, but there was a sinister twist to it now. It was calling him, pulling him towards the unknown.

Thalos hesitated, but curiosity and an inexplicable pull drove him to follow the sound. He crept through the old house, the shadows stretching and warping as if alive. The melody led him to the attic, a place he had been forbidden to enter.

With trembling hands, he pushed open the creaky door. The air was thick with dust and the scent of old wood. The lullaby grew louder, more insistent. In the dim light, he saw an old chest, its surface adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to writhe under his gaze.

As he approached the chest, the temperature dropped, and his breath fogged in the air. His hand reached out, almost of its own accord, and he lifted the lid. Inside lay an ancient book, its pages yellowed with age, and a strange amulet that pulsed with an eerie blue light.

Before he could react, the shadows in the room converged, coalescing into a dark figure with glowing eyes. "Welcome, Thalos," it whispered, its voice like the rustling of dead leaves. "Your destiny awaits."

Thalos's mind raced as the dark figure loomed closer, its presence overwhelming and suffocating. The book and amulet seemed to hum with energy, drawing him in. His fingers brushed the cover of the book, and a jolt of electricity shot through him, causing him to gasp.

The dark figure's eyes glowed brighter, and it spoke again, "The path you walk is fraught with danger, but you were chosen for a reason. Open the book, Thalos. Embrace your fate."

Despite his fear, Thalos felt a compulsion to obey. He opened the book, and the pages turned on their own, stopping at a passage written in a language he couldn't understand. Yet, the words seemed to resonate within him, as if they were being whispered directly into his mind.

A vision unfolded before his eyes—a sprawling landscape shrouded in mist, where shadowy figures moved with malevolent intent. He saw himself at the center of it all,surrounded by a group of people he had never met, but somehow felt connected to. Among them were Zalithar, Elyndra, Vorin, Nerai, Kiria, Xandar, Myrrin, and Orinth.

The vision shifted, showing a dark, twisted tree with roots that burrowed deep into the ground, reaching into a realm of shadows and despair. The tree pulsed with a sickly light, and at its base, he saw a gateway swirling with dark energy. A voice echoed in his mind, "You are the key, Thalos. You must stop the darkness from spreading."

The vision faded, leaving Thalos breathless and disoriented. The dark figure had disappeared, leaving only the lingering chill in the air. He clutched the amulet tightly, its cold surface a stark reminder of the task ahead.

He knew he couldn't face this alone. He had to find the others from the vision, the ones who would stand by his side against the encroaching darkness. As he made his way back downstairs, he couldn't shake the feeling that the shadows were watching, waiting for their chance to strike.

Just as he reached the bottom step, a loud crash echoed through the house, followed by a blood-curdling scream. Thalos's heart leapt into his throat as he rushed towards the source of the noise, the realization dawning that this was only the beginning.

Thalos stood frozen at the threshold of the kitchen, the scene before him a chaotic mess of shattered glass and overturned furniture. His mother, pale and trembling, pointed towards the open back door, her eyes wide with terror.

"Thalos, it came from outside," she whispered, her voice trembling. "Something is out there."

Without thinking, Thalos grabbed a flashlight and bolted out the door, the beam cutting through the thick fog that had settled over the yard. The shadows seemed to writhe and pulse, and the cold air bit at his skin.

He scanned the area, his heart pounding. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the mist—tall, imposing, with an air of quiet strength. Thalos's grip tightened on the flashlight, ready to defend himself, but as the figure stepped into the light, he recognized the face from his vision.

"Zalithar?" Thalos asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.

The figure nodded, his eyes reflecting a depth of knowledge and a hint of sadness. "Yes, Thalos. I have been searching for you. We have much to discuss, and very little time."

Thalos felt a wave of relief mixed with curiosity. "You know about the book? About the prophecy?"

Zalithar's expression darkened. "I know enough to understand the gravity of our situation. There are others we must find. We cannot face this threat alone."

As they made their way back inside, Thalos's mind buzzed with questions. His mother watched them with a mix of fear and confusion, but Zalithar's calming presence seemed to put her somewhat at ease.

"We need to leave," Zalithar said, his tone firm. "The others will be drawn to us, but we must keep moving to stay ahead of the darkness."

Thalos's mother nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Take care of him," she whispered, her voice breaking. "Protect my son."

Zalithar placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I will. We all have a role to play in this."

As they gathered what little they could carry, Thalos felt a mix of excitement and dread. The journey ahead was fraught with danger, but he knew that with allies like Zalithar by his side, he had a fighting chance.

Just as they were about to leave, a chilling wind swept through the house, extinguishing the lights. In the sudden darkness, Thalos felt a presence—a malevolent force watching, waiting. His heart raced as a whisper echoed in his mind, "You cannot escape me, Thalos. The darkness will find you."

The journey had only just begun, and already the shadows were closing in.

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