1 Mysterious Ring

It was three in the afternoon, I was walking towards a corner store to

buy a snack, I was going as normal as any day, I got to

In front of the store, I sat on a chair, ordered a ramen and waited.

After five minutes of age, Fu arrived, he was in his fifties

opened a small shop to sell all kinds of things, he is a man

with a fit body, he is kind to everyone, but when he offends him,

he is the personification of anger. I've known him for a while and always comes here

to eat, because your food is very tasty.

So he came with my ramen, thanked me and started to eat

and I took the phone out of my pocket and watched the news.

When I finished, I talked to him for a while and came home

to start my work. On the way something fell in front of me,

I crouched down and saw that it was a golden ring with some words

of strange languages.

I thought it was a little strange, but I ignored it and continued on my way home,

when I got home, something fell in front of me again, I looked at

floor and it was the same ring as before.

I looked to the side and to the other and I didn't see anybody on the street, after a while

thinking, I took the ring and went inside the house. I took off my clothes and kept

and I went to take a shower. After the shower I put on pajamas and stood in front of the

my computer. I was checking my gaming website.

After a while using the computer, I was thinking about playing

some popular vr game, turned off the computer, lay down on the bed

already going to put on the vr helmet.

I stopped what I was doing and looked at my table, and in the middle of my stuff

was the ring that I had found. I got up from the bed and went to the table, then took it

the ring. The ring was normal, without any shine.

"What ... I swore I saw a light." I was confused, thinking it was something

from my head. But what happened next stunned me, the ring disappeared

of my mother and entered my index finger.

I was scared and tried to take the ring off my finger, tried to pull it, it didn't come out, tried to hammer

with a hammer, it didn't come out, I tried to strip with pliers, it didn't come out. I was starting to get nervous.

At that moment the ring shone and a cyan blue light came out of the ring and entered my body,

I felt like my body was on fire and the pain was getting worse. I was writhing on the floor and screaming.

The pain at that moment may have happened in seconds, but for me it was like a

eternity. After a while the light left my body and returned to the ring.

[Starting the system, examining the host's identity ...]

[Complete analysis of the host, host identified as descendant of ...

enabling link with host]

At that moment, a light enveloped the unconscious body and then disappeared

nothing left, just an empty room.
