
The weight of betrayal!

The butler's lack of a smile lingered in my mind throughout the entire ride, causing me a sense of discomfort. It was disconcerting to receive such a look of disgust, especially from someone I had only just met.

I suppose we all have our bad days, don't we?

Glancing down at my phone, I checked the time. It was a few minutes past seven, which meant Luke would be back from work around eight. I had plenty of time to surprise him with myself and a delicious dinner. With his new job keeping him busy, we hadn't had much opportunity to chat, talk, or even spend quality time together. There always seemed to be some obstacle in our way. It had been months since we enjoyed a home-cooked meal or even shared an intimate moment.

As I look through the car window, the neighborhood was charming, the picturesque scenery brought a sense of tranquility. I couldn't help but feel a longing to call this place home. Although I didn't end up living in this area, I couldn't help but feel a connection to it. You see, Luke, my boyfriend, had the opportunity to live here. The job that secured him this luxurious house was actually meant for me, but I made the choice to give it up for him. Luke was going through a tough time and battling depression, so I decided to sacrifice my own desires for his well-being.

As we arrived at his apartment, I hurriedly made my way towards the entrance. Just as I was about to step inside, I heard a voice calling out to me. I turned around to see the butler, his expression filled with disgust. I couldn't help but wonder what I had done to provoke such a reaction.

"You forgot your purse, ma'am," he said, holding out my purse towards me without budging from his spot. I flashed him a grateful smile as I took my purse, then turned to make my way into the house. The sight that greeted me in the sitting room was nothing short of chaotic. It looked as if a wild party had taken place, and the smell... oh, the smell was unbearable. It made me want to retch. Perhaps Luke hadn't had the time or energy to clean. He was always prone to stress, something I had come to notice during our five years of dating. I couldn't believe my eyes as I surveyed the mess that had taken over the house. How could he live like this? Ever since he landed that job, he insisted on me not staying with him. I thought it was for the best, so I could help him with the chores and cook his meals. But he stubbornly rejected my offer. That man can really be a handful sometimes.

I trudged up the staircase, my determination pushing me forward, eager to see what awaited me in his room. If his sitting room was in such disarray, I couldn't help but wonder what state his personal space was in. But as I made my way up, a sound reached my ears, causing my heart to plummet in my chest. I quickened my pace, my footsteps echoing in the hallway, until I reached his door. And that's when I heard it, clear as day. Luke's voice, intertwined with the tantalizing moans of a woman. I didn't want to believe it, but there was no denying it. It was his voice, a voice I had known for five long years. My heart weighed heavy in my chest as I stood there, frozen in disbelief, unsure of what to do next.

I gathered all the strength I had left and slowly turned the doorknob, pushing the door open. And there it was, a sight that shattered my heart into a million pieces. My boyfriend, lost in the throes of pleasure, was on top of another woman, their bodies entwined on his bed. The tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over as the scene before me became unbearable. My whole body felt weak, as if all the energy had been drained from me in an instant. It was a moment that I never thought I would have to face, a betrayal that cut me to the core.

"L-Luke," I stuttered, my voice trembling with a mix of pain and disbelief. Tears streamed down my face, my throat tightening with every word. In an instant, he jumped off the woman, his face filled with utter shock as his eyes met mine. The woman he had been intimate with slowly sat up, her gaze locking with mine also.

"Damn it," he yelled, smacking his forehead in frustration trying to avoid my gaze. He hastily grabbed his pants, pulling them on as he made his way towards me, his movements filled with a sense of urgency and regret.

"Don't you dare come any closer to me!" I yelled, my voice filled with anger and hurt, causing him to freeze in his tracks. "I don't want to hear your explanations," I spat out, my expression conveying my pain and betrayal.

"Honey, who is this?" the woman he had been enjoying himself with finally spoke up, breaking the tense silence. "I thought you said you ended things with her. Make it clear to her that you're done!"

I glanced at Luke and in that moment, his regretful expression vanished, replaced by an unsettling lack of shame. He let out a sigh before uttering words that pierced through my heart. "I don't love you anymore, Emila. You're just not my type. And let's be honest, you're not that great in bed," he said, a soft smile playing on his lips. With that, he effortlessly hopped onto the bed, passionately kissing the other woman as if I didn't even exist.

Unable to bear the painful scene any longer, tears streaming down my face, I broke into a run, fleeing from his apartment, my heart shattered into a million pieces.

How could Luke do this to me? After everything we've shared? I asked myself, my mind filled with confusion and heartache. Lost in my thoughts, I found myself bumping into someone unintentionally. Startled, I prepared to apologize when I looked up and met the gaze of an incredibly handsome man.

"What's the matter?" he asked, his voice dripping with seduction and allure, captivating my senses.

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