
The Bookless World

This World Is A Mystery Caxies got excited about the sudden appearance of the towers he felt like a new world was opening up to him But that all was his imagination the tower was worst then reality it was much harsher than being in ur first date The tower was another existence that no human could endure but he successfully endured till the end than he got back stabbed by his best friend or so he thought. But when he woke up he found himself outside the nightmare that was called the tower and know that he is outside he will take revenge. But he knew that it will not be easy nevertheless he will not give up.

Ulash · Fantasy
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2 Chs



Is all i could say after what had happened, the shock from few minutes ago made me recall the deep buried memories that i had kept hidden deep in my heart.

After 109 years of living with ??? all i got was betrayal, which i was most sacred of but deep inside me i didn't deny that this day will come

Contrary i was happy, i was happy that everything will be reset that all i went through would be forgotten and the memories i forged with ??? Will be erased.


At the day where i got betrayed was where i was at the peak of the tower where ??? Stood behind me, ??? was a bookless the same as me..

Although both of us were bookless we both had different powers ??? had the power to cast magic without chanting which was a rare power, while my status window only showed one thing it showed [reset]

I didn't know the meaning of this power every bookless had a clue about their power when they became a bookless but I could only see fragments of myself in another world?

But nevertheless each bookless had affinity with magic so i kept working hard and became one of the strongest in earth which led me to form a team with Yuki, Jake , Kim yo min and ???

Which were the strongest in earth, our goal was to obviously climb the tower and reach floor 100.

It took 100 year just to reach floor 99, but in reality it was 10 seconds that was how annoying The tower was it had all kind of monsters each floor was different but the strange thing about this tower was not like all the web novels I read it was entirely different when the tower first appeared I thought that its going to be all fighting but my expectations got ruined entirely.

Each floor contained a challenge, this challenge transported us to different worlds although there was fighting but most of all it was solving the world's problems which felt like a test.

This continued till the 49th floor and suddenly it changed entirely then we despaired because the boss monster was too strong and... Yuki died she was killed by the boss monster she sacrificed her self for us which made me feel really frustrated at how powerless I was back then... if only I knew what a bookless truly was then all of this wouldn't have happened.. and if only I realized that ??? Smirked when Yuki was dying and that all this was for his sole entertainment..

But despite this happening and Jake, Kim yoo min dying and reaching floor 100 i still couldn't remember his face no matter how deep i dug into my memories his face was marked as ??? That's all I could see..

But then I returned to the past or so I thought everything was similar to my previous world but until I reached the last floor, did I know that this world was the world that I dreamed of with my power which was [reset].

Then I returned to where the towers first emerged and the bookless first appearance the first message I saw was

[Do you want to become a bookless and learn the truth about the towers?]

It was the same message that I got in my previous world or should I say my previous life it was sectioned as

[ Yes | No ]

That's all it said most humans would choose yes only the elderly will stay but I wont do the same mistake I did before I wont fall into your scheme ??? I wont let you get your desired entrainment i will show you despair more than what i got since we lived together for 109 years shouldn't u feel 109x the despair that i tried to endure...