
Chapter 005 Secret Agent (Part 5) Like father like son

In a boxing room at a private villa.

Heavy breathing, grunts, and sounds of punches and kicks on the body can be heard loudly in the enclosed room.

Two men in the boxing ring can be seen, both sweaty and clearly exhausted. One man is wearing black shorts and the other wore deep navy blue shorts, both bare-top.

The one in black seems more agile and has more strength left than the other, he appears to be a middle aged man full of vigor.

After a few more confrontation, the man in blue is clearly being in a disadvantaged. Being knocked and locked in the floor, he unwillingly said,

" Okay, that's it for now. I lose, but I'll win again next time, like old times." said the man in blue while jumping out of the ring.

He is almost the same age as the man in black shorts, but his stature expressed that he's a decade older by his actual age.

Grabbing the bottle of water and towel at the bench, he turned to look at the man in black, just in time to see him smiling at him in amusement.

" Old times huh." laughing mockingly, the man in black snorted and continued,

" Dylan, your body is clearly deteriorating. Even the research department haven't found any breakthrough for these past three years."

Grabbing the towel and water being offered, he looked straight on Dylan seriously, " Stop what you are doing now, you already avenged yourself by exploding that place they are staying. They surely will die on that, adding on the fact that they didn't brought any equipment from the department that may save them."

" Spare those children, Dylan, they didnt even know anything, clearly they doesn't know anything about your circumstances, and they also know nothing about the assignment of their parents and their deaths." stopping there Xenon drank the water to moistened up his parched mouth.

Staying silent for a while, Dylan retorted back, " You know that those twins can have revenge on me if they found out the truth, besides they will outshine my son on the field, hindering him for his future aspects." 'and my name will surely appear on that list', he said in his thought, thinking so he added, "Just for reassurance."

"Whatever. Just don't pull me down with you when something happen." saying so, Xenon left the boxing room with indifference.

" Like father like son, bunch of jealous retards." he murmured when he is out of the room.


Sitting on the bench and wiping the sweat off, Dylan unconsciously rubbed his sweaty skin. Lost in his memories, he recalled the time when he followed the Flinn couple in their mission, they got a slight scuffle before the event, because he was quite petty he looked for opportunity to hinder them.

Therefore, when he heard that the couple had accepted a mission, he immediately acted his revenge.

While trailing them to the secret research facility, the couple already knew that someone was following them. Thus, when they got the needed material, they planted explosives and immediately fled to their planned exit smoothly. Meanwhile, Xenon, who is following them, got caught up because of the alarm the two made.

Fighting while running away, he collided with a fleeing researcher who has a test tube with green smoke like substance inside. Tumbling down with the researcher, the test tube fell and broke, the substance inside suffused in the air that he inhaled most of it.

Standing up quickly, he fled as fast as he could that didn't even heard the shriek of the researcher.

" My thirty years of work! Aaaah!" wailing in the floor, the researcher then saw the crowd running past him following the man he collided with. Thinking for a while, the researcher ran back to his laboratory saving the file named

" Invisible Weakening Drug" to the flash drive then deleting all the backup. As he is plannning to rushed out as well because of the blaring sound of alarm, explosions erupted and falling large debris fell on him heavily smashing the flash drive he is holding, burying the with the only data related to the poison Xenon had intake with him.


About a week after that event, the symptoms of the drug showed itself. Every morning, nausea and aching muscles is the one that wakes him up. Followed by his slow reaction speed and muddle headedness, he consulted the doctor at their base, where they found something unusual.

He remembered that he hasn't intake any drugs of some sort, thinking for a bit, a man in research coat appeared in his mind, together with a green test tube. He recalled that the tube broke and didn't know what happen next.

Remembering this detail, he told it to the doctor and concealed the fact that it was one of the products in the research facility the Flinn couple has a mission in.

Luckily, they created a pill that can alleviate most of the effects, only the aching muscles which is a bit less agonizing than before.

But three years after that, nothing came out positively on drug research. To this day his body is already weakening out because of the muscle aches and strains.

Thinking to that day on the couple's mission, Dylan thought that they knew it was him, thus they poke the hornnet's nest to make him suffer, oblivious to the fact that he was the only one who thought like that and he is also the only one who is making the problem bigger.

When one has hatred, everything the hated did will only seems provoking. Therefore, hatred accumulated that even his son is like a copy of him; pure of hatred for the Flinn family.

His son also always collided with the twins.

This mission of the couple for collecting the name list is only the breaking point, as he knew that his name will be on the list, that's why he already acted.

Luckily, he got a backer, which is one of the higher ups in the headquarters. The backer also seems to be somehow connected to the list.


The ringing of a phone disrupted Dylan's stupor. Getting the phone from the table, he thought that his lackey which his backer gave him has accomplished the mission. Answering the call, he listened to the report.

Brimming with anger, he shouted to the other end of the phone.

" Useless! You can directly kill him, even if your teammates saw it, what can they do? You can just say that he jumped to the side where you shot a warning. Just say that they can use his brother who is a bit less skilled compared to him and lie to them. Besides his brother will also die!" out of breath he paused then added, " Do it now! or I'll report to the boss that you're a failure!" throwing the phone in anger on the floor, it broke into pieces. Remembering that he needs to make another call, he called the maids and ordered them to bring another phone and clean the boxing room.

Dialling a number, he directly questioned, " How's your mission, is that Ethan dead already?" still angry, he waited for good news. But, who knows, another bad news came that he repeated his threat in colder voice. Hands shaking in anger, he threw the phone again, which resulted no different from the first phone.


On the bedroom at Flinn's third hiding spot, Ethan answered Carl's question with another question.

" No, why? But, I'm being chased the other day. Is it related to that?"

Hearing what Ethan said, Carl narrated his experience and added the story about their parents. He also added his conjecture in a grave manner that both of their faces turned solemn. Their face resembled each others appearance, angry at the mastermind and afraid for their parents safety .

After digesting what he heard, Ethan composed his self and tried to act rationally.

" What then?" Ethan asked.

" Show them what Flinn's can do."

Next chapter