
Chapter 002 Secret Agent (Part 2) Well, what may come will come

Standing in front of a closed small shoe store, Grayson scoured his mind for what to do to enter this small store. He remembered that this inconspicuous building is their family's secret hideout, also their second meeting spot. The store is interconnected with other stores of different types and the person who is manning this is a plump looking man named Allan.

At this late night, Grayson knows that Allan is sleeping comfortably in his own house, which is a few minutes of walk away. Plucking out the chime above the door, he pulls out a thin key which he then inserted to a whole in a plant box. Together with a click, a box of 2 x 2 x 4 inches in dimension then dislodged from it. The box contains three keys, one of which he used to open the main door.

Knowing that there is no valuable, only some shoes to be repaired and old ones, they only installed a single lock.

Proceeding inside, thick smell of shoe polish assaulted his nose making him a bit disgusted.

"At least its tolerable.", he muttered while thinking of the smell of rotten garbage he caressed a while ago.

The whole store is only around ten square meters, with a bunch of old shoes and some repaired shoes in the rack. Walking at the far corner right of the store, he pulled the cabinet covering the wall.

A metal door painted with the same color as the walls appeared. Inserting one of the keys, the door open easily.

"It seems its being frequented.", he thought then switched on the lights leading to the inner side of the store.

The space inside seems like small room in a hotel, clean and pleasing to the eye. A metal cabinet covered the entire left walls of the room. At the very end of which is a small single bed for resting, a bit narrowed compared to normal ones.

Walking to the bed, another door appears leading to the right. This door connects the backside of two stores, the door leads to another room. This room appears to be for living quarters with bathroom, kitchenette, and two other double beds.

Underneath one of the double beds are boxes of different sorts, for clothing, first aid kit, other necessities, and a simple box attached to the wall.

Using the last unused key, he open the small box which is affixed to the wall, then pulled a lever inside. Walking back to the metal cabinet, he opened it like a simple door, revealing all kinds of good stuffs.

Not believing his eyes, he stared dumbstruck on the various kinds of guns, bullets, knives, explosives, and other high-tech props.

Feeling tiredness, he decided to leave in checking this up tomorrow. Walking to one of the beds inside he lied down face first then rolled a few times feeling tired and giddy at the same time. After the stimulating things he encountered after arriving at this world, he was still in disbelief of what's happening.

From a total book worm to a secret agent, what a drastic change! Thinking so, he felt lucky to inherit the bodily qualities of Grayson. If not, then just the encounter with that Eric will surely put him in grave, let alone those running and chasing, and that instinct for that group of lousy actors.

"This is fun and exciting compared to reading only, but, how can I go back to the real world?", this is his last thought before sleep pulled him in the dreamland.

Waking with a start, he then started his rummaging through the things he discovered last night. He first look for replacement for his broken high-tech watch which is sacrificed for his escape by using it as a buffer for the smacking of the gun by Eric.

After which he looked for a computer, planning to use it to contact Ethan and the higher up in contact with his parents. Using the skills acquired when he settled in this body, he made a quick work, telling Ethan to meet him as soon as possible to their third meeting spot to discuss matters. He then picked some nice guns he was fascinated with, which was influence by the affinity of this body, together with its corresponding bullets.

Looking for some stuffs he packed what he knows how to use and other things he thought Ethan might use, and left the other things there. He pulled the lever again firmly locking the cabinet. Not knowing what to do next, he admired his own work, quickly forgotten his worry on how to leave this world.

"Well, what may come will come.", he said to himself in a convinced manner.

Done with all the things he needed to do, felt quite hungry, thus he walk out taking all the things he packed and planning to eat on a food stall he remembered from the memory of Grayson which is near this shoe store.

"Then I can directly go the meeting spot.", he said then locked all the things he scoured last night.

As he emerges from the metal door he came face to face to a plump man of about middle age. He appears to be a man who loves smiling, showing to his face a wrinkles beside his mouth.

"Oh! Ah, you naughty child! Scaring the hell out of me.", stated the plump man appearing really frightened by his entrance.

" Uncle Allan how are you too?", he happily greeted the man then added, " You didn't saw the moved cabinet there?", he said while pointing at the cabinet he pulled last night. His conversation style he truly copied from how Grayson talked with Mr. Allan.

" Ah, I just got here exactly when you emerges.", he said in a chuckle.

"Oh, by the way, how is your brother? I rarely see him coming to this place. Your parents are the only ones staying here.", he said quite curious.

Hearing him say his parents, he felt a hatred that comes from within which he thinks from Grayson's soul. He was not new to this feeling because he already knows that skills can be used, then having this body surely comes with emotion.

He felt this emotion but he didn't show it in his face. Trusting too easily with others might put him in danger.

"Ah, my parents? They are well and happy. They said they will be travelling for the meantime.", he said calmly, smile still plastered in his face.

"Is that so?", he said in doubt.

" Oh, well, guess I remembered wrongly.", he added quite confused.

"Then, I'll go first uncle!", saying so, he strode out appearing carefree and joyful. While on his mind, doubt already started sprouting. "Why does he ask about my brother?", he thought then drop it as his stomach grumbled.

"I won't be coming back here anyway.", he said then simply let his eyes wander in a natural way to scope out his surroundings.

"It's best to be vigilant. Prevention is better than cure.", he chuckled at his motto.


After eating to his fill, he walked for a few minutes to help in digestion. Well, not only digestion, because he also spotted some men following him who also ate in the same stall, he is trying to count how many are following him.

"One, two, three, ..., nine. Oh sh*t, they surely loves me.", he said in his mind quite frustrated.

He walked normally for a few alley, seeing a chance, he then abruptly ran faster after a right turn when he is out of vision of the group. Not seeing carefully after another turn, he bump heavily into a fully covered person.

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