
The Book of the Demon Emperor

In a magical world where the strong feast on the weak, Aran Wilford a weak magic cultivator who can only rely on his sword loses all hope, and when he was on the brink of his death, he finds a book. A book that belongs to a Demon Emperor! He didn't know then that it will not only change his life but it will completely change the fate of the world. . . . (Author's note: Hi everyone, this is my first book. Sorry for my bad English. If you realize something wrong or difficult to understand, please, leave a comment. I will fix it immediately.)

Just_Faizy · Fantasy
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44 Chs

The final piece of the plan

Professor Gefrey was surprised and confused at the same time. Looking at him, aran realized, his plan will work. He looked at him with confidence and asked,

" Do you know what this is?"

Professor Gefrey couldn't understand if aran was asking without knowing about that. As he thought about that, he guessed, if Aran doesn't know the array formation, then how could he have transferred it to the jade slip which gets destroyed after reading once?

" I am a fifth-ranked alchemist, of course, I know about this. It's a sixth-ranked demonic array formation used for pill refining. If an alchemist used this formation while refining a certain ranked pill, then the rank of the pills will increase a whole major rank when the refining is done.

Although there are many arrays like this, they only increase one or two minor ranks but this will increase a whole major rank.

For an alchemist, this is more precious than anything else. But this is only half the formation. Where did you get this? Do you know where the other half is? " Gefrey asked.

For an aspiring alchemist like him, this was one of the most important things and he wanted to obtain the other half no matter what but he couldn't be sure if aran really knows that.

" I have the other half !" Aran replied confidently.

Hearing this Gefrey got sure about his doubt but he still had some other doubts.

" But how did you get something like this? It's a demonic formation, I can't think of any ways how you get this."

" That's one of the benefits of being a young master of a rich family. You can easily get things that others find impossible to get !" Aran replied.

Since aran was from the Wilford family it made sense for Gefrey but the problem wasn't how Aran got it. Gefrey wanted to obtain the other half.

He knew the only reason why aran would show him something like that, even after knowing how important it is to him, was because Aran wants something in return, so he decided to directly ask him.

" So, what do you want? "

" What can I ask from an alchemist, other than some pills and potions? " Aran replied.

" Well then, what kind of pills and potions do you want? The healing pills, cultivations blasting pills, or the antibiotic pills? Tell me, what do you want ?"

Gefrey asked immediately. He was ready to give anything for the other half of the formation.

" What I am giving you is something, that will make you one of the best alchemists in the country. Do you really think I will give you this, just for some regular pills which I can buy from any alchemy stores? "

Aran knew that for Gefrey, who was a fifth-ranked alchemist; the formation is priceless. So he wanted to make Gefrey as desperate as possible.

" So, what else do you want? Ask me anything, if I can give you that, then I will "

Just like aran thought Gefrey was desperate to get the formation. Aran suddenly took the other jade slip from his ring

" I want all the things you just said. With that, I want you to refine a special kind of pill for me. Here, this is the pill's details. When I get all of these things, you will get the other half of the formation. Do you accept the deal? " Aran asked and gave the other jade slip to Gefrey.

As Gefrey took that slip and read it, the slip not only contained the details about all the ingredients required but also had the perfect explanation for making the pills. Gefrey had never even heard about such pills until then. He started to wonder what it is and why aran wants that.

" It seems like fourth-ranked pills, but Can I know what exactly these pills are used for? "

" No, you can't! Is that a problem?" Aran asked.

Even though Gefrey didn't like his arrogant attitude, he desperately wanted the rest of the formation so he had to stay calm.

" Well, it doesn't matter anyway. Some of the ingredients that are said in this slip are difficult to get, so I will have to visit the capital city to collect them. It will take almost two weeks to get this done, I will make sure to get them as soon as possible, just don't let anything happen to the other part of the formation "

Looking at gefrey, talking very humbly, Aran got sure that his plan has worked and said

" So, give me the other pills that you already have!"

" What? Do you want them now? Why don't you take the other pills at the same time when you get this one? "

" No. I want the other pills now. I know you have them so just give them to me " Aran said.

He was thinking about training using the high-level cultivation blasting pills until he gets what he wants. But Gefrey seemed a little hesitant about that.

" Why? What happened? Don't you believe me? We can call this deal off if you don't believe me. I am sure there are other alchemists who wally this, to become one of the greatest alchemists in the country "

Aran wanted to trigger Gefrey's decisions by saying this. Hearing that Gefrey suddenly realized that he should do everything he can to become the best alchemist in the world.

" No, nothing like that, I was just thinking about something else. Here, just have them all !" Gefrey said and took out all the pills and potions from his ring and gave them to aran.

After taking all of them, Aran got up.

" Remember, the faster I will get the pill, the quicker you will get the formation, " He said and left from there.


The next day, aran started his cultivation training with his friends and used some of the high-ranked basic cultivation pills to rapidly increase his cultivation. Since it was dangerous to take many pills, he knew he can't increase a lot but he still decided to do his best.

Since aran thought that it might be difficult for him to unseal his cultivation just to use the demonic mana for different purposes, he used the mana storage ring that he got from Gallion for his awakening and continued to store as much demonic mana possible every day.

On Sunday midnight, when aran went to the library, some of the soldiers who were working under the administrators of the academy followed him to see what he does inside the library.

Since the soldiers also had to follow the same kind of protocols, they were also allowed to enter only one hour a week, but they had the authority to choose their one hour whenever they want without any notifications.

So they entered the library, half an hour after aran entered to see what was happening but they got disappointed. Because aran was just sitting down on the table and cultivating his soul.

When the soldiers reported it back to the administrators, they also got surprised to hear that, because even they couldn't understand his motive.

After that aran continued his training throughout the week and when he entered the library the next week, he still did the same. When the administrators realized that aran doesn't have any ill intentions, they stopped spying on aran since he didn't show any suspicious behaviour.

After training for two whole weeks only increasing his cultivation and using many cultivation blasting pills, aran had finally broken through to the seventh tier of the intermediate stage and Barton and Adelina had also broken through one more minor stage.


On the next day, when the classes ended, Gefrey called aran and told him to come to his office room. Since aran knew what was it for, he took out another jade slip and transferred the full version of the array formation, and went to professor Gefrey's office room.

As he went inside, Gefrey was already holding the pouch with pills to give to aran to get the formation.

" So, here is your formation, " Aran said and handed over the slip. As Gefrey read that slip and confirmed that's the slip, he also handed over the pouch of pills to aran.

" There are twenty pills in that and our deal ends here. So forget everything that happened! " Gefrey said as he didn't want anyone to know about the deal and how he got the formation.

" I will. Until I want something else !" Aran replied.

" What did you mean by that? The deal is finished, right now and here, understood? " Gefrey was loud and he was clear about what he wanted.

" Yes, I know. But won't you do this again if I offered something better than this ?"

" What do you mean by something better than this? What else do you have? "

Gefrey couldn't understand how can aran have something better than a sixth-ranked demonic formation.

" Goodbye Professor Gefrey," Aran said with a smile and started to leave.

" What do you mean goodbye, tell me what else you have! " Gefrey started to shout but aran left without even turning back.


Since Aran had gotten everything he needed, he immediately went to the training area and asked the supervisor for a private seclusion chamber showing his crystal badge.

" Your points are very low, with your points, you can only get one day in the private chamber! " She said.

" One day is all I need !" Aran replied and asked for the key. Because one day is all he needed for the final part of his plan. After getting the key, he went into the large private seclusion chamber and closed the door.