1 So our adventure begins...

I guess you've never heard of the Book of Broken Souls have you? Well then let me tell you all about it...

The Book of Broken Souls didn't start out as a regular old book. Over in a village there was a little girl. The little girls name was Zoe and Zoe was raised in a non-love able way. Zoe's parents were very strict with her, expecting her to be better than the rest. But Zoe didn't want to exceed those expectations so, the night of her fourteenth birthday while her parents were sleeping she ran away.

She ran to a small hideout she prepared the night before. On the way there she notices a book on the ground. Zoe examines the book, that appeared to be really old and ancient. Zoe finally decided to read the title "The Book Of Broken Souls"

Zoe looks around wondering if she is being watched, then she opens the book and reads. A page in the book catches Zoe's attention. She slowly flips to the page and reads what it says, " Attention reader this book isn't just any old book this book holds the world's most broken souls in eternity and have brought each reader who reads a slow an-".

The rest of the page has been torn off, what Zoe see's as she turns the page is horrifying.
