
Prologue: Two Men

It was dark. Darker than anything he had ever experienced in his life. Not only in terms of lighting within the tunnel but also within himself. His eyesight was good enough, he could usually get by, even in the darkest of places. But it was the darkness in his heart that unsettled him. It was black and heavy, oppressive even. He knew, deep in the furthest reaches of his entire being, that even if he left this cave he would never be the same person as he was when he entered.

The man pressed forward, tired and weary as he was, guided by a single glowing orb floating strangely in front of him, humming with an otherwordly silver light. The moisture in the air was thick, it clung to him as it clung to the walls and the floor of the cave tunnel that he was currently navigating. Had it been hours since he had entered? Days? He wasn't sure anymore. He stuck his hand out and ran it along the cool, slimy, jagged wall to his right, just to feel something other than the ground beneath his feet if only for a moment. At that same time his left foot suddenly dropped into a hole filled with a cold, wet substance. Feeling slightly uncomfortable to not know what fluid now filled his boot the man moved the silver orb with a wave of his hand to inspect the hole. It danced smoothly through the air, seeming somewhat playful as it finally settled softly above the spot that the man was staring at.

"Water?" he thought as he followed the steady stream up from the hole winding through cracks in the rock and then finally disappearing into the moss covered ceiling. "Already clean too, I dont even have to waste any energy purifying it." He knelt down and stuck both of his cupped hands into the small, clear pool in front of him and slowly brought them to his mouth. With each drink of water the glowing orb shone with slightly more intensity, almost as if it were breathing.

As he took his last drink, he caught his reflection shimmering within the puddle. The man that was staring at him was not the same man that he remembered. His dark hair was disheveled and coated in a layer of filth. His once handsome face was replaced with something more skeletal. His green eyes looked black, they sunk into his skull and were ringed by dark circles. His skin, that was usually tight and sun kissed, was pale and loose. He could not help but laugh at the irony, "I finally look my age." He said through a grin. "This journey has been harder on me than I anticipated." His emaciated visage forced his mind to consider all of the branching events that lead him to be in that tunnel. Where had he gone wrong? Why did things have to turn out like this? Finally, why was it him, of all of the people in the world, that had to complete this dreadful task that lie ahead? Could he have said something different, or done something another way? Could it be that he spoke at a time when he should have been silent and listening? He always was a talker, for better or worse, the other man was the quiet one. For a moment he thought of him and smiled. Regardless, as strong as he was he could not change the past. He had no choice but to move on, ever closer to finality.

Still entranced in his thoughts, than man stood, dusted himself off, and stretched his arms above his head, feeling his muscles loosen and his bones crack. With a short sigh, he turned and continued down his path.

About one hundred yards away from his drinking pool he was overcome with an immense anxiety that he had forgotten something. He stopped, patted himself all over, relieved that his sword was still on his waist, but still unnerved. He looked around to realize that he was utterly consumed with darkness, not only in terms of lighting but also within himself. He smiled, "Ah, yes, how could I possibly forget, darkness is merely the absence of light." he said with a charming smirk and then whistled sharply. From the direction he came, he could see his silver orb moving whimsically through the tunnel, quickly winding its way to its master. "There you are my friend, where could I possibly go without you, hmm? Nowhere of good consequence I am sure." He spoke to the orb as if it were alive, though he knew that it was not. Now, with his companion by his side he turned back toward his destination only to realize he was standing merely a dozen yards away from a tall, dark wooden door that had veins of bright silver shining throughout. It seemed to be nestled perfectly at the end of the tunnel almost as if the tunnel was carved around the door itself.

He walked forward, his gaze fixed upon the door. This was it. The end of his journey. With deep regret he extinguished his precious light with a snap of his fingers, it had no place in what came next. He started forward. With every step his pulse quickened. He could feel his blood in his temples, his face was hot and he began to sweat. Memories came flooding forward, faster he walked. All of his doubts, fears, his love, hopes and dreams were spinning wildly in his mind, still he walked, ever quicker. He felt as though he were falling, tumbling out of control, tears filled his eyes, noise filled his head, he was utterly lost. He could not tell up from down, or pain from pleasure. He didn't want to be here. He didn't want to do this but he knew he must. His mind was fighting his body and his heart was fighting his mind. He felt as if he was being ripped apart from the inside, he just wanted it to stop, he screamed for it to stop.

And then it stopped.

He looked down as he controlled his breathing only to realize his hand was firmly grasping the ancient metal handle attached to the door. He knew what was on the other side. He knew that awaiting him was the other one, the man he came to kill. He steeled himself and pushed open the door ready to face this destiny that was forced upon him. Then came a voice.

"Brother, you've come home."

This is the first chapter I have ever written. I have dreamt of this story and its characters for years and recently felt inspired to finally write it down. The story of the men in this chapter will shape the world in the main story and will be told over time. I am not sure how often I will upload yet as I never intended it to be a light novel but I promise I will work a system out. Welcome to my adventure! I hope you enjoy.

Dweezycreators' thoughts
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