1 Prologue

A man and a woman were driving together down a highway in the middle of the night.

"God family reunions are not my thing i can't keep up with all the drama, it makes my head hurt" the man clutched his head in frustration while he continued to drive. "Can't we skip going to your parents house during the holidays, I feel like your dad hates me" he looked over to the woman sitting next to him who stared back at him

she had amber hair that sat atop a delicate face, with blue eyes that would make one mesmerized. yet the face she made right now looked more disappointed then lovely.

"so you just expect me to not tell my parents that i'm pregnant I guess huh, gosh I sometimes wonder why I married you" she sighed and looked down, then gave a glance back at the man expecting that he would come crawling back apologizing

"Alright alright can you ever forgive me my love" he panicked

she was right.

"I don't know... maybe buy me an ice cream on the way home and ill think about it." she smiled in satisfaction knowing that she got him wrapped around her finger.

"You know if you keep eating ice cream you'll get fat"


She slapped him "It's your fault. I'm gonna get fat anyways with the baby you stuffed in me." she then crossed her arms, closed her eyes, and puffed her cheeks out.

The man was recovering from his wounds by rubbing his face. "come on don't be like that I was only joking. you are the most beautiful woman on earth and nothing can change that. I will always love you."

the woman opened one eye and looked at the man "You really mean that." she whispered

"of course with all my heart Mary." He smiled and continued focusing on the road. for a while there was silence. the glow of the moon illuminated the dark road ahead of them as they continued driving.

Mary looked down at her stomach and put her hand on it "You know soon there might be 2 of the most beautiful woman living with you" she smiled and with that smile she resonated a warm aura around her that felt like a spring morning.

"that's only if it is a girl it might be a boy. who knows its a 50/50 chance" he said while taking in the warmth Mary emanated.

"what should we name it" Mary said softly

"well if its a boy. maybe something like Gary or maybe Larry, actually I know Harry Sounds Nice and it rhymes with your name." He said while smiling

Mary giggled a little then became serious "If you think I'm gonna name my child with that mindset you're dead wrong" she smiled again "also I want a girl. a girl who is smart but also kind to others"

"A girl would be nice to spoil. but i would also have to fend her off from the hordes of boys that will try to take her hand in marriage" The man said with confidence and a glint in his brown eyes.

"you are a dork sometimes I gotta say."

"What, as a father its my duty to protect her from harm" he pridefully exclaimed "anyways what would you name her. if our baby turns out to be a girl"


The man smiled "That is a nice name" he looked at her knowing that this woman was his treasure, his one an only gem that he has all to himself and soon another treasure will appear in his life.

Suddenly a bright light flashed in front of the car they were in "Honey watch out!" Mary exclaimed in terror.

The man looked forward and saw 2 lights pointed directly at him. he slammed on the brakes and drastically tried to swerve the wheel to dodge the impending doom. even with all his might he couldn't do anything... and then all the man could see was black.

A ringing noise could be heard resounding in the mans ears. the first thing he felt was the lack of feeling in his legs. he slowly pried his eyes open to look down at the twisted mess that was once his legs. *gasp* *gasp* the man then heard noise coming from the seat to his right. he turned his head and saw Mary there. The love of his life, the one women who helped him through his darkest times. she was lying there looking at him gasping for air. while tears flowed down from the ocean that is her eyes. he slowly looked down. and what he saw was something sticking out of her stomach. as the man blinked he realized that a branch was sticking out of his wife's stomach. the branch was impaling the love of his life and a puddle of blood surrounded it.

Mary saw the despair and disbelief in the mans face as he looked at the state she was him. she slowly lifted her hand and caressed the mans face and forced him to look at her eyes. "It's okay *gasp* every*gasp*thing is ok. only look *gasp* at my eyes"

the man started crying he didn't care about the pain he felt in his legs "Mar-y... everything going to be alright we still have so much ahead of us so don't leave me" he moved his hand up to grab hers and he held on to it

Mary weakly said "I love you. never *gasp* forget that"

"I know Mary I know. we still gotta get that ice cream before we head home so hold on" at this point tears were erupting from the mans eyes "Mary please don't leave me"

Mary's eyes were also leaking tears but she smiled and mouthed one last time the words 'I love you' before the gasping stopped and her eyes voided of any life. the hand the man was holding to his face went limp and cold.

"M-mary,... Mary come on w-wake up" Tears streamed down his face as his voice was losing structure "Mary this is n-no time for jokes, wake up" the mans heart was falling deeper and deeper into the abyss "Mary don't leave me please... your the only thing I have left" All that could be heard that night was a faint sobbing coming from a wrecked car that plowed into a tree off the side of a highway
