
The Blue Warden - The Boy with Zero Luck

Air leaving my lunges it's almost relaxing, as if I could close my eyes and sleep forever forgetting this horrible life I have "Alright pull his punk ass up." The boys in the bathroom follow the Bigger boys command "Geez now he smells like he looks, like shit." the bigger boy said as the group laughs. " I told you that if you didn't get me an A on my homework what would happen." The bullied boy laid next to the toilet his almost malnourished frail body and pale skin looked deathly, his face covered in cuts and bruises. " Are you gonna die on me punk. If that happens who am I gonna beat, HUH???" The bigger boy starts beating the frail boy brutally as the others in the bathroom laugh. " Human nature its beyond cruel, these guys are actually hoping to see me beaten to death I almost hope for it to happen too." The boy continued until the sound of school release bell rang through the halls, the boys left laughing and talking about the big game. The frail boy picked himself up covered in blood slowly leaving the school he put up his hoodie so none of the teachers would ask him questions, it would be to much of a hassle to explain any of it knowing nothing would change anyways he limps his way home. entering his near run down home he mother tells him that there won't be food tonight again. The boy nods knowing no one cared how face looked at the moment and walked to his empty room. The room was empty that it looked abandoned the only furnish to be seen was mattress the laid on the floor and some dirty blankets.

As the boy laid in his bed thinking about his life he could overhear through the paper thin walls his parents talking. "Ugh if it wasn't for the waste of space of a son we could at least have enough to be able to eat every night." the dad proclaimed, the boy thought to himself " Its fine humans when hungry say things they don't mean." He then heard his mother speak "If only my parents wouldn't have talked me out of having an abortion we could have had a better life, and have a kid when we where ready." The boy laid in the bed in silence. " Its o...okay humans can't...." His thoughts stop as tears start to run down his face he quickly got up and ran out of the house. running through the night street his thoughts raced. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS LIFE? HOW IS THIS FAIR GOD HUH???? WHY DO I HAVE TO SUFFER FOR NO REASON? MY OWN PARENTS LOOK AT ME WITH THE SAME LOOK AS THE BULLIES WHO TAKE PLESURE FROM MY PAIN WHY ME GOD?" the boy rushed to the bridge he know what he had to do to end this, at the same time a mysterious pair of eyes watch "poor soul, your so far from my blessing that its a disgrace on my name." The boy finally reached the bridge he stood on the edge ready for the end he'd jump and let god decide what to do with him. "Boy you look like your in a tough spot." the boy turns around as quick as possible hoping that it wasn't a police officer or someone trying to stop him that'd be to much of a hassle, but what he saw was a handsome man with slick back black hair in an all black suit something about him seemed unreal. "Who are you, don't try to stop me I don't need the hassle." The man laughed I wouldn't try to stop you, I honestly think this would be a good idea." The boy stood dumbfounded at this remark he didn't want pity but a rage built up in his stomach " WHO ARE YOU TOO..." The man interrupted " How would you like to make a deal with me Boy?" The boy went silent hey heard about this and his breath felt like it suddenly left his body "A...are you t..the devil?" The man laughed "Sadly for you no boy." The boy hesitated "What do you mean sadly no?" The mans laughed started to die down his eyes turning red " You see I'm waay more fickle than that old man." the boy started shaking "I've never been scared of the bullies or the thought of death but this thing terrifies me to my core." the man got in really close and repeated "How would like to make a deal with me Boy?" The boy took a deep breath and asked "What kind of deal?" The man laughed and exclaimed "I am the god of luck and your entire existence baffles me, you have zero luck to speak of its a disgrace that someone like you exists on my home planet. So how about this boy I'll send you to a different world and then maybe you strive there and I can erase the boy who has zero luck from this world, its a win-win for all party's involved how about it boy." The boys eyes widened, then it felt as if the world felt silent as the boy lowered his head "To be erased from this world and be reborn in a new world." his thoughts raced and slowed down, the boy then raised his head tears rolling down his face "Please erase me to hell with this world, even if my chances in a new world are worse than this nothing is worse than the hell I live through here every day!" The man chuckled "Deal boy!" The man then pushes the boy off the bridge. The man then whispered "Good luck boy, I hope you find happiness there." As the boy was falling it felt like time slowed down he look at the man and a thought crossed his mind "He looks sad. Oh well to a new world,"

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