

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, rubbing the junk from the corner of my eyes. The sun was cascading into the room through the blinds, brightening p my abode. The blaring alarm interrupted the blissful atmosphere. "Beep, Beep, Beep. "I reach over to turn it off and see that the time is 7:30.

Curses my habit of automatically hitting the snooze button will get me fired I visibly shudder at the thought of getting fired.

It is just too troublesome to find another job I lazily mused to myself as I wiggled into my work shirt and rushed off to work.

I arrived at work 40 mins late walking at a slug's pace towards the entrance, while enjoying the view of the towering mountains in the distance, taking my sweet time knowing that I am about to get chewed into by his boss.

"What do you mean you quit!" I heard his boss bellow into his phone as he angrily hung up, then he started to pace around his room.

Not trying to deal with that I thought to myself as I snuck into my cubicle without being seen. Mission sneak and acting like I have been here the whole time completed I thought to myself triumphantly as I sat down. His chair made the loudest squeaking, most drawn-out noise ever. My boss's neck snapped a full 180 degrees. He stared daggers at me.

"Varon the gall, you must have come here so late. Do you think just because we are short-staffed I won't fire you" screamed my boss, getting his spit all over my face?

He got so angry that his hair started floating off his head, leaving him as bald as a golf ball.

Wait a second why is hair floating is he going super sane?


Boom a soul-crushing sound rang out.

I lost all feeling in my body at that instant.

[Day 1]

I awake to pure darkness. I try to open my eyes, and that is when I notice that I don't have a body. It feels like I am just a mind floating in nothingness.

I guess Im dead I thought to myself when I have that thought I feel some loss but mostly I feel relief knowing that I will not have to keep going to a job that I hate and living on as a husk of my younger self.

You know what floating endlessly in darkness is not that bad. I can finally laze around without worrying about getting judged.

Then something I know all too well pops lighting up the serene darkness with an annoying blue light system and it reads.

[Name: Varon]

[Race: Sentient Corpse Flower/Rafflesiaceae]

[Abiltes:Parstize[Can not use abilty in current state], OderRelease[Can not use abilty in current state], rammbling of fate,Deep Slumber}

[Inate talent: fate 100/100,]

[Aehivments 3]

Let's go I'm not dead I was just coping with the fact that I thought I was dying trying to convenience myself that dying was okay what is the point of being lazy if I don't have the choice to be lazy or not?

Well now that we are done with that, let's at least check the descriptions of my skills before I start getting too excited about being alive.

[Race: Sentient Corpse Flower/Rafflesiaceae]

Description A sentient plant-type holo parasite that lives in its host body and is almost undetectable by all normal methods and has lost the ability to proceed when becoming sentient in exchange for the ability to duplicate bodies.


Parastize Description[As a sentient holo parasite you can live in other beings and take 10 percent of their experience but when trying to parasitize a sentient being, you will have to get permission or you may be at risk of some backlash or complete failure of parasitizing.

OderRelease[You may create unique smells.

Ramblings of Fate[A piece of fate you have rambled to yourself]

Deep Slumber[an ability gained when a plant gains sentience to pass the time to stop themselves from going crazy.]


First Sentient Plant Rarity 10[Congrautlion, you are the first plant to become sentient. That is one small step for flowers and one tremendous step for plant kind. This will modify your skills and give you the ability to make other plants sentience when you are strong enough.

Species Integration Rarity 7 [You have successfully fully integrated into a body that is a different species than you are this ability will upgrade your [Parasatize] so if your host is sentient they will get a lesser version of your innate ability and you will get a lesser version of their innate ability.]

First Batch 3[You are the first group of beings to be moved by the system to this planet. You are a trailblazer for the rest to come. You gain 10 percent more xp for this significant risk.]

I am honestly not sure how to process that I am no longer human Sike I don't care that I'm not human anymore if I am being honest with myself being a plant is not that bad I can just laze around all day and do plant things.

I can't wait any longer, no more pondering. When did I start pondering this much wait I got to stop. pondering okay I got to stop it. Time to try out one of my only available abilities, that I can use.

Activate fate's rambling I yell into the abyss nothing happens.

10 minutes later and nothing has happened yet I realized that it has not worked.

Hey system how can I use my innate ability?

[The system does not have the ability to trigger your abilities related to your innate abilities nor does it know how it works.]

Welp that did nothing to help thank you for nothing I yelled.

I thought about all the fantasy novels and I knew what I need to do. I tried to feel for any extra limbs that I might have nope still can't feel any limbs so there is only one thing I could do I must focus inward and there it was.

I saw a circle made up of golden strings and when I saw it I thought by instinct making strange signals in my head to call upon my power and in the next second the strings flowed out of my soul and flowed and into the black space and formed a pencil and pen in front of me and then I blacked out.

I woke up,

In front of me, I saw the pencil disappearing. but two pieces of paper remained

The first piece of paper had a golden letter written on it

Their charisma and charm may deceive you, Leaving you feeling lost and bereaved. So be cautious and always think twice, Before you give in to their tempting guise.

Their harems, were a symbol of their might, A show of their wealth, their fame, and their sight. But beneath the surface, a world of deceit, Where trust is broken, and lives incomplete.

So guard your heart and keep it true, And never be a part of their harem too. Their hold is strong, but it will soon fade, And you'll find yourself free from their charade.

The second piece of paper said

An old man in need, a life to save, A call to action, a path to pave. The journey ahead, shrouded in mist, is A mysterious force, urging you to persist.

Through dark and stormy nights, Along winding roads, full of fright. The task at hand, of utmost importance, The old man's life, in your hands, a chance.

The road ahead is dotted with clues, Hints, and whispers, whispers in the blues. Guide yourself, with courage and might, To the old man's side, to bring back his light.

The mystery deepens, with every step, And in the end, what you'll find, is yet to be met. But trust your instincts, and don't look back, For the old man's life, is what you'll bring back.

What kind of charlatan shenanigans is this why does it look exactly like my sloppy handwriting it gives me no valuable information to ponder about why does this look like a poem I would write?

That gave me no information to ponder.

When did I start liking to ponder so much?

Must be a plant thing

[Name: Varon]

[Race: Sentient Corpse Flower/Rafflesiaceae]

[Abiltes:Parstize[Can not use abilty in current state], OderRelease[Can not use abilty in current state], rammbling of fate,Deep Slumber}

[Inate talent: fate 75/100,]

[Aehivments 3]

I notice that I am really tired and I'm starting to fall asleep when a screen pops up Deep slumber is about to be activated.

Do you want to set perimeters on when to wake up

I click yes and pick the option to wake up when I level up or when something significant happens.


I have never written a web novel or any novel so i will happily take critics. Also I was wondering if I should change I too Varon so stop use I my and me and change it to Varon he and him.

MrLoomeycreators' thoughts