

Refuge By Sajla Anees

It is a compelling story of love, faith, hope and perseverance in war-torn Syria.

Sajla conveys to find hope and aspires to move hearts by delivering an impacting message about issues that matter. The title of the book was very catchy and it conveys the central message when you reach the end of the book.

The cover of the book was very appealing with the rustic look matched in shades of brown and yellow. The illustrations and the format of the book is laid-out perfectly and the credit goes to Mr. Jeremy Muller from the Jam Fruit Tree Publications.

Anees goes onto thank her family, friends, Aid workers in Syria, her teachers, people who helped her and to all the people who inspired her to write this book. She renders her heartfelt gratitude to her readers and sends her sincere prayers to the Syrian community.

She dedicates this to those who have lost someone close to their heart, be it to death, be it otherwise. She starts off with a beautiful hadiths about patience. She includes a glossary at the end of the book which helps everyone to clearly understand the book as well as making it possible to be read by everyone.

The authenticity of the place is presented accurately with a map attached in the book hence making it easier for the readers to grasp the changes in location. The changing of the scenes is showed with clarity hence the readers can grasp them at once while the time setting of the book dates back to somewhere near 2011.

The description and the writing style of the book keeps you hooked till the climax. The translation of the book is plain but fantastic. The characters were formed in a way that revealed the main idea of the story and the personality of each character was maintained flawlessly. The usage of vocabulary and grammatical was on point. The story is developed in a smooth flow and it was spine-chilling to read.

It is a treat for everyone who reads it because the plot is beautifully presented and the authenticity of the Syrian war is maintained. International readers can read it online as E-Books or get them delivered in hard copies

It is an emotional gripping book with tragic events. It absorbs your whole energy as you end the book with tears. Certain scenes were breath-taking that made me to realize how thankful we should be for whatever Allah has given us. It is a book that should be read by everyone and undoubtedly it will be valuable and worth reading. It can be read again, all over again!

You inspired and encouraged me in many ways sister Sajla and I am happy that your dreams are coming true. May your message reach 1000's of hearts. I wish you good luck. May Allah accept your efforts and add barakah to it. Aameen!

Sajla Anees-

sajla.anees (Instagram)

Mr.Jeremy Muller- Jam Fruit Tree Publications (Sri Lanka)

Photography- Z Cader

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