
Avidia's Journal

Oi. Avi here. So I've been a tad bit teeensy little bit drunk for… oh i dont know about 60ish days. These bad guys just keep givin me more an more blood ya know. Im about to fight this big deer lookin thing so I thought id take a sec and write down what I learned about good ol bloody drunkard and out favorite pair of scythes. Ill even through in some infor about floors and their variations cause im so damn nice. Basically it goes like this:

The Bloody Drunkard- boy this ones a kicker. Drink more blood and you'll be feelin great till mornin. Sad thing is there ain't a drop of magic in ya so say goodbye to being a fancy pants mage. (Boosts strength, vitality, and agility but cant use magic) If ya don't drink for long enough, ya start getting an itch that gets worse and worse. Didn't let that happen much if you couldn't tell.

Weapons- Blades of the bloody fool: Man these guys are great. Scythes are perfect for all kinds of slashin rippin blood guzzling fun. Plus these blades been changing with me since the start. Nowadays they are all fancy with some shnazzy golden ornaments at the bottom and near the head. Plus they're tricky lil buggers. They got the ability to change form and now they got all tiny and shit. But the trick is, if you say or think shift, they'll change back!

Heres the kicker. As I leveled up (you're welcome) and journeyed along the way, the system gave me all sorts of info. If ya wanna sober up (why would you? ha?) then all ya gotta do is wait some time or deal a lotta damage to yerself. Plus, apparently if you don't drink 2 liters of blood a week, ya end up going berserk tryna sink your fangs into the first living thing you can find. (Careful with that)

On top of that, apparently you'll get a resistance to blacking out if yur drunk fer a certain amount of time. (whateever black out means?)


"Great timing," Avidia said with a chuckle.

A little bit about your pretty hair. When you get blood drunk(I highly reecommend), it turns a nice shade of crimson(blood color ha) and these weird squiggles'll pop up on yer body. They're pretty cool though so no complaints here. On top of that, I looked into a lake at some point and my eyes were GLOWIN! Can you believe it?

But enough about my enchanting looks. Heres the serious stuff for yer future climb. I'll just line it all out for ya since its important.

Floors- a city sized, random environment full of monsters. To clear a floor you must either:

Destroy the floor core thats teleported around the floor every couple hours (boring)

Kill a shit ton of monsters until a portal opens up (awesome)

When you go into a floor, you'll be thrown into a random point within the floor. This sucks but all of the monsters on the floor are around the same level (usually) so you should be fine. If ya make your way to the center of the floor you should find a pretty green pillar with a blue bubble around it. Thats the Pillar of Life and that bubble is the safe zone. At the pillar you can regain health, store stuff, and even teleport back to Remedias (thats for cowards though) little shits (I mean enemies) will spawn back every couple hours with the dungeon core and their loot and corpses'll dissapear.

When I beat the first floor it seemed like some guy saw me do it and tried to follow through the door but I never saw him again so Im guessin it was just for me.

Every ten floors there'll be a place with some kinda puzzle (or the place is a puzzle) called a dungeon and at the end of the puzzle there'll be a big boss. Nothing to fancy though just a bigger version of whatever vermin you fight in the dungeon.

At the 50th floor there was a big ol' coliseum packed full of tough guys. Best place to hang out if ya ask me. Ya fight em in waves so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

This damn 100th floor was by far the worst though. I had problems enough solving puzzles, but they through enemies on top of that? Even killing enemies turned into a puzzle. It took a while but this deer-thing is making it look worth my time. Btw the stronger an enemy, the better the blood, so keep that in mind when you're eyein up a boss.

All that loot that those enemies drop(besides the delicious blood) should automatically go into yer inventory so congratulations. You rich.

I should also let ya know there really isn't a point in goin back to town. I checked back after the first floor and they ain't got anything useful that ya can't find in the tower. That's why I just kept trekin. Camp under the starts, eat some monster meat, drink some blood, live a little ya know.

Alright thats about all I got. I'll see ya on the other side once I drain this scrumptious deer.

See ya later alligator (I fought one of those at some point),


"Guess I better get moving," said Avidia as she took her own advice and pressed on to floor 101.

Yes this chapter is just an excuse to cram in some infor. Am I sorry for it? Not really.

Avidonncreators' thoughts
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