
Reviews of The Bloody Angel


The Bloody Angel


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  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



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Nice and interesting synopsis, Author! [img=recommend][img=recommend] Your characters are very likable, and seemed so sweet after I finished reading the first chapter. 😊😊 The world background is obvious based on how they talk and how they address each other, so good job! [img=recommend] Keep up the good work! 😁😁 Keep on writing! [img=recommend]


The idea of a ruthless princess is good. I think you should focus more on how you write and the way you plot the story. Try to read the books that you found comfortable and interesting then learn from how the authors wrote their books. Those are what I've always done to improve my writing. It takes time but practice makes perfect!


A very sweet cover page! The synopsis is intriguing and makes me curious about the content of your story. I like the way you use the typical classic novel scheme and mix it with other ideas. The plot is interesting. Well done! Good luck with the contest!


The concept is one of the classics. It includes things such as coronations, royalty settings, and more! I really am a fan of those things (somewhat), and i do love your book~ There are some points that I'd like to point out. In making dialogue, it would be better if you could make the proper commans and periods for the conversations for example. "I want to be the Queen of the Lakes and Dolphins. I want a handsome king, just like you, daddy!" Bella smiled. Bella and Steve pointed towards the Queen's crown with glee. "I want that one." Steve told, "Your crows is so heavy, deaddy. I don't want it!" The king nodded, "Yes, dear." Some of the dialogues here a bit mixed and matched, so try implementing the tips I gave you and from the internet. Kudos for the author!


one of the best political thriller and fantasy mix you can find on the whole webnovel app the writing is easy the story hooks from the start it's a must read


The plot is great all around, far better then my moronic novel. The only problem is the spelling mistakes that should not exist at all. Btw, advice from a fellow author. I suggest you begin releasing 3 chapters a day each 4 hours apart. That's how you draw readers. That's how I got about 2k readers in only 2 days. Lots of people love to check the update section of a genre.