

In a pristine and quite organized training hall there was a man practicing his movesets. He jabbed left and right and brought his knee upwards. He repeated left, right, then twisted his body to jab with his elbow. And then he continued on with low, middle, and high kicks.

"The boss wants ya." announced a voice from behind him.

He paused his movements and took time to calm his breathing. Only then did he turn around and nod stiffly at the lanky man by the door. He then walked right past him as he left the training hall much to that man's disconcertion.

"Mute motherfucker! Would it kill ya to speak. What's he actin' so proud for? He's nothin' but the boss's dog." he grumbled underneath his breath.

The man ignored the complaints coming from behind him. With his back straight and head held up high, he went to find his benefactor.



Raising his hand he knocked on the office door of the leader of this mercenary outfit.

"Enter." Came a sturdy and refined voice from behind the door.

He quietly open the door, stepped in and closed the door behind him.

The man sitting behind the gleaming mahogany desk looked up from the papers he was reviewing. "Ah, my friend you're here, good good. I have just received notice that one of the 'companies' in our employ have been involved in quite the unsavory acts. You'll take care of it for me, won't you?"

He nodded his head in assent.

"Ah, excellent! I knew I could count on your help. It really does sadden me that they would betray my trust like this." he sighed sadly.

"Don't worry sir, I'll take care of it." he asserted solemnly. Then he turned around and left.



Walking out from a burning and collapsing building was a man with a beautific smile.

Sorry, for the late chapter and thank you so much for your patience!

I was going to write out the scene of him storming the place, but I was stuck on how to write it, which was the reason for the delay. But I decided this was a flashback and it wasn't really important to have it.

In the next chapter we will be finding out what happened to our rabbit! XD

Please support with power stones if you liked it.


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DarkNaricreators' thoughts
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