
There Is No Mercy For The Merciless

Assayah was looking at Samantha who was looking at him carefully. Assayah was quite angry with what Walschmidt did but with his sudden death, it was evident that something was definitely wrong. He looked at Samantha who was a little scared and was not looking at him now, but looking at the floor as she was ashamed. Assayah looked at her and said, "I know what happened with you was traumatic, but please try to remember what actually happened with you. Did Peter behave oddly that day? Like as if he was possessed or something like that. I know Peter was a scoundrel but doing something like this is not his way. I'm not saying that you are lying but just think why would he suddenly do something this horrible and that commit suicide. Something is definitely wrong here." Samantha looked at Assayah and said with a little anger, "That is your concern? I was raped by that bastard and you are questioning me that whether it was he himself or was he possessed by some lustful ghost? I just cannot believe that you are so heartless." Assayah said, "I am not saying that you are lying. Things are very awkward right now, Samantha. Your culprit is dead and apparently all the suspicion falls on you. Yes, he raped you but now you will charged with his murder charges." Samantha slapped him and said angrily, "I can't believe that you could be so shameless and heartless. I fucking hate you." She rose and stormed away. Assayah looked in her direction and sighed, "How do I explain to you that there are far more malicious beings here than your idiot cousin?"

Assayah looked for Kenchi everywhere in the Monastery, but he was nowhere to be found. Assayah looked around the places where Kenchi usually goes or is usually present like mediation rooms and spas. But, he was not even in those places. Assayah looked around and saw a young demon wandering and stopped him and asked, "Do you know where Kenchi is?" The demon stopped and looked at Assayah and said, "Master Kenchi doesn't tell us where he goes or he stays? He most of the time stays away from the Monastery. But, it is a very new habit for him and so he also returns very quickly." Assayah said, " I'm an old friend of him. So, if he comes tell him that I was here."

The demon looked at him and said, "You may wait for him in the waiting room. He might be just on the way and will reach here soon. Master Kenchi doesn't like to wait for people. Let me show you the way." Assayah smiled and followed him and then sat on the sofa. Assayah looked around and observed all the fine furniture and new wall designs. He mumbled, "Kenchi is definitely a very good master. He really changed the whole Monastery. But, his evil intentions won't let him stay here for too long." A female demon came to him, holding a glass of red liquid and said, "Sir. Please, refresh yourself with our drink." Assayah looked at her and said, "Of course. What is your name?" The female demon replied, "Aliysaa." Assayah smiled, "A human ghost demon. Interesting. How did you die?" Alyssa replied, "I was killed by my boyfriend. He was cheating with another woman and when I exposed him, he killed me." Assayah smiled, "Then, you killed him." Alyssa replied, "I had to. He was going to do the same thing with his new girlfriend." Assayah said, "There is no justice without punishment. You did justice and now you are being punished." Alyssa said, "Master Kenchi doesn't think like that. He considers my act as a divine act and that I made an example for the girls living in the mortal world that no one deserves to torture them and then go unpunished." Assayah smiled, "Of course. He had surely said that. Anyway, here's the empty glass." He put the glass and Alyssa went away. Assayah mumbled, "Typical brainwashing." The demon came and said, "Master Kenchi has arrived. He has asked you to go to his room." Assayah smiled, "Yes. I'm coming." Kenchi was sitting on his bed, taking off his shoes when he looked towards Assayah and said, "I am glad that you took time from your busy schedule and came to see the new Monastery." Assayah said, "Renovating the Monastery won't favor you much after what you did with Samantha?' Kenchi asked, "What did I do with Samantha?" Assayah said, "Oh, please. Leave all this innocent drama for your idiot army of demons."

Kenchi smiled, "You came all this way to just tell me that I have an army full of idiots?" Assayah went towards him and grabbed his throat and said angrily, "I'm a much more powerful demon than you and it won't take a single moment for me to kill you. Now, tell me what you did with Samantha?" Kenchi said, "If you don't tell what happened to Samantha. How can I answer all your questions?" Assayah put him down and said, "Fine." Assayah narrated the whole incident and said, "How can someone rape a woman and leave no evidence behind? No sperm. Also, Walschmidt is now dead and all the blame is on Samantha right now. How will I defend her if I have nothing to prove?" Kenchi said, "Don't prove it. Samantha and Walschmidt were not good people and what happened with them was bound to happen anyway. Don't blame yourself for their craziness. Walschmidt raped Samantha and then Samantha killed him. And, now she is trying to use you to escape punishment." Assayah said sadly, "I just can't believe anything you just said. Samantha is a good person and I think for the first time in my life, I saw someone as a part of my life rather than just another random person." Kenchi patted his shoulder and said, "See, Assayah. For the first time in your life, you are clueless. This all because of a very tiny emotion called love. Love is a weakness. Love is a disease that slowly and slowly cripples your heart and then your brain and finally it makes you delusional. Everything looks happy and you forget all the sad realities of life and start living a false life full of unreal dreams." Assayah asked, "What do you mean by that, Kenchi? Have I turned mad and delusional?" Kenchi said, "I'm not saying anything at all. You are showing all the symptoms and I'm just pointing them out. Wake up, buddy. See the real world. Samantha is not in love with you. She is just using you and slowly and slowly she will make you her servant. Xao Chang will never accept his demon being a mortal's pet dog and you perfectly know what will happen then." Assayah looked at Kenchi and then for the first time in his life touched his feet and said, "I'm begging you. Please, help me. I don't know what to do and what not to do." Kenchi looked at him and said, "You are begging me to help you and you have just touched my feet. The clouds of darkness have started to surface, Assayah. It's time that we begin our first mission before Xao Chang comes." Assayah said, "You solve my problem and I will do whatever you want." Kenchi said, "Don't worry, brother. I will solve your problem as soon as possible. You just start preparing for the ritual." Assayah smiled and walked towards the door, when Kenchi asked, "Do you know where that motherfucker, Kayuba is? I have been trying to contact him for so many months and that bastard doesn't even care to respond once. Find that idiot and tell him that his presence is needed in the Monastery. And, if possible try to inform me about Phantom and that girl, whatever her name is. Oh, yes Alice. Inform me about her daily activities. We may not be able to take the spear right now, but it will be better to keep an eye on our enemy for now. And, don't stress yourself so much. Girls like Samantha are like flies. They sit on every shit. You will definitely find someone much better than her." Assayah gave a weak smile and went away.

Kenchi lied on his bed and smiled, "Assayah touched my feet and begged me. Am I already that much superior now? Nah, Assayah must have really gone mad. But, what's the point of being so superior if my underlings are fucking better women than me? Samantha was a lucky fuck, but I have to keep fucking more mortals like her on a daily basis. Xao Chang is a maniac and I don't think that he will let me live for much longer after he takes the reins of the Monastery from my hands. If it was in my capability, I would have killed that old man too along with Bacca and Ichi Nakamura. Those two, too deserve to suffer from the same humiliation that they made me suffer from. Kayuba and Assayah were also tormented, but I was bullied the most. My weakness towards physical combat is no point to humiliate me everyday. Anyone with two hands and two legs can fight, but only the most brilliant minds win the wars. And this time, I will show not only the demons but also the elves and those wicked Manacans that a new sensation has arrived. That they have to no longer fear Xao Chang, because a much bigger threat than him has arrived."

Assayah looked at Samantha, who was sitting quietly on a chair and looking at the swimming pool outside. Assayah mumbled, "What if Kenchi is right? What if she had really killed her cousin and now she is just using me to save herself? No, no. Samantha isn't like this. But, what other options do I see right now? Damn! Kenchi is right. I have indeed lost my cunningness. Anyway, if Kenchi is wrong, then losing my talent isn't a bad deal. I love her and if she loves me too wholeheartedly, then I don't fucking care about anyone's words, especially Kenchi's." Assayah walked towards Samantha and said, "I went to meet a friend of mine and he said that he can do something for you. Managing people is his forte. But, he wants to meet you personally. Are you free tomorrow?" Samantha said, "Yes. What will I be busy with, anyway? My personal and professional life is in jeopardy and I don't think I'm going to live many more days." Assayah said, "Don't say this. Problems come in everyone's lives and managing and overcoming them is the part of the solution. Walschmidt was a weak and obnoxious person and in many ways, he deserved to die. With both Watwell and Walschmidt out of the picture, new people will come for the Mayor's seat. New people means new opportunities and new opportunities means more money for us." Samantha said, "Promise me, Assayah. After we pass this bad phase of life, you will leave all these criminal activities and start living a decent and honest life with me." Assayah smiled, "Promises are meant to be broken, Samantha. But, I promise you that after things get well, I will leave all my bad activities and live a decent and honest life with you." Samantha hugged him and kissed his lips.

Bayu was looking at all of this by his magical orb and broke the orb in anger. He mumbled, "After brutally killing my Elizabeth, how dare you live a life with your girlfriend, Master Assayah? No, never. I won't let you be happy. You will too suffer like I did. You, too will lose your love as I did. I will snatch away all your happiness and make you suffer before slicing your neck. You will beg for mercy, but you won't get any. For there is no mercy for the merciless."...

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