
Fixing Loose Ends

Hilda was sitting at a bar in her room, when Aliyah entered inside and called Hilda's name. Hilda turned and saw Aliyah and smiled. Aliyah came and sat beside her and said, "I want to thank you for your help today. Without you, it would have been quite difficult to penetrate inside the palace. Krymon had guarded all the entrances with heavy and powerful security. He even called Gongamtei." Hilda asked, "Gongamtei?" Aliyah smiled, "You might not know him. He is quite inclusive to us elves." Hilda smiled, "I know who he is or was. His legends are quite famous in the Orc Valley. If my brother called him, then surely he knew your might." Aliyah smiled, "I'm flattered by your compliment. I'm quite old and forgotten and hearing praises kind of help me feel delighted."

Hilda smiled, "Reputation changes with time. But, your deeds remain the same. You are not particularly a heroine of anyone or did something worth mentioning. But, your righteousness nature and the ability to stay true to your words at any cost is what makes you memorable." Aliyah laughed, "You have a bittersweet tongue, Hilda. Maybe this is the reason we never became completely friends. Nor enemies." Hilda smiled, "Your father was just like Tammy. Good but dependent on others. He also wanted a coalition with us ogres. But, your mother was against it. She knew perfectly that betraying the local people for royal benefits will ignite a mutiny and will make things bad for her family. Her tough decision that time proved to be the demise of her whole family. The ogres joined the demons out of anger on your mother and the demons cleverly inserted their own agenda in this civil war and made it into a war between good versus evil.

A bloody nonsense and costly war for both sides. The demons left the place as soon as they saw the spear was out of the picture and left behind a destroyed and poverty-stricken ruin of a kingdom." Aliyah smiled, "That's how histories are created everywhere. Not only here but in the mortal world too." Hilda said grimly, "But, history can be re-written anytime. And I want to write it my way." Aliyah asked, "What do you mean by that?" Hilda smiled, "I want our worlds to coalesce and form a better and perfect world together. When my husband will become the king and make me his queen consort. I will implement new rules to advance our progression towards a future where we will be able to stand united with each other." Aliyah smiled, "I think you should come with us. Having you with us will motivate the girls even more to be like you. A good warrior and a powerful leader." Hilda smiled, "Then, who will take care of the kingdom here? Jammy alone won't be able to do it."

Aliyah said grimly, "Actually that's where all the problem centers. I have given it too much thought and I think Jammy is not a king material. In fact, he shouldn't be alive. He is a bigger criminal than Tammy and Krymon. They had a motive to do injustice. But, your husband is just a plain sadistic rapist. Him fucking you was not his love, but his lust."

Hilda said angrily, "Control your tongue, Aliyah. You are crossing your limits." Aliyah said grimly, "Don't act like a fool, Hilda. You also know that how many women he has tormented and don't you remember that he is responsible for Verona's suicide. He eloped from the kingdom to save himself from his brother's wrath and not because he was missing you or feeling nostalgic about the happy moments he spent with you. Open your eyes and see that whom you are so investing in to make the king is in reality a phony and evil person." Hilda said grimly, "I know about him but if he becomes the king then it will secure my son's life. He will become the king after his father's death."

Aliyah said grimly, "I think you have only two options left now. You can be either an alive widow or a dead widow." Hilda asked, "What?" Aliyah quickly entered the bartender's body and threw a bottle at Hilda's direction as Hilda withdrew her sword. Hilda dodged the bottle and slashed her sword at the bartender. Aliyah dodged the sword and rolled over. Hilda jumped on the table and jumped on Aliyah with her sword, but she rolled and kicked Hilda in the left oblique. Hilda moved little but her muscular body didn't even felt a dent. Aliyah rolled and made some distance between them so she can handle her next attack. Hilda pulled the sword and slashed at her, but she threw a drink on her eyes and caught the sword and elbowed her on the face. Hilda felt a little dizzy both due to her being drunk and a fatal attack on her temple and a strong punch on her left ear. Hilda tripped a little but still managed to hold a bottle attack on her head and took Aliyah and slammed her on the floor on the broken glass pieces.

Aliyah rose and tried to punch her but Hilda took her and threw her on the table and then took her in a military press position and threw her on the shelf full of antique alcohol bottles. Aliyah was immune to pain and injury, but the bartender's body was bleeding heavily. Aliyah mumbled, "I have to finish her quickly. This bartender would not stay for too long." Aliyah rolled and threw a bottle at Hilda but she easily caught it and threw it away, but Aliyah took a broken piece of bottle and stabbed it inside Hilda's right thigh. Hilda screamed and caught Aliyah by the hair and hitted her face with her knee but Aliyah stabbed another broken bottle inside her stomach. Hilda looked at Aliyah and said, "Please. I have a kid." Aliyah said grimly, "Don't worry. His death will be much easy." Hilda said, "You..."

Aliyah quickly took a bottle and smashed it on Hilda's head, but Hilda thrusted the sword inside Aliyah's body before falling on the ground. Aliyah pulled out the sword and said weakly, "For Mother Manaca." She hold the sword in an icepick grip and thrusted it inside Hilda's throat and fell on her body. Aliyah slowly got outside of the bartender's body and said, "Thank you, whatever your name is. I mean, was. Your sacrifice won't go unnoticed." She pulled the sword and put it inside the bartender's grip and tightened it.

She looked at Hilda's dead body and sighed, "I wonder what does that stupid Jammy does to make such beautiful and wise women go berserk after him? Two good and useful women lost their lives for that piece of junk." Aliyah slowly opened the door and went away.

Elgin slowly rode his horse near the entrance of the Orc Valley and stopped near the large gate made by joining and tying various bones with each other. The inner side was filled with hard cement and steel structure, but the outer portion was wholly skeletal. Elgin got down from his horse and took his horse to a paying stable and handed a roll of fresh paper money to the stable keeper. The stable keeper looked at him and said, "Tourists aren't allowed to use this royal stable. For the commoners, we don't keep any stable for their horses." Elgin chuckled, "You must be mistaken, mate. I'm not a tourist. In fact, I came here as a messenger of the new king of the elves." The stable keeper looked at him from head to toe and said, "Whatever you are. I am not allowed to let you go inside without a proper inspection." Elgin said, "I don't mind any inspection. But, the time is limited. Seconds of delay can cause much problems." The stable keeper said, "Wait a minute. Let me talk with the security inside."

Elgin said, "Be quick. And if you happen to meet Jammy. Tell him Elgin is here." The stable keeper nodded and ran inside. Elgin peeped inside and saw the Orc Valley was indeed much more civilized and developed than he saw before. He smiled, "Maybe Krymon was not that bad of a person." The stable keeper hurriedly came towards him and said in a panting voice, "My deepest apologies, sir. I didn't recognize you. King Jammy has himself called for your presence." He opened the gate and Elgin climbed his horse and rode towards the large and lavishly decorated oval shaped dome which was deep in the centre of a beautiful garden and lots of guards holding crossbows and swords in their hands. Elgin stopped near the gate and went inside on foot out of respect for the king. He entered inside the dome and walked deep inside the dome. He saw that the interior was designed like a maze with several corridors leading to different rooms. Most of the walls were decorated with heads of several animals endangered in Orc Valley.

Some walls were filled with portraits of Krymon with either women or his wild and strange pets which he created with orc magic. Elgin followed a young orc maiden and soon he saw a lean yet muscled guy holding a large spear which one end was a mace and the other end is a trident. Elgin smiled, "Kystion. Still serving as the guard of the king." Kystion didn't responded but gave him a cold and stern glare. Kystion was Krymon's step-uncle and has been serving him and his father before him since he reached adolescence. Kystion was the son of Krymon's father's aunt whom his grandfather, Gigantus the Great raped at his wedding when he was drunk and heard that she was still a virgin. Krymon's grandmother was a kind woman and forgived this mistake as a sour scar of her marital life. Gigantus raised Kystion as his own son and gave him his name, but didn't made him a successor for his throne. Krymon's father couldn't tolerate this injustice and made his step-brother his royal guard and gave him a life of dignity and power.

Kystion never married but considered Krymon and Hilda as his own children and always tried to keep them safe and happy. After Krymon's father was killed in the First War of West, Kystion raised them and managed the royal affairs as a regent. When Krymon reached enough age to take things in his own hands, Kystion happily re-installed himself as the king guard. Kystion was a little old by then and couldn't run after his nephew in every matter so he was half blind to the Krymon's psychotic motives and his obsession with the dark orc magic. Kystion slowly got to know about all the matters but Krymon was already too arrogant to obey his words and with time Kystion reduced his involvement in the royal matters and started concentrating on his health. The news of the war and its outcome was not unknown to him, but protecting Hilda's little kid is now a bigger responsibility for him, than to go and bring back Krymon's body for the final rites. Elgin perfectly understands his hidden pain and said in a low voice, "We all are equal in the eyes of Mother Manaca. She is the one who decides and directs everyone's fate. We are just mere puppets of her play."

Kystion looked at him and said with a heavy but equally sad voice which more of a threat than sorrow, "The play demands everyone's end. Your and mine are not too far as well." Elgin smiled and walked away. Kystion looked at him and a thin grin appeared on his face. He perfectly knows that Elgin is the most purest and kind soul in the kingdom right now and his kind words at such grave moment only proves his kindness more than ever.

Elgin stopped near a large platform on which top Jammy was on his throne with immense pride. Beside him was a golden cradle in which his son was sleeping peacefully. Jammy descended a few steps and said in an angry tone, "I should have killed you that day. Atleast I wouldn't have to see your unpleasant face today. Your smiling face is salt on my wounds." Elgin said grimly, "My death wouldn't have changed anything, Jammy. But one thing changed with me staying alive. Aliyah is not paranoid for slaughtering you." Jammy chuckled, "Your courage is truly remarkable, Elgin. Even after standing in front of me and amongst your enemies, you are not even a little bit of distressed or frightened."

Elgin said smiling, "I don't have anything to be afraid of. I don't possess anything to lose. My life, take it. You have already killed my brother and father, why even have second thoughts about killing me?" Jammy smiled, "You are a good man. And this quality of yours makes you both dangerous and harmless. You have the courage to kill anyone for your loved ones, but you won't have any second thoughts before sacrificing yourself for others. You came here, all alone and unarmed. All after brutally killing their king and my brother. Another king. Because you perfectly know that no one here has the courage to even lay a single finger on you. You might deny it but right now, you are the most powerful being in Orc Valley right now." Elgin laughed, "I'm truly flattered by your compliment, Jammy. But I came here to discuss something important with you." Jammy smiled, "I already know what discussion you want to do with me. But, the answer to that will be dependent on Hilda's answer."

Elgin said, "You perfectly know Aliyah. Hilda is probably dead by now." Jammy looked at his boy and sighed sadly, "Why does she is like this? Doesn't she have a little empathy for anyone?" Elgin said grimly, "What has been done is done already and mourning for it is not the right option right now." Jammy said sadly, "You came here as an assassin, don't you? Okay. Kill me and make my kid an orphan." Elgin patted his shoulder and said softly, "I might be the most powerful being in the Orc Valley right now, but you are the luckiest. Your brother, your brother in law and wife has already sacrificed themselves and redeemed yourself a chance to survive another hundred years." Jammy said crying, "You are very brutal, Elgin. So, is your friend. You have granted me life only to make me and my kid die a painful and insulting death." Elgin asked, "What do you mean?" Jammy said crying, "Do you think these heartless green beasts would keep me and my kid alive after knowing that Hilda is dead? They will slaughter my kid before my eyes and then roast him and throw him before me to feast on him or die of starvation."

Elgin said grimly, "You choosed this life yourself, Jammy. I cannot help you any further." Jammy ran upstairs and brought his kid and gave it to him and said, "Keep him safe. Treat him as your own. Please, don't torture him for my sins." He fell at Elgin's feet and begged. Elgin said, "I promise you that he will live a life of glory and happiness. I will keep him away from the evil and dirty shadow of both his paternal and maternal side." Jammy smiled, "Still an insult at the last." Elgin smiled, "You deserve it." He formed a shield around him and took Jammy's kid in his arms and showed Jammy the middle finger for the last time and disappeared in white mist.

Jammy took off his crown and stomped it under his feet. He removed his royal cloak and set it on fire. He took out his sword and thrusted it inside the royal throne, signifying the demolition of the royalty in Orc Valley. He took a bottle of wine and finished it in one go. He slowly walked towards the window and stood on the windowsill and looked at the bright white marble-like moon shining in the sky like a pearl. He smiled and looked at the sky and there he found his peace. His peace that of all the sins he committed and all the wrong decisions he took, his last decision was not wrong, for he made his son live a different life than his. A life of no regret and no bad ending. He finally loosened his body and moved towards the ground. It was his remorse. It was his punishment. It was his salvation. But, whatever it was. It was his end...

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