
The Four Elder Generals 2

At the west gate.

An old woman floated in the sky. she wore a large black, sleeveless and hoodless cloak, with a golden string around the colar, knots tied at both ends of the string. Although this woman had wrinkles on her face, a vigorous fire burned in her eyes, while her deep purple hair was fitted into a neat and intricate bun, with some left over hair falling to the side of her face. the wind blew ocasionaly, causing the smell of the ocean to enter her nostrils, as her cloak fluttered." hmm?! those brats down there have sure been taking their time." the woman mumbled to herself. the current master of the lightning fist clan had brought about 45 children from his clan to face the 10-15 thousand soldiers who had invaded the imperial city's west gate. " but this is strange. why did he only bring 45 people? and moreover, all of them are children. i don't understand these martial clans. each of them holds about 500 people, and yet, with much more skilled worriors they could have sent out, they send children. unless i am missing something..." The woman spoke as she looked down at the city. " i will be supervising you, but don't expect me to come save you when you are in danger. pay attention to your opponents, and deal with them accordingly." The lightning fist clan master said to the children of his clan. " yes, master." they had been trained to control their emotions since young, but although they looked composed, the clan master could still see the anxiousness and fear of some of them.

"..." A horseman rode up behind the clan master silently, and raised his sword. " master! behind you!" one of the disciples shouted. bzzt! bzzt! " focus at all times." the master said before turning around exceptionally fast, and punching out. " huh? what the fuck were you trying to do? are you senile?" bzzt! bzzt! " huh? AaAaAhH!" before the man realised it, his entire body was engulfed in a powerful lightning-like qi. thump! the man was thrown off of the horse as it ran off madly from the pain, leaving a smoking soldier lying on the paved road. " a-amazing..." the disciple said, as sweat flowed down his face. the disciples of the lightning fist clan then spread out, each of them facing different soldiers, while the clan master looked for the general.

" a brat? what the hell do you want? move, before you make me kill a child." A soldier was blocked by a youth with a long blue-ish black braid over his shoulder, his eyes sharp, with a sturdy looking body. " i cannot." the youth replied seriously. although he said this firmly, his legs were shaking slightly. " humph! die then!" the soldier lifted his sword, before slashing down without mercy. woosh! the blade whistled pass his face, as the youth dodged to the side. " hmm?" the man attacked over and over, while the youth dodged. " hoho, you...you are scared aren't you? hahah, this is quite funny. you blocked my path like some bigshot, but in the end, you are scared. And not just of being attacked, but also of attacking!" the man said as he lifted his sword once more, before coating it with qi and slashing downward. vivivi! ' I! I have to dodge! otherwise!' the youth thought, as he tried to move his body, but finding that he was stuck, he could only close his eyes in fear.


At the north gate.

" general!" a soldier rode up to the cold general. " Luca boy, don't your soldiers have any respect?!" the old man asked. " i'm sorry for my man's disrespect, elder. what do you want? don't you see that i am speaking with the Elder?" the cold general turned to the soldier, a dissatisfied expression on his face. " i-i apologize, general, but, some of our soldiers spotted someone walking towards this direction. from the same direction that we did." the soldier held his fists in front of himself respectfully. " from the same direction? do you mean this person came from out of the forest?" the cold general asked. " yes, general." the soldier replied. " hmm, ok then. keep an eye on this person, and set up a defensive line. i will be there after speaking with the elder." the cold general, general Luca, said. " yes, i understand, general. i will take my leave." the soldier said, as he turned his horse around, before leaving. he understood what the cold general meant, ' i am talking to the elder right now, so don't disturb us again. when i am done, i will come and deal with this person you are talking about.' this was what he got from the exchange.


At the west gate.

" for crying out loud, what are you doing, Kaiden?" Opening his eyes, Kaiden saw a girl shorter than him by about 2 heads, with the same kind of braid as him, and a blue four leaf lotus mark on her forehead. " big sis aliyah!" The youth, Kaiden called out. weng weng weng! ' something feels....odd.' The man looked down at his sword, which was still vibrating. He had seen the girl knock the sword off course with the back of her fist, but he still felt like he was missing something. " scared of being attacked, scared of attacking, and now even getting saved by a little girl! how pitiful..." The soldier put on a regretful expression. snap! The sound of something snapping rang out, as veins bulged on the girl's forehead. "hii! oh no...he said it..." Kaiden hurriedly covered his mouth in shock, as the color drained from his face.

" who...did you call little, you bastard?" Aliyah said through gritted teeth, as she glared at the soldier. " hmm? did you say some thing, LITTLE. GIRL?" The soldier said with a provoking tone. " humph! how about i show you how little i am?" Aliyah dissapeard from her spot. " humph!" weng weng! the sword vibrated, as she once again redirected it. she vanished and reapeard multiple times, at either the sides or the front. " oi oi, what the hell is this? first is a scaredy cat kid, and now a foolish LITTLE GIRL? you keep attacking me from the front and sides, are you an idiot? if you want to get a hit in, then you should at least try to attack my back! but then again, i guess this is all that LITTLE GIRL brain of yours can come up with." The soldier said.

" well whatever, i guess i will kill you two now. or maybe i should keep the girl to play with later?" The soldier mumbled. " you are the fool. didn't you know that cocky bastards die early? and horny ones die even eariler." Aliyah said poisonously. " humph! i will deal with you later, but i will kill that coward now. huh?" The man suddenly looked down at his arm. " you fool. you fucking fool. didn't i tell you? horny bastards die early. did you really think that i couldn't attack you from behind? i purposefully attacked where you would be able to respond to. did you think that i redirected your filthy sword for fun? everytime my hand touched that sword, i injected some of my lightning qi into it, and it traveled up to your arm. you can't feel it, can you? your arm is so numb, that you couldn't lift it if it were empty, let alone with that heavy sword." Aliyah spoke non stop, with a cold look in her eyes.

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