
Heaven City

2 days later.

Despite waking early, when the 3 arrived at heaven city, the sun was already going down.

The small city was only slightly bigger than star city, it's streets paved with bricks.

As the day was coming to an end, many vendors were paking up their things.

After asking around, the 3 found an inn to stay in for the night and went to sleep.

Without much thought, levi left the inn, walking around the city in the dead of night.

He climbed up a tall tree and sat in it, the cold wind causing him to fold his arms to keep himself warm.

He sat in the tree, looking into the distance as if remembering something.

" I will become the strongest...." He mumbled.

He was so accustomed to sleeping outside that his eyes gradually closed, as he fell asleep in the tree.

Noah, who followed him out sighed.

He took Levi down from the tree and took him back to the inn.

Next morning.

Levi opened his eyes, but the scene of clouds in the sky didn't greet him.

Instead, he was in a room, on a bed with a blanket covering him, the short sword and knife beside his bed.

He got up and went to clean himself up.

When he went downstairs, he saw ava and noah shoveling down breakfast.

" Little levi, come down and eat something!" Ava waved happily.

Levi walked down and sat beside them and picked up a spoon.

There was a bowl of soup with an alluring smell.

Ava watched in anticipation.

Levi lifted the spoon into his mouth, but his expression remained the same.

" Is it really good?" ava asked.

levi nodded slightly, before continuing.

" Do you know, little Levi? There are only 7 known cultivation levels." Ava suddenly said, causing Levi to look up at her.

When he looked up, he saw ava looking at him with a smile.

" First is the qi absorption levels, second is the qi refining levels...." She paused.

" Then the mind opening realm, heaven and earth stage, universal harmony, void, and finally, supreme king." She said.

"....Why are there so little?" Levi asked after a while.

" That's because no one has ever reached a higher level than supreme king. And even now, they aren't many who are even close to that stage." She said with a smile.

"...Why...do people cultivate?" Levi asked after a slight pause.

He knew that the world was ruled by the strong, which made everyone want to be powerful.

But was that the only reason?

" Hmm, people cultivate for different reasons. Some believe cultivation is the key to immortality, while others want to be able to enjoy the pleasures of power, being served and having people bow beneath their feet." Ava said.

" Why do people think that cultivation is the key to immortality?" Levi asked, he found the thought of living forever to be quite a stretch.

" Because our lifespans increase with every level, many people think that if they reach the peak of cultivation, that their lifespans will be infinitely increased." Ava replied, as Levi silently mused over the information.

After a few more minutes, they decided to leave.

Levi wanted to pay for his own food, but ava insisted that she pay instead.

Then they left the inn. " Where are we going?" Levi asked.

" We are going to pick up a cute young master that we recruited before going to star city."

" Oh, speaking of which, both of you should be about the same age, so get along, k!" Ava hummed a tune while walking.

After a while the arrived at a gate, it read ***** clan.

Two guards were at the gate, when they saw Ava and Noah, their faces showed disgust, but they didn't dare say anything.

" Seems like these people don't like you two." Levi said, glancing at their expressions.

Noah was indifferent while Ava still had her signature smile.

They walked toward a courtyard.

In front of it was a stone bench under a large tree, with 2 people under it.

One was sitting on the bench while the other was standing, one was shouting while the other was ignoring.

The boy sitting on the bench had long silky black hair, watery black eyes and pink lips.

He could even be mistaken for a girl.

The person shouting was a middle aged man with short black hair and a sturdy looking body.

He had a sword scar over his left eye.

" What were you thinking!? Deciding to go to a devil sect?!" The middle aged man shouted.

The boy, however, just sat with his eyes half closed, ignoring everything said by his father.

Suddenly he caught sight of 3 figures walking in his direction.

His eyes sparkled when he saw who they were.

Disregarding his old man, he got up and ran towards the 3 figures.

" Senior brother, senior sister." He said, then looked toward Levi.

Noah was nodding while looking at ava as if saying 'call me senior brother!'.

Ava, completely ignoring noah's pleading gaze, introduced levi to the boy.

" Ryan, this is levi, he will also be joining the sect. Levi, this is Ryan." She explained.

" Nice to meet you." Ryan said with a slight smile.

Levi merely nodded, he didn't want to get involved with too many people.

" Don't mind him, he's like this with everyone." Noah explained.

Ryan looked at Levi again before nodding.

Just as they were about to leave, ryan's father shouted.

" You damned brat! Don't come crying to me if you die!" He then stomped off in a huff.

Ryan was still ignoring him.

That old man of his was too overprotective, if not, would he look even more delicate than a girl?!

Just thinking about it pissed him off.

They walked back to the city gate and were about to leave, when they saw a group of 3 people, two senior brothers and what looked to be a new disciple.

" Well if it isn't the demonic god sect!" One of them shouted.

The other one and the new disciple didn't say anything, eyes flashing with disdain.

" Oh? The sun sect? What do you clowns want?" Noah asked indifferently.

" Oh brother Noah, don't be like that now! You trash from the devil sect kidnapped more children, i see? A pity." The sun sect disciple spoke with a smile, which was dripping viciousness and bloodlust, with a touch of disdain.

" What a bunch of hypocrites." Levi's cold voice rang out, startling everyone.

Most of the time he just kept silent, but he found that the more he watched people, the more repulsed he became.

The sun sect disciples looked at Levi coldly, radiating killing intent.

He also looked at them coldly.

" You are angry because i told the truth? Want to kill me? Come and try!" Levi didn't notice but his body was emitting a sparse blood mist, this mist gave off a murderous feeling.

" Little demon's like you should die early!" The sun sect's disciple struck out with his palm.

"!!" Although he said that, he didn't think that the disciple would actually attack him.

Beads of sweat fomred on his forehead as he tried to dodge to the side, to no avail.

Ava and Noah also didn't think that he would attack, and reacted slower.

" Ughh!" By the time they reacted, levi was hit by the palm strike and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The blood froze in the air and went back into his mouth.

Levi stood up straight and looked coldly at the stupefied sun sect disciple, still slightly shaken.


At this moment a loud crashing sound rang out and the sun sect desciple stumbled back a few steps.

Ava, with her hands coated in a vast amount of qi attacked.

" You bastard! what the hell do you think you're doing!?!" The current Ava was nothing like her regular self.

Veins on her forehead were bulging and she was releasing a terrifying killing intent.

As she was about to attack again, the silent sun sect disciple appeared in front of his sect mate.

" Enough." He said one word.

Ava ignored him and struck out.

Seeing this, the sun sect disciple sneered as he slashed out with his sword, aiming for her neck.

boom! clank!

A deafening boom rang out, along with a metallic clanking sound.

Noah appeared between them and stopped both attacks, a palm to stop a palm, a fist to stop a sword.

The sword cracked as noah looked at the sun sect disciple, eyes literally spitting fire.

Noah used his now free hand to punch out, knocking the sun sect disciple backward, causing him to vomit a mouthful blood.

" Piss off!" Noah shouted coldly.

" You! You'll regret this!" The disciple shouted before Unsteadily walking away with his fellow disciples.

The girl that they recruited looked at them one more time as if trying to remember their faces.

When they left, Ava, who calmed down quite a bit, said happily.

" Yay! Noah you're so stron-" Before she could finish, a loud slapping sound rang out.

Ava turned to look at Noah in disbelief, what she saw shocked her.

Noah was angrily glaring at her.

" What the hell do you think you're doing?! Just now, he could have killed you! Do you think this is a joke!?." Ava and ryan were shocked, while Levi just watched the scene silently.

" No-noah..." She tried to say something.

" Enough! We are going back to the sect now! And i expect you to behave yourself on the way!" He turned around and started walking.

Levi calmly followed behind him without a word.

Ryan pulled a dazed ava and caught up.

Night time.

They were in a lush green forest, leaves rustling occasionally as the wind blew.

Noah was still angry and his face was definitely showing it.

He didn't say anything as he sat by the small fire.

Ava went up to him.

"U..um, Noah, i know i was wrong, so can you please forgive me?"

Noah glanced at her but said nothing.

In fact, he wasn't angry anymore, but if he forgave her so easily, wouldn't she just do that same kind of nonsense again?

So he just ignored her apology and kept looking into the fire.

At that moment ava said something that made him fall over.

" If you forgive me, i'll become your girlfriend for a week!" Lying on the ground, noah was cursing in his heart.

' Did she get kicked in the head by a donkey?!'

Levi was leaning against a rock while trying to go to sleep.

" hey, how about we become friends?" At this moment, ryan's voice rang out, bringing him back from wonderland.

Levi looked at this female looking male. "....I'm not interested."

Levi's eyes darkened as certain memories flashed through his head.

He closed his eyes again.

Ryan's voice rang out again. " But I'M interested in you."

Levi opened his eyes and looked at ryan strangely, while inching further away from him.

" Ah, not like that! I mean i want to become your friend." Ryan explained.

" If i become your friend, will you shut up?" Levi asked.

" Yes." Ryan instantly answered.

" Fine." Levi went back to his rock and closed his eyes again.

Ryan tied his long hair and then spread a cloth on the ground before closing his eyes.

' Why does he have to sleep so close to me?' Levi peeked through his eyelid, annoyed.

Next chapter