
To kill a mockingspy

"My, my, isn't this a pleasant surprise"

"Hi, Patrick", smiled Julian with his usual fag between the lips, making his way towards the Siren's owner. The club was almost empty at the first hour of the morning, and the few men that came in belonged to one or the other leader. Patrick was a tall, blonde young man, thoroughly dressed up to the last fashion. He stood up as soon as he saw his rival enter and courtously walked behind the bar to play the bartender for the guests.

"What should it be?"

"Some ice water should do it. I'm not here to lower your profits".

"I'm grateful, really".

Julian took the glass with his left hand and delicately shook the cigaret ash in the water.

"So, did you think it through?"

"It's out of the question, Patrick. I'm keeping the business. I've worked really hard to lay my hands on it, you know."

Patrick made an anxious gesture.

"We've been through thos before, Julian. I already told you, I'm gonna pay".

"I'm not interested."

Julian looked away for a few moments, than said in a changed tone:

"In the money, perhaps. But there's something else to bargain with. I've got your woman."

And he turned his head to meet the other's eyes. Julian lifted one eyebrow in wonder.

"What's that got to do with the business?"

Patrick remained stock-still for a moment.


"I'm telling you, resumed Julian calmly, I'm not selling this. You're welcome to take it from me if you feel up to it, but stop playing dirty tricks. I'm not buying, either."

And he stepped out humming.


"You, too, should go in", Klara said as she stepped out of the bathroom. "Here", she added, handing him a towel from the cupboard. "There's clean clothes inside, take some."

She headed to the kitchen.

"I'll make some tea.  If you'd rather have coffe, suit yourself afterwards."

Daniel went in without answering. Klara cracked a smile as she turned on the gas and poured the water.

Her face instantly froze when she accidentaly glanced out on the window. There was dust rising at the end of the street. It's too early to be him.. Good thing I let the men go, otherwise there'd be a bloodshed..

She went to the bathroom's door and slowly turned around the key, covering the sound with the voice.

"I'll be outside with the tea. Take your time."

She's rather talkative, isn't she, he thought. I sort of expected a gloomier mood..

He heard the front door open and close, and then silence. This feels good, the cold water..

Bum!! A... gunshot? What the..

Daniel had just put on the jeans when he jumped to the door. It's locked! He took a moment to understand. That... woman! The door opened after two strong kicks. In two moments he was slamming to the wall the main door and rushed outside, arming his pistol. A car was just heading out to the street as Daniel almost stumbled in the corpse on the stairs. The black car was already gone. Wasn't that...? Daniel blabbed out a curse seeing the dead man's face. Jack...